how long was tlog course

by Carlo Armstrong Jr. 4 min read


Full Answer

What is T-log and how do I use it?

T-Log allows you to collect and communicate day-to-day information and progress notes with other staff members who can add follow ups and share in a HIPAA compliant way. Who can view T-Logs which are created without an individual?

What is T log in therap?

T-Log Overview Therap's T-Log module offers a simple and effective way for agencies to enter and share daily shift notes, case notes, contact notes or logs efficiently. T-Log allows you to collect and communicate day-to-day information and progress notes with other staff members who can add follow ups and share in a HIPAA compliant way.

Who can view my T-log?

Any user who has access to the Program via an individual in their caseload can view the T-Log without an individual that you have created. This is applicable for both current and prior enrollments... Why can't I delete a T-Log? If you cannot delete a T-Log, then you either do not have the T-Log Delete role, or the T-Log is more than 31 days old.

How long is Army logistics CCC?

Phases and VariationsTitleATTRS Course #LengthCaptains Career Course6-8-C229 WeeksCombined Logistics Captains Career Course Phase II6-8-C22(CLC3)5 WeeksMedical Corps Course6-8-C22(MC)2 WeeksReserve Component Course6-8-C22(RC)2 Weeks

What is Gcss Army middle managers course?

The Troop Schools courses are based upon training requirements requested by installation commanders to ensure proper certifications to conduct garrison and deployment mission requirements. Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A) Middle Managers Course Instructor.

What is a logistics officer in the Army?

A logistics officer is a member of an armed force or coast guard responsible for overseeing the support of an army, air force, marine corps, navy or coast guard fleet, both at home and abroad.

How long is Army logistics Bolc?

16-weekLogistics Basic Officer Leadership Course (LOG-BOLC), is a 16-week course conducted at the Army Logistics University (ALU) located at Fort Lee, Virginia. Graduates will function as platoon leaders capable of performing common Soldier and leader skills in Quartermaster, Ordnance and Transportation units.

What is Gcss-army certification?

The GCSS-Army Training and Certification system (GTRAC) is the source for current web based training for GCSS-Army. The GCSS-Army WBT is a pre-requisite for the New Equipment Training (NET) taught in the classroom just prior to going live. The GCSS-Army WBT should be completed 1-2 weeks before NET training begins.

Is logistics a stressful job?

Stress in logistic and supply is a common factor: due to non-availability, of materials, components, disruption in production, transportation, shipment of goods at the right time to meet the target of production. The common issues in supply lead to stress for the management.

Is a career in logistics good?

It's been dubbed a “Best Business Job” That's right! U.S. News & World Report ranked logistician number 18 on their 2020 Best Business Jobs list. Several factors contribute to these rankings, including median salary, unemployment rate, job prospects, work-life balance and stress level.

How do I become a logistician?

Logisticians may qualify for some positions with an associate's degree. However, due to complex logistics and supply chains, companies prefer to hire workers who have at least a bachelor's degree. Logisticians typically have a bachelor's degree in logistics and supply chain management, business, or a related field.

Course content

The main focus of this course will be the various logistics systems and technologies in material handling, warehouse, and distribution, as well as an introduction to automation and robotics, and the application of digitalization in the fields mentioned above.

Learning outcome

KNOWLEDGE: The course is designed to fulfill the needs of logistics engineers for knowledge of advanced systems in logistics systems, material handling, warehouse systems, automation, and digitized solutions. INNOVATION, DIGITALIZATION AND ETHICS: This topic is heavily involved in innovative and digital solutions.

Further on evaluation

The exam as well as the resit exam are in digital form. Compulsory exercises and semester project must be approved to be admitted to the exam. Resit exam is held in May/June. The resit exam can be held orally. For a re-take of the examination, all assessments in the portfolio must be re-taken.

Course content

Academic content: Organizational models, project as working method, project selection, project organization, frameworks, objectives, success criteria and success factors, phase section, project organization, project roles, quality assurance, project decomposition, Futures planning, cost estimation, risk in projects, project tracking, progress tracking, cost management, reporting, planning tools..

Learning outcome

Learning outcome: Knowledge -Candidate should be knowledgeable about different organizational models -The candidate should be knowledgeable about what characterizes projects as working conditions -The candidate should be knowledgeable about the characteristics of successful project implementations -The candidate should have knowledge of methods, tools and processes for-planning and management of projects Skill -The candidate should be able to use methods, processes and tools for planning and managing projects.

Learning methods and activities

Teaching methods and activities: Lectures Theoretical exercises Exercises, volunteers and mandatory-min 2/3 approved. TLOG2007 and TLOG2015 have joint teaching.

Further on evaluation

Requirements for a minimum of 2/3 approved exercises of the total number, to be able to step up to the exam. Supporting code: D, no print or handwritten aids allowed. Fixed, simple calculator allowed. Calculator: Simple Type calculator as specified on innsida.

Specific conditions

Compulsory activities from previous semester may be approved by the department.

Required previous knowledge

Access to the subject assumes the study right by Bachelor degree in engineering, NTNU.

When do T-logs expire?

T-Logs expire from the ‘To Do’ tab on the Dashboard after a certain time depending on the notification levels. T-Log entries having notification levels Low, Medium and High, expire after 3, 5, and 8...

Can you create a T-Log without assigning an individual?

You can create a T-Log without assigning an individual if your Administrator has enabled this option for your agency. If you have the 'T-Log Program Access module' role , the ' Create T-Log without...

Can you delete a T-log entry?

T-Log entries that have been submitted can be deleted only if you have the ‘T-Log Delete’ role. When a user having that role opens the T-Log, there will be a ‘ Delete ’ button located at the bottom...

Can you view a T-Log without an individual?

Any user who has access to the Program via an individual in their caseload can view the T-Log without an individual that you have created. This is applicable for both current and prior enrollments...
