how many assignments should an upper division course have?

by Germaine Jacobi PhD 4 min read

Why don’t CCS offer upper division classes?

• Currency: More currency in the field of study than foundational lower division courses. • Practicums, workforce training, and/or apprenticeships • Assignments: o Should require lower division knowledge and apply that knowledge as demonstrated measures of critical thinking through writing, oral communication, and/or computation.

What is an upper division class called?

Understand; Many New Concepts (130 wpm) 17 pages per hour: 13 pages per hour: 10 pages per hour: Engage; No New Concepts (130 wpm) 17 pages per hour: 13 pages per hour: 10 pages per hour: Engage; Some New Concepts (90 wpm) 12 pages per hour: 9 pages per hour: 7 pages per hour: Engage; Many New Concepts (65 wpm) 9 pages per hour: 7 pages per hour: 5 pages per …

What is transitioning from lower division to upper division?

 · While many upper division courses may indeed be more difficult, they often have smaller class sizes, creating a more interactive learning environment for students. “Another thing that was really different about [my first upper division class] was that the class size was relatively small,” Barak said. “It gave the class more of a chance ...

What are GES and upper divs?

 · It follows, then, that CCs do not offer any upper division classes. Example: A student who wishes to study sociology at UCLA must take three preparatory, lower division classes, and 11 upper division classes. The lower division classes are: Sociology 1 One statistics course (four choices given) Sociology 20 (research methods)

How much homework should a college student have?

The old rule of thumb for homework is that a college student should spend two hours studying outside of class for each Carnegie credit hour. A student taking a 16-hour course load should devote roughly 32 hours a week to homework, spending a total of 48 hours each week dedicated to academics.

How hard is a 300 level class?

300-Level and 400-Level Courses Such courses are at an advanced-undergraduate level of difficulty, and are generally taken by majors, minors, and other students with a well-defined interest and demonstrated ability in a particular subject area.

How much should we assign estimating out of class workload?

A commonly shared rule of thumb is that you should expect your students to take three times longer than you on assignments and exams.

How much homework is too much in college?

A research study performed by Stanford University in 2013 revealed too much student comes with several negative consequences. It suggested that it will be counter-productive to spend more than two hours on your homework. The best approach when issuing homework is to do it in moderation.

What is a Level 400 class?

400-level course designation Advanced upper-division courses, seminars, practicums, or internships for majors and upper- division students.

What is a 500-level professor?

500- vs. A 500-level graduate course builds on advanced undergraduate and/or graduate courses, dealing with the frontiers of knowledge in the field. It is grounded in theories, hypotheses, and methodologies as expounded in current and/or primary literature sources.

How is faculty workload calculated?

Faculty workload is calculated by assigning values to lectures and labs separately. Values are also assigned to courses based on the number of students enrolled. FTE is based on credit contact hours taught, (L or B), or number of students enrolled, (N, S, A, or R).

What to do when you have too many assignments?

5 Tips for Dealing with “Too Much” HomeworkDon't be a perfectionist. There's an old principle of Pareto's that's been adapted to business (specifically management) called the 80-20 rule. ... Do your homework as soon as it's assigned to you. ... Eliminate distractions. ... Track your time. ... Accept homework.

How many essays does the average college student write?

On average, college students will write about 10 to 15 essays each semester. That's averages out to 40 to 60 pages of writing. English classes or writing courses will have the most essay writing assignments.

How much homework does the average college student get?

In college, a good rule of thumb for homework estimates that for each college credit you take, you'll spend one hour in the classroom and two to three hours on homework each week. These homework tasks can include readings, working on assignments, or studying for exams.

Is 5 hours of homework too much?

Pope and her colleagues found that too much homework can diminish its effectiveness and even be counterproductive. They cite prior research indicating that homework benefits plateau at about two hours per night, and that 90 minutes to two and a half hours is optimal for high school.

Why do teachers give so much homework?

They give out many assignments to make sure that kids are actually comprehending the material. Teachers want their students to be able to fully understand the topics they are learning. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were a lot more ways to understand what was being taught when students were actually at school.

Estimation Details

Somewhat surprisingly, there is very little research about the amount of time it takes the average college student to complete common academic tasks.


Aaronson, Doris, and Steven Ferres. “Lexical Categories and Reading Tasks.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 9, no. 5 (1983): 675–99. doi:10.1037/0096-1523.9.5.675.

Also on Rice Center for Teaching Excellence

"How much should I assign?" is one of the most basic questions teachers …

What is upper division?

The upper division portion of an undergraduate education is where the student drills down on the specifics of their academic major of choice, taking numerous classes very particular to a discipline, and if applicable, a certain concentration or academic 'track’ within that discipline.

How many years of college do you need to be an undergraduate?

But first, a little summary of undergraduate education…. Modern undergraduate education in the United States generally lasts four years; 8 semesters or 12 quarters, excluding off-season supplementary sessions.

Faxinator New Member

Right now I'm enrolled at St. Petersburg College to finish the Associate degree I started back in 1979. After getting my degree track finally sorted out yesterday, I am only 25 credits (8 classes and one lab) short of my degree.#N#Looking ahead, I've been interested in going on to the next level and completing a 4-year degree.

japhy4529 House Bassist

Right now I'm enrolled at St. Petersburg College to finish the Associate degree I started back in 1979. After getting my degree track finally sorted out yesterday, I am only 25 credits (8 classes and one lab) short of my degree.

spmoran Member

300 and 400 level courses are *generally* considered upper division or upper level.

CoachTurner Member

Upper level courses are those typically taken in the junior and senior years of a four year program.

Randell1234 Moderator Staff Member

Right now I'm enrolled at St. Petersburg College to finish the Associate degree I started back in 1979. After getting my degree track finally sorted out yesterday, I am only 25 credits (8 classes and one lab) short of my degree.

June New Member

Does TESC have limits on how much credit can come from a community college?

Vincey37 New Member

Does TESC have limits on how much credit can come from a community college?

Will Professors Fail Students For Missing Assignments?

It is almost never the case where professors would fail students due to missing assignments. Firstly, missing assignments do not imply a student is doing badly in class, students might encounter difficulty doing the assignment, or they were busy with other class materials or personal schedules.

Can You Still Get Partial-Credit For Missing Assignment?

So what’s the likelihood your professors will offer partial credit? Often the case, professors will always consider partial credit for late or missing assignments near the end of the semester.

Will It Leave Bad Records In Your Transcript?

Academic conduct like missing assignments will not impact the reputation or record of your transcripts at all. Unlike cheating, missing assignments will only directly impact your score rather than receiving an F grade for cheating.

How Much Will Missing Assignment Impact Grades

It is equally disadvantageous for professors to assign a low grade compared to students receiving them. A particular class grade distribution by a professor is often monitored and regulated by upper-division school faculty to evaluate the overall performance of both students and professors.


Is it usually acceptable to miss one or two assignments that will not affect your grades or get you into trouble.
