how long is the online responsible vendor course

by Justus Conn 9 min read

What happens after I pass a responsible vendor course?

Any Responsible Vendor Alcohol tri-annual update course in our online store may be taken for update credit. However, it is advised that managers choose which update learners complete. Most learners will complete the course in 30 minutes or less however, if you wish to exit the course and save your place to finish it later you may use the bookmarking feature.

What are the different types of responsible vendor training?

Responsible Vendors, Inc.’s Online Alcohol & Food Safety Courses. An annual subscription for online access entitles your team to ongoing participation in online courses throughout the year. Your team members are able to take courses on their smart phone, tablet, or PC, 24/7! A UNIQUE coupon code is created for every account in our Learning ...

What is the responsible vendor program?

When an attendee passes a Responsible Vendor Course, they will be able to access their RV cards on their Smartphones or Tablets (14-21 business days after the Course was taken). For Attendees who would like a physical copy, they can also print their RV cards (14-21 business days after the course was taken) on the ATC website.

What are the requirements for vendor training?

The classes average 2 ½ - 3 hours and include a test which must be passed in order to receive your Responsible Vendor Server Card. Our website features a list of all of the RV Classes being offered statewide so that you can easily find and schedule an RV Class.

How long is the Louisiana Responsible Vendor Program?

four yearsYour Louisiana Responsible Vendor Server Permit expires four years after the issue date. After that, you'll need to complete your alcohol seller course again.

What is the Louisiana Responsible Vendor Permit?

According to Louisiana law “any employee of a vendor who is authorized to sell or serve alcoholic beverages or tobacco products in the normal course of his or her employment or deals with customers who purchase or consume alcoholic beverages or tobacco products” must attend an RV Class and obtain an RV Server Permit ...

What is responsible vendor program?

The Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) is a free, self-monitoring program designed to help retailers adopt and enforce best practices to ensure liquor is sold responsibly and prevent illegal use and abuse.

How much does it cost to get a bar card in Louisiana? | $7.95 | Louisiana Responsible Vendor 'Bar Card' Certification.

How many ounces is a hard alcohol drink?

12 ounces of regular beer, which is usually about 5% alcohol. 5 ounces of wine, which is typically about 12% alcohol. 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, which is about 40% alcohol.

When was the Louisiana Responsible Vendor Program enacted?

1997Act 1054 of the 1997 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature enacted Revised Statute 26:931 through 26:939 to establish the Responsible Vendor Program to educate vendors, their employees, and customers about selling, serving, and consuming beverage alcohol, tobacco and tobacco products and to prevent the misuse, ...

How do I get a bar card online in Louisiana?

How to Get Your RV Bar Card in LouisianaEnroll in our ATC-approved online training program.Complete the training program.Pass the exam.Download your LA RV Bar Card from the Louisiana ATC Website 7 days after the course completion.

How many cigarettes must be in a pack for legal sale in Louisiana?

20 cigarettesA: No, state and federal law prohibit the sale of cigarettes in any packaging other than the original package from the manufacturer that contains 20 cigarettes. Q: How much is the fine for selling to a person under the legal age?

How long does a liquor license last in Louisiana?

four yearsServers must obtain a permit within 45 days from date of hire. Server Permits are valid for four years anywhere in Louisiana unless suspended or revoked. When working, servers must carry permit with one legal picture identification.

What is an annual subscription?

An annual subscription for online access entitles your team to ongoing participation in online courses throughout the year. Your team members are able to take courses on their smart phone, tablet, or PC, 24/7!

Why are online courses important?

Online Courses have become a wonderful alternative to live, in-person training for those in your work force who could never attend on site sessions.

When was the Responsible Vendor Program created?

Introduction to The Responsible Vendor Program. Since its creation in 1997, the Louisiana Responsible Vendor Program has trained and permitted thousands of servers in the state of Louisiana.

What is RV training?

RV Providers create training programs to facilitate RV Program education through the use of licensed RV Trainers. By making RV Classes available on a regular basis, these RV Providers have successfully facilitated the education and training for the thousands of bartenders, waitresses, sales clerks and other personnel that have been licensed as RV ...

How long does it take to get an RV license in Louisiana?

According to Louisiana law “any employee of a vendor who is authorized to sell or serve alcoholic beverages or tobacco products in the normal course of his or her employment or deals with customers who purchase or consume alcoholic beverages or tobacco products” must attend an RV Class and obtain an RV Server Permit within 45 days of their hire date. RV Classes are held on a regular basis throughout the state and are provided to individuals for a fee of $25 per person. The classes average 2 ½ - 3 hours and include a test which must be passed in order to receive your Responsible Vendor Server Card. Our website features a list of all of the RV Classes being offered statewide so that you can easily find and schedule an RV Class. The retail locations at which licensed servers are employed are required to keep employment records on site for inspection by ATC Enforcement Agents. ATC Enforcement Agents also routinely check the compliance of licensed vendors and their servers. Servers found to sell or serve alcohol/tobacco products in violation of Louisiana can be held liable in criminal or civil court depending on the violation. ATC Agents have begun issuing administrative citations directly to RV Servers for violations of Louisiana Title 26 violations. If you have received an administrative violation, Click Here to access the ATC Prosecutor’s Page where you can obtain information about our administrative violation process.

How much does RV class cost?

RV Classes are held on a regular basis throughout the state and are provided to individuals for a fee of $25 per person . The classes average 2 ½ - 3 hours and include a test which must be passed in order to receive your Responsible Vendor Server Card.


You can be our greatest ally and assure that the program is a success by not only attending all of the meetings but by participating in them as well.


THE RESPONSIBLE VENDOR ACT REQUIRES three positions for training and states that they must complete the initial new hire class within 30 days of hire and attend updates every 4 months:
