how long should a training course last for work

by Rozella Herzog 10 min read

Full Answer

How many days do you need for a training course?

All the paperwork, budget requests, joining instructions, everything talks about a four-day programme. All the stakeholders need to sign up to a four-day programme, or the single day in the classroom is not worth doing. If you call it a one-day training course, people will allow for one day, and that is not enough.

How long does new employee training last?

New employee training is an important part of the hiring process because it teaches new hires about the company’s values, mission and goals, as well as how to be successful in their individual role. This period of instruction may last up to 90 days or longer, depending on the unique desired outcomes of the company.

How long should your workplace learning courses be?

In other words, the studies didn’t occur in your workplace with your employees, so they should be thought of as guidelines—not rules. Here’s an abbreviated look at many studies’ conclusions: Fifteen to 30 minutes is the “sweet spot”. Courses should be as long as needed, even if they’re 90 minutes.

How long does it take to train for a job?

There are many different levels of training. One way is to: - train for technical skills (variable in time determined by the skill needed) - train on safety, cost, quality, etc., basics - again depending on the job this may take 1 day to several weeks.

How long should a training program be work?

Here's an abbreviated look at many studies' conclusions: Fifteen to 30 minutes is the “sweet spot”. Courses should be as long as needed, even if they're 90 minutes. Shorter is always better.

How long should employee training last?

Onboarding Time The general consensus among HR professionals is that onboarding should take at least three months. However, research suggests companies can increase employee retention by extending onboarding throughout an employee's entire first year.

How long does training last at a new job?

New employee training is an important part of the hiring process because it teaches new hires about the company's values, mission and goals, as well as how to be successful in their individual role. This period of instruction may last up to 90 days or longer, depending on the unique desired outcomes of the company.

How long should online training last?

between 15-30 minutesThe Optimal Online Course Length Most experts confirm that a good length for a web-based course is somewhere between 15-30 minutes. This traditional opinion builds on psychological research, specific content patterns and, more often than not, gut feeling.

How often should I train my staff?

However, wherever OSHA standards require that employee training be conducted "at least annually," OSHA interprets that to mean that employees must be provided re-training at least once every 12 months (i.e., within a time period not exceeding 365 days.)

What is the minimum training hours per employee?

The employment must be full-time (a minimum of 30 hours per week). Under exceptional circumstances, Alberta Labour officials may approve a training program for more than 26 weeks but up to a maximum of 30 weeks.

How long is training for a cashier?

between one and four weeksTraining. If they have no retail experience, cashiers generally receive between one and four weeks of on-the-job training when they begin their positions. Cashiers who earn their position as a role change or an advancement from a bagging or stocking position may require less training.

How do I create a training schedule for a new employee?

How to Create a Successful Training Course or Program: 10 StepsAssess your needs and develop goals and success metrics. ... Determine the type of employee training plan. ... Keep adult learning principles in mind. ... Develop learning objectives/outline. ... Finalize your training plan. ... Design and develop training materials.More items...

What is a training plan template?

A training plan template is a document that outlines the specifics of a training program. It provides a loose structure that can be tailored around the training needs of any company. The training plan should provide a clear understanding of what must happen to meet the set training requirements.

How long is a short online course?

The length of an online course depends on the end goal you want your students to achieve. Typical online course lengths can range anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the type of course and complexity of the information you're teaching.

What is course length mean?

a a prescribed number of lessons, lectures, etc., in an educational curriculum. b the material covered in such a curriculum. 10 a prescribed regimen to be followed for a specific period of time. a course of treatment. 11 a part of a meal served at one time.

How long is a mini course?

two hoursWhen we refer to a mini course, we mean short online course that typically takes two hours or less to complete. They cover a hyper-specific topic and are often used as a marketing growth tool. And they might be repurposed content or a unit from a larger online course.

When should new employee training begin?

Some companies designate an employee’s first week to be training. While you can’t begin training your new hires in-depth until they’re actually on...

How do I know if the new employee training program is effective?

One of the best ways to measure the success of your new hire training program is to perform a pre-training assessment and a post-training assessmen...

How can I make new employee training more enjoyable?

There are several things you can do to make new employee training more enjoyable for both you and your new employees. Some things to try include ta...

What are some typical on-the-job training methods?

Some of the most common on-the-job training methods include the following: Job rotation: This form of training allows new hires to move from one ta...

How to determine training needs?

Other things to keep in mind: 1 It is critical to match the training to the needs of the organization. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for determining training needs, a needs assessment can be of great value on all levels, to aid in doing so. 2 Try to provide coverage while an employee or employees are attending training. This will help ease the stress of being away from the job. 3 Timeliness is also important. If there is a deadline to implement a new process or policy, make sure the relevant employees are trained well in advance of that deadline, to allow time to address any questions or concerns.

What is training brief?

Sometimes training can be fairly brief, to cover a new process or policy. Make sure relevant details are shared, questions are answered, and possibly a demonstration included, to ensure understanding and compliance. Other circumstances may require a different approach.

Is training a double edged sword?

It’s no secret that training is sometimes seen as a double-edged sword. Done right, few argue the value of training. The challenge can be the time it takes away from our regular duties to train or to be trained. It helps when an organization sets a culture that values employee training and makes it a priority.

Advantages and disadvantages of short courses (5-15 minutes long)

Short eLearning courses are ideal for focusing on just one, two or three learning outcomes.

Advantages and disadvantages of medium courses (20-40 minutes long)

Medium length eLearning courses are ideal for tackling four to eight learning outcomes.

So... how long should my eLearning course be?

As a rough guide, every learning outcome can equate to around five minutes of learning content, give or take.

How long does new employee training last?

This period of instruction may last up to 90 days or longer, ...

What is the most common form of training?

Some of the most common on-the-job training methods include the following: Job rotation: This form of training allows new hires to move from one task to the next helping employees understand other roles and how they relate to theirs. Coaching: Coaching provides one-on-one guidance and valuable feedback.

How to train employees?

Some of the most common on-the-job training methods include the following: 1 Job rotation: This form of training allows new hires to move from one task to the next helping employees understand other roles and how they relate to theirs. 2 Coaching: Coaching provides one-on-one guidance and valuable feedback. 3 Job instruction: Employees work to complete tasks based on step-by-step guidance with feedback from the trainer. 4 Committee assignments: Sometimes companies train new hires in groups, through hands-on collaboration. New hires build relationships as they work together to solve an organizational problem. 5 Apprenticeship: Considered a formal training method, apprenticeships provide the opportunity for people to learn specific trades like plumbing, electrical and mechanics by job shadowing an individual with higher credentials. The process typically takes three to four years before the apprentice becomes skilled enough to perform work alone.

How to make new hire training more effective?

There are several training practices that can help make new employee training more effective and beneficial for everyone involved. Here are a a few important practices to keep in mind when training new employees: 1. Determine new hire training procedures before you begin. Before you can effectively train new employees, ...

How to measure success of new hire training program?

One of the best ways to measure the success of your new hire training program is to perform a pre-training assessment and a post-training assessment or survey and compare the two findings.

Why is it important to consult with management before training new employees?

Ensure that management is on the same page before training new employees to avoid confusion and lack of structure. It’s also a good idea to consult with your current employees when developing a training process.

How to train new hires?

1. Determine new hire training procedures before you begin. Before you can effectively train new employees, you should first establish what you want your new hire to know and how you’re going to train them (online, daily meetings, etc.).

Estimating time to develop training – Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts on how to estimate the time needed to complete training projects. In my last post, I talked about how to use past development projects to create future estimates.

The two studies

There are two often cited research studies that looked into how long it takes to develop one hour of training.

What goes into an hour of training

Before using the data from these studies to form our own estimates, it’s good to understand what makes up an hour of training. In my experience, an hour of ILT training material consists of about 20-40 slides depending on the amount of presentation, discussion, and activities.

Using the industry standards

Start by choosing the output category that best matches your project. I use the average value as my initial estimate. For example, my initial estimate for a Level 2 eLearning project is 220 hours.

Parting thoughts

The studies discussed in this post are a few years old, but the data is still good for rough estimates. I’ve read that Kapp and Defelice are continuing to collect data. The article that mentioned the continuing study is from 2009, but the survey is still up and running.


Chapman, B. (2010). How Long Does it Take to Create Learning? [Research Study]. Published by Chapman Alliance LLC.


What Went Wrong?

If this scenario rings true for you, you’re not alone: Many different pressures and guidelines are involved when it comes to determining how long to make the online training you use. The truth is, training takes resources: Both the time needed to create the training, and the time it takes for every employee to consume the traini…
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What Does The Science Say?

  • I love science, but I don’t think you should take most findings on this subject too seriously. There are many variables that can affect their outcome, and the criteria used in most studies may not be similar enough to your industry to be useful. In other words, the studies didn’t occur in your workplace with your employees, so they should be thought of as guidelines—not rules. Here’s a…
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What You Should Keep in Mind to Determine The Length of Your Training Course

  • 1. On Attention Spans
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  • 2. RIP Long Form?
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