how long will it take to do a us military course

by Carolanne Ward 7 min read

Basic Combat Training comes in three phases and lasts about ten weeks, depending on your military occupational specialty (MOS). After you graduate from basic training, you will undergo two additional phases of training, known as Advanced Individual Training, where you will learn the job skills required of your MOS.Apr 11, 2019

Full Answer

How long is basic training in the military?

(Staff Sgt. J. Byers/U.S. Army Reserve) Not all military basic trainings are created equally, and how long you'll have drill instructors yelling at you depends on your service branch: Army Basic Combat Training (BCT) lasts nine weeks.

How long does it take to become a soldier?

BECOMING A SOLDIER. How long will it take for you to join? The first step to becoming a Soldier is talking to a recruiter. He or she will guide you through the process of enlistment. Then, you will attend Basic Combat Training (BCT) and learn the ins and outs of being a Soldier. After Basic, you will enter Advanced Individual Training (AIT), ...

How long does it take to get active duty in the Army?

Keeping the above in mind, the Army offers active duty (full-time) enlistment periods from two years to five years (only certain jobs are available for two and three-year enlistees).

How long is Advanced Individual Training in the Army?

After graduating from Army basic training, soldiers then begin Advanced Individual Training, which can last anywhere from three weeks to two years, depending on the chosen Military Occupational Specialty. The Army's nearly 200 specialties range from military intelligence to cyber operations to aviation.

How long does it take to complete military?

Most first-term enlistments require a commitment to four years of active duty and two years of inactive (Individual Ready Reserve, or IRR). But the services also offer programs with two-, three- and six-year active-duty or reserve enlistments. It depends upon the service and the job you want.

How long should you train for the military?

4-6 monthsTo be safe, give yourself 4-6 months to focus on training for the tasks of your future military branch and job. By then, you will be more than ready to exceed the standards.

How long is USA basic training?

seven and a half weeksBMT is now seven and a half weeks long versus eight; and graduation ceremonies are now open to a limited number of guests and are also live-streamed on social media.

Do you get paid in basic training?

Pay for BMT depends upon your rank. Every enlisted recruit starts out as an E1, and can expect an annual salary of around $20,170.80. BMT is 10 weeks, so the average E1 payment for basic training is around $3,800 plus meals and housing.

What do you eat in the military?

Most military chow halls today include an extensive salad bar, a station for full meals such as fried chicken, seafood, Mexican food and pastas, along with a snack line that includes hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, fries and other junk-food items. Plus, you're allowed to consume sodas and dessert!

Do they take your phone at basic training?

Recruits in many Army basic training platoons are now allowed to use personal cell phones to call friends and families, send text messages, and update their social media status.

How long is navy training?

eight to 10 weeksFrom Naval Service Training Command Public Affairs - Recruit Training Command (RTC), the Navy's enlisted boot camp, has extended the duration of its basic military training (BMT) program from eight to 10 weeks.

How do I get into military training?

Civilians can't get genuine military training without enlisting. However, you can get training similar to basic army training by joining a military school or a private military-style course or academy. Additionally, you can find SMEs to teach you abilities like shooting, survival, and endurance.

What is basic combat training?

Basic Combat Training is your first introduction to Army life. You’ll learn the ins and outs of being a Soldier. The Army has three categories of Soldiers: Enlisted Soldiers, Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers. , including Army traditions and values.

What are the three categories of soldiers in the Army?

The Army has three categories of Soldiers: Enlisted Soldiers, Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers. . After Basic, you will enter Advanced Individual Training (AIT), where you will learn how to perform your Army job.

What is the Army's basic training?

What is Army basic training? Army basic combat training—also known as "boot camp"—is the first step in joining the Army and prepares civilians to become soldiers. During this intense introductory training period, enlisted soldiers develop tactical, combat, survival and teamwork skills.

How long is the Army warrior phase?

This final, four-week period—also known as "the Warrior Phase"—is the most challenging part of Army basic training and the last step toward becoming a soldier. Skills developed and challenges faced each week include:

What is the difference between a warrior and a battle?

The Army teaches both warrior tasks and battle drills during basic training. Warrior task s are individual survival skills, while battle skills are team exercises used in combat. Warrior tasks include the ability to: Perform in combat: Learn to use a variety of guns, weapons and related technology safely and effectively.

What is the red phase in the army?

During the three-week red phase, trainees learn discipline, Army values and teamwork. This is the initial training period during which they adjust to their new lifestyle in the Army. They learn the Warrior Ethos, Soldier's Creed and how to march in formation. Each week includes the following:

How long is Victory Forge training?

Also known as "Victory Forge Week," this is when trainees demonstrate everything they have learned throughout basic training. Trainees spend three days at Victory Forge, during which they must navigate a course that tests their physical, mental, survival and combat skills.

How many specialties does the Army have?

The Army's nearly 200 specialties range from military intelligence to cyber operations to aviation. Successful completion of Army basic training prepares soldiers for this advanced training as well as a career in the military.

How old do you have to be to join the army?

To qualify to join the Army and enter basic training, you must: Be a United States citizen or resident alien. Be 17 to 34 years old. Have graduated from high school. Have fewer than two people who depend on you for income. Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test.

How long does it take to join the military?

Everyone who enlists in the United States Military, whether it's for active duty (full time) or National Guard/Reserves (part-time) incurs a minimum eight-year service obligation. That's right — when you sign on the dotted line, you commit yourself for eight years.

How long is the Army active duty?

Keeping the above in mind, the Army offers active duty (full-time) enlistment periods from two years to five years (only certain jobs are available for two and three-year enlistees). The Navy will offer a two-year active duty enlistment, but they couple it with a two or four-year active (drilling) Navy Reserve commitment.

How long is the IRR commitment?

You actually have an eight-year commitment but you can perform this commitment as an active duty member, a Reservist, or Individual Ready Reservist (IRR). The National Call to Service - All of the services also participate in the Congressional - mandated National Call to Service Program.

What is the balance of serving in the military?

The Balance. Serving in the military is a commitment for both the person "reporting for duty" and also for the military. There is a contract a military enlistee will sign to serve a certain number of years, but the military also guarantees you a paycheck, living quarters, food, clothing, medical and dental care, and training.

How many weeks a year do you have to drill in the National Guard?

The Reserves or National Guard duty is a part-time soldier but a way to complete your commitment with the military by going to drill one weekend per month, and two weeks per year. You are subject to be called to active duty should the need arise.

How long do you have to be on active duty to be recalled?

At the end of the two years, you separate from active duty. For the next six years , you are subject to recall to active duty at any time, if the Army feels they need you to help supplement active duty or reserve deployments.

How long is the IRR?

However, most of these contracts are four to six years of active duty followed by the remaining years in ...

Navy SEALs

Navy Sea, Air, Land (SEAL) training is approximately 71 weeks from entry into Navy Recruit Training (8 weeks), completion of Naval Special Warfare Preparatory School ( 8 weeks), Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training (24 weeks), Navy Special Warfare Parachute Course (5 weeks), and SEAL Qualification Training (26 weeks), for a grand total of a little over 16 months of training to earn the Special Warfare insignia (SEAL “Trident”)..

U.S. Army Special Forces (SF)

All Army Special Forces troops are ground combat specialist NCOs, senior NCOs, and officers who in addition to foreign language and culture specializations are qualified trainers, instructors, advisors, and leaders in their second language, who specialize in five primary missions: unconventional warfare (the original and most important mission of Special Forces), foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and counter-terrorism..


Navy SEALs are sailors with extensive dive experience, parachute qualification, and ground combat training, who specialize in conducting small-unit maritime military operations that originate from and return to, a river, ocean, swamp, delta, or coastline.

What do you have to do if you are selected by the CIA?

If you are selected by the CIA, you will have to divulge all your financial information (yearly), submit to a polygraph (yearly), hold a pseudonym and more or less tell everyone you work for DoD or some other agency.

Can you get all of that in the Marines?

Can't speak for the other branches, but you can get all of that in the Marine Corps. In the Marines, regardless of MOS, you are going to be trained in combat. A lot of the other branches, I think, do not offer this (don't quote me). You have to go to basic combat school in any MOS in the marines or SOI (school of Infantry) if you are in the 03 infantry field. Either way, in almost all MOS's in the Marine Corps, you will be carrying your weapon and be out in the field a majority of the time, and the training is good. The decision is really what you want as well.

Do you have to go to combat school in the Marines?

You have to go to basic combat school in any MOS in the marines or SOI (school of Infantry) if you are in the 03 infantry field. Either way, in almost all MOS's in the Marine Corps, you will be carrying your weapon and be out in the field a majority of the time, and the training is good.

Is it a problem to have a tattoo in the military?

Each branch has slightly different rules when it comes to visible tattoos, and some of that depends on the job you have in the military. As a general rule, as long as the tattoos aren't found to be offensive, then it generally isn't a problem.

How long is basic training in the army?

Nine weeks is the answer to how long is Army Basic Training unless extenuating circumstances cause a recruit to be recycled because of problems progressing through the various training phases. Recruits spend additional time training for their MOS in AIT after graduating from Basic Training.

What is the first exercise recruits are subjected to?

One of the first exercises recruits are subjected to is the bag drill , which entails their bags being dumped into a big pile. Pressured by a short time limit, the recruits must locate their personal items. Immediately, the recruits learn the importance of working together.

How long does AIT last?

The length of AIT varies depending on the recruits’ MOS. AIT can last anywhere from three weeks to almost two years. At the start of AIT, recruits are in Phase IV. Once they move into Phase V, recruits may receive additional privileges, such as applying for off-post passes or using their cell phones.
