how long tefl course

by Dr. Trey Pfeffer MD 5 min read

How long does it take to complete a 120-hour TEFL course?

A 120-hour TEFL course will take 120 hours to complete… but how many weeks or months of study does that actually involve? Do you have to study at specific times, or can you work through the course at your own pace?

What is a weekend TEFL course?

A weekend TEFL course is 20 hours’ intensive TEFL learning over (unsurprisingly) a weekend, and gives you an insight into the techniques and methodology behind English language teaching, as well as the chance to practise some hands-on group teaching.

Are your TEFL courses held in the UK and Ireland?

Our classroom TEFL courses are held in the UK and Ireland over a single weekend, or three consecutive weekdays. If you’re based elsewhere, or the dates don’t suit, then our virtual classroom courses are a great option and follow the same syllabus.

What is included in the premier online TEFL course?

The largest part of our 120-hour Premier Online TEFL Course is the 50-hour online TEFL section. This covers classroom management, teaching styles, how to teach specific parts of the English language, as well as approaches to teaching various types of learners.

How long does it take to get certified in TEFL?

4 weeks to 6 monthsTypically, a fully accredited TEFL certification course will last anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months. Shorter, 4-week long courses will generally run full-time (30-40 hours per week) and are very demanding.

How many hours is a TEFL course?

120 hoursYou're probably still wondering, “How many hours of TEFL/TESOL training do I need?” and in short, 120 hours is the standard that will generally qualify you to teach abroad and online.

How long does a TEFL degree last?

A TEFL certification does not expire. Once earned, a TEFL certificate is valid for life. A TEFL certificate doesn't require any additional training or coursework to renew it, and it does not have an expiration date. You can start work immediately after receiving your TEFL certificate.

How long does it take to complete a 120-hour TEFL?

Depending on how the course is structured, a 120-hour TEFL course can take anywhere from one month to six months. Shorter courses are more intensive and require full-time study.

Is TEFL difficult?

It is very rare for any student to fail an International TEFL Academy TEFL Certification course. International TEFL Academy has a passing rate of over 90% (one of the highest passing rates of any TEFL school worldwide).

How much does a TEFL teacher earn?

So, how much do English teachers abroad get paid? Overall, a TEFL teacher's salary can vary anywhere from $600-$4,000 USD per month.

Does TEFL get you a job?

If you don't have a teaching license and are seeking an overseas teaching job, you should have both a bachelor's degree and a TEFL certificate. With these under your belt, you may be lucky enough to find ESL teaching jobs in countries such as China, Japan, and Korea.

Is becoming a TEFL teacher worth it?

Is TEFL Certification worth it? Yes. If you want to get a good teaching job and be an effective teacher for your students, then it is definitely worth it. Remember, most schools worldwide require a TEFL certification; and once you're certified you can the ball rolling on applying and interviewing for jobs.

Can you do TEFL without degree?

You do not need a Bachelor's degree to teach English abroad in many countries. Having an accredited TEFL certification is all you need to teach English in numerous destinations throughout South America, and in some parts of Europe and Asia -- no 4-year degree required.

Is CELTA better than TEFL?

TEFL refers to any certification program that trains an English speaker to teach their language to others. CELTA, on the other hand, is an intensive ESL teaching certificate, designed by Cambridge University. It is considered one of the most prestigious qualifications for teaching English abroad.

How many hours do TEFL teachers work?

However, they do expect their teachers to work for between 5 to 20 hours per week. When you teach those hours is completely up to you however and you can set your own schedule each week. Experience needed: Lingoda asks for 2 to 3 years of teaching experience plus your TEFL qualification.

What are the requirements for TEFL?

A legitimate and recognized TEFL class must have a minimum of 100 hours of coursework, 6-20+ hours of live practice teaching with non-native English learners, it must be accredited by a recognized body within the field, and it must be taught by university-level instructors.

How long is a TEFL course?

1. 150-168 hours. A great TEFL course length is one that falls between 150-168 hours. This TEFL course length will take upwards of a month to complete, giving you lots of time to get to know your host country. Plus, considering it falls on the longer end of the spectrum, you can also be assured that the material is thorough, ...

How long does it take to complete a TEFL course?

How long does it take to complete a 120-hour TEFL course? About four weeks. However, that will depend on whether you’re taking a self-paced course online, or a structured on-site course. For example, some 120-hour TEFL courses may last beyond three or four weeks abroad, because there are extra excursions or time off included with the program.

How long does it take to get a TEFL certificate?

Keep in mind that there’s overlap in TEFL course length depending on program and provider! For example, there are 150-hour courses and 120-hour courses that both take just four weeks. Shop around for the right course for your schedule and read all the fine course details prior to purchasing.

How long does it take to get a 100 hour TEFL?

100-hour TEFL courses will take about two weeks or less on-site. However, this can vary depending on whether they’re stand-alone courses or add-ons to lengthier courses. Oftentimes, 100-hour (or less) TEFL courses are introductory in nature, and don’t quite get into the meat of TEFL itself. Alternatively, they may just be “top-up” courses that grant you the opportunity to gain more in-classroom practice.

How long is a TEFL level 5?

Alternatively, if you decide to take a 150-168 hour TEFL course online rather than on-site, you won’t have to feel quite so stressed or under pressure. The TEFL Academy offers a comprehensive 168-hour Level 5 TEFL course that you can complete a majority of online (148 hours) over the course of six months (or less, if you have more time to commit), with the final 20 hours taking place in a classroom. Plus, completing a Level 5 course will earn you more pay than other certifications!

How many hours are in a TEFL course?

Online TEFL course. Online TEFL courses are usually 120 hours plus in order to meet the benchmark required by employers. You can add on specialist modules and even combine with a classroom course to give yourself a really rounded learning experience. The great thing about online TEFL courses is that they’re so flexible.

How long is a TEFL class?

This intensive TEFL course can be full time (4 weeks long) or part time (3 months long) and includes six hours of assessed teaching practise to genuine EFL classes.

How long is a weekend TEFL course?

A weekend TEFL course is 20 hours’ intensive TEFL learning over (unsurprisingly) a weekend, and gives you an insight into the techniques and methodology behind English language teaching, as well as the chance to practise some hands-on group teaching.

How long does it take to learn TEFL?

The amount of time you’ll spend studying depends entirely on the kind of course you choose to take. Getting a basic grasp of TEFL can take as little as 20 hours (in the case of a short classroom course), but getting qualified enough to confidently and effectively teach abroad can take much longer depending on the depth of learning you want ...

How long is the quiz for online English tutoring?

Take our 2-minute teaching online quiz to find out if you're eligible to start earning from home as an online English tutor!

How long does an in-class TEFL course take?

If you choose this option you will attend the training center of your choice for a period of four weeks. During this time you will complete all the theory lessons and have extensive teaching practice with authentic English language students to ensure you are ready to start work as soon as the four-week course is complete.

How long does it take to get a TEFL certificate?

Even those who prefer to study at a slower rate should find they can complete the course within one month. However, it is worth remembering that the majority of employers worldwide insist on job applicants having a TEFL certificate of at least 100 hours.

Does ITTT have a TEFL course?

There is no simple answer to this question as it depends entirely on which type of TEFL course you choose to study. At ITTT we have a range of courses that are designed to suit the various needs of our trainees, each with its own time scale for completion.

Are longer online TEFL courses more beneficial?

If you want to ensure you meet the criteria of these employers and therefore open the door to jobs offering a competitive salary, a 120-hour TEFL certificate may be more suitable. The 120-hour TEFL course includes more than enough content to satisfy the majority of employers, and is therefore a very popular choice. This course can be completed in as little as two weeks if you are extremely motivated and have few other commitments, however, most trainees should expect to spend around six to eight weeks on this course.

How long does it take to get a lifetime certificate after TEFL?

After the course completion, a student receives their lifetime validated certification via email within two weeks after the examination. Post completion of the TEFL course Henry Harvin also offers job-support to their students and guides them on interviews, which is very rare among other institutions.

How long does it take to learn tefl on Groupon?

If you do a cheapo online TEFL on Groupon then maybe 10–20 hours or less. But it’s going to be boring and you probably won’t learn or remember anything…

What is the best part of TEFL?

The best part of the TEFL course is that it enables you to access jobs and opportunities in many continents of the world.

How long does it take to complete a 120 hour program?

A 120 hour program will take about 120 hours to complete. That time is spread out over a number of weeks or months.

How many sections are there in the ed module?

The modules are well designed and split into more than 10 sections, each one addressing an important element that needs to be incorporated to become a professional teacher.

How long is a TEFL course?

Four-week in-person TEFL courses are offered in many cities and locations in the United States and around the world. You can also get TEFL certified from anywhere in the world by taking a part-time or intensive online TEFL course.

How long does it take to get a TEFL certification?

Your Online TEFL Certification Course will take 11 weeks, and your job search will typically take 2-6 months from the time you interview for jobs to your actual departure date for your destination.

What to think about when looking at TEFL courses?

When looking at TEFL courses, it is important that you think about a timeline and create a plan to successfully achieve your goal of teaching English abroad or online. You should ask yourself the following two questions, and plan accordingly:

How to get a TEFL certificate?

How to get TEFL certification? 1 Research TEFL courses & create a plan to teach English abroad or online. 2 Enroll in 4-week intensive TEFL course in-person or online. 3 Or, take an 11-week part-time online TEFL course. 4 Job search - during or after your course. 5 Interview & accept TEFL job.

How long does it take to get a job in advance?

Lining up a job in advance can take 1-5 months depending on where you want to go. Factors to consider include hiring seasons, length of interview process, how long it takes to get your visa, make your travel arrangements, etc. You should speak to an International TEFL Academy Advisor to determine how long this process will take based on ...

How long does it take to teach tefl?

Take a four-week TEFL class in the U.S. and then travel to the country where you want to teach to interview and begin teaching. Example: You want to take your TEFL course in Chicago and then travel to Spain to interview and begin your English teaching job. Check out TEFL Classes in North America.

How long does it take to get a job in a destination country?

Once you arrive in your destination country, the process of interviewing and getting hired usually takes 1-3 weeks. If taking this approach, you should be sure to time your arrival in your destination country with a major hiring season to give yourself the best opportunities to land a good job quickly.
