how to copyright a training course

by Jerad Stokes Sr. 3 min read

How to Copyright Training Material

  1. Make sure your work is in the correct format. To complete your application for copyright, your work must be uploaded to the U.S. ...
  2. Go to and click on the "Electronic Copyright office" link.
  3. Create an account. ...
  4. Register your training material by clicking "Register a New Claim" in your account page. ...

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Full Answer

How do I copyright my training material?

Go to and click on the "Electronic Copyright office" link. Create an account. The Copyright Office will require a contact name, address, e-mail address and phone number. Register your training material by clicking "Register a New Claim" in your account page. This will re-direct you to the application for submitting new claims.

What should learning professionals know about copyright law?

The next point about copyright that learning professionals should understand is that it is not just the exact text or the work as a whole that is protected by copyright. The ideas, methods, concepts, and many other facets of a work can also be subject to copyright protection.

Does fair use protect trainers from copyright infringement?

Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission. Trainers often mistakenly assume that the fair use doctrine will shield them from copyright infringement on material used for educational purposes.

Do you have to pay to copyright a program?

You have to pay the copyright registration fee for each item you copyright. However, the USA Copyright Office allows you to “bundle” material together and call it a “program.” For instance, when I copyrighted the Mastermind Group Facilitator Training class, my bundle included:

Can you copyright a training program?

Copyright versus Trademark may help clarify things for you. For instance, you can't copyright the title of your book. But if you have a training or group program with the same name as your book, you can trademark that program title. You can trademark a logo or a business name, but you can't copyright them.

How do I copyright my course?

Here are 11 ways to protect the intellectual property of your online course content:Get a Trademark. ... Print & mail your content to yourself. ... Time stamp your content. ... Show your face. ... Watermark your content. ... Make it common knowledge. ... Keep an eye out for duplicates of your content. ... Have a Copyright Policy.More items...•

How do you copyright training materials UK?

4 easy steps to copyright protection....How do I protect my work?Ensure your work is properly marked. A correctly worded notice will deter infringement, as it states that the work is protected under law. ... Register your work. ... Keep or register supporting evidence. ... Agreement between co-authors.

Can you copyright on your own?

The practice of sending a copy of your own work to yourself is sometimes called a “poor man's copyright.” There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.

Are udemy courses copyrighted?

Ultimately, Udemy cannot advise on any copyright issue and takes no responsibility for the material that you place on our platform. Remember that you retain the rights to all of the content that you place on Udemy and that we are simply the platform through which you deliver that material.

Can a lecture be copyrighted?

“under the federal Copyright Act of 1976, a lecture is automatically copyrighted as long as the professor prepared some tangible expression of the content–notes, an outline, a script, a video or audio recording.”

How much does a copyright cost UK?

You get copyright protection automatically - you don't have to apply or pay a fee. There isn't a register of copyright works in the UK.

Can I use copyrighted material for educational purposes?

Fair use explicitly allows use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

How can I copyright something free?

In general, all you need to do is create a work of authorship and write it down or otherwise record it somewhere. This will automatically create copyright protections. In theory, you do not need to own the original copy in order to own the copyright.

Can you copyright a curriculum?

Copyright And Text Or Curriculum Materials Say you've purchased a textbook or other teaching materials. You can obviously use these materials in class and you might be able to make photocopies, however, in most cases you can't upload purchased curriculum or books to a public site.

What is not protected by copyright?

Not Protected by Copyright: Titles, names, short phrases and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering or coloring; mere listings of ingredients or contents.

What are the 4 fair use exceptions to copyright?

Since copyright law favors encouraging scholarship, research, education, and commentary, a judge is more likely to make a determination of fair use if the defendant's use is noncommercial, educational, scientific, or historical.

What is the copyright alliance?

The Copyright Alliance is pleased to provide information about — and links to — a variety of educational workshops and copyright courses for creators, attorneys, companies, and users of copyrighted materials.

What is CCC licensing?

They do so by providing frictionless licensing solutions integrated with software and rights expertise. CCC advocates for copyright through their educational programs, award-winning content, and collaboration with publisher, author and collective management organizations.

What is copyright established by?

Let’s begin with a couple of basic copyright concepts that are often misunderstood. First, copyright is established by the author or creator when a work is created. Just because something doesn’t wear a visible © symbol, doesn’t mean it isn’t copyrighted.

What is copyright protection?

Copyright protects creative expression that has been reduced to a tangible form, such as a book, piece of recorded music, computer program, screenplay, painting, photograph, or motion picture.

What is fair use in copyright?

Fair use defined. The U.S. Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as fair use: Quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment. Quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations.

Does fair use apply to training?

Fair use does not apply to most internal corporate training or commercially presented workshops. Likewise, posting an instrument or reading the instructions verbally will not shield the trainer from an infringement claim by the owner of the exclusive right to display, use, and perform protected work.

Does acknowledging the source of copyrighted material substitute for obtaining permission?

Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission . Trainers often mistakenly assume that the fair use doctrine will shield them from copyright infringement on material used for educational purposes.

How long does it take to get copyrighted?

If you file your copyright registration within 90 days of your content creation, you can bring a claim to the US Federal Court, and you can also file for statutory damages.

Did someone steal my ecourse?

Yep–someone had stolen his e-course, and was now selling his work at a drastically lowered price. He was shocked, and even angry, which was understandable. After all, it’s awful to find out your hard work has been stolen.

How to indicate a copyright in an eLearning program?

To indicate a copyright in an eLearning program: Do so at the bottom of the title screen of the program. As an alternative, place the copyright statement on an “About this Program” page. Do not place a copyright statement on every screen of a sequential learning program.

What is copyright protection?

Copyright protects a work from unauthorized copying. That is, copying a work, much less someone re-using part or all of it in another work without the written permission of the copyright holder, violates copyright law. The term for such unauthorized use of the work of others without permission is plagiarism .

Why is copyright important?

Copyright protects against plagiaris. In the most technical sense, your learning materials are protected even without indicating it. But indicating a copyright provides more protection should you need to enforce it. Basically, it helps lay a well-deserved guilt trip on a would-be copyright infringer.

What does the C mean in a copyright?

The copyright symbol. Note that the c within parentheses (c) works when the system cannot reproduce the copyright symbol. The word “Copyright.”. Year in which the work is copyrighted. (Unless the rights are not reserved, which is not a bright thing to do.

Do you need to include copyright in open source?

Yes — you still need to include a copyright statement on open-source content. That’s because not all open-source content offers unlimited uses. Open-source content refers to learning material in which you might have an interest in actively encouraging others to copy and adapt for use in their organizations.

Do instructional designers ignore copyright?

Some instructional designers ignore the issue as unnecessarily bureaucratic. Unfortunately, ignorance of the rules offers no defense for breaking them. Other instructional designers go overboard in indicating copyrights, unnecessarily annoying their learners in the process with excessive marking.

How long does it take to get copyrighted?

If you mail hard-copy, the fee is slightly more expensive, but it can take 9-12 months for them to process it! So if you can, upload your copyright application and materials digitally.

What can't you copyright?

What can’t you copyright? If you include someone else’s materials inside your work, you can’t copyright that portion of your work (because the copyright already belongs to the person who created it). For instance, if you create a slide deck and use stock photos, you can’t copyright the photographic portion of your slide deck.

What to do when you get your copyright number back?

Once you get your copyright number back from the government , put it on everything: your website (if you copyrighted it), your forms, your student/group materials, etc. Let people clearly know that you have an official date stamp of when you created your materials in case someone copies your work.

What is the poor man's copyright?

What about the “poor man’s copyright?”. There is a concept called the Poor Man’s Copyright where you send a copy of your work to yourself in a sealed envelope, so that the date of copyright is established by the postmark.

Can you copyright a slide deck?

For instance, if you create a slide deck and use stock photos, you can’t copyright the photographic portion of your slide deck. But you can copyright the words, if they are your own. If you’ve been hired by a client to custom-create a piece of work, you need to determine per your contract who owns that copyright.

Is copyright a substitute for registration?

There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.

Do you have to copyright your work?

It’s really important that you do copyright your work officially through your government channels. Yes, most governments say that the moment you create something it is considered copyrighted. But the fact is if someone steals your work, you have to prove you were the first one to create it. Submitting your materials officially to your government’s ...

What is copyright law?

Copyright is a branch of law, under intellectual property law, designed to protect the creative works of authors; such as writers, musicians, and artists. The author is protected against an unauthorized user from using or making a profit from their work.

What would a training manager need to determine?

Therefore, the training manager would need to determine if using the material is worth the risk. In almost all cases, the risk is not worth the legal, financial and/or professional reproach. Obtaining Permission. Once, the training manager does find the contact, he has a couple options.

What is fair use?

Fair use is a copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism. For example, if you wish to criticize a novelist, you should have the freedom to quote a portion of the novelist’s work without asking permission.

What is public domain?

Public Domain works included governmental publications, older works (where the copyright has expired), and works in which the author has granted the material to be used publicly.

What are the considerations for fair use?

Fair use has 4 basic considerations: 1) the purpose and character of your use, 2) the nature of the copyrighted work, 3) the amount and substance or portion used, and 4) the effect the use has on a potential market.

Is an image posted in training material copyrighted?

However, if there is an older article, quote, or image posted within the training material than that material may have a separate copyright. If the original article, quote, or image was created prior to 1923, then there is no remaining copyright on that material.

Can a training manager copy a training material?

Once, the training manager does find the contact, he has a couple options. He can request permission to copy the material, most likely in a licensing manner in which his firm will pay the other company to use their material distribution within the training manager’s company.

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