how long is the nsam self studt cpt course

by Miss Hortense Trantow 3 min read

How long should I study for the NASM CPT exam?

 · With successful completion of the NASM-CPT exam, NASM guarantees you'll find a job within 90 days of your CPT certification, or your money back. Job Guarantee available in the Premium Self Study, Guided Study and All Inclusive programs.

Is the CPT Self Study Course worth it?

How do I get an extension for my course? Access to your online study materials is good for 365 days from date of purchase. Your access will end on the course expiration date. For the CPT exam, the initial enrollment period is 180 days from the date of purchase. Please contact the Member Services team for details on extension options.

What is the NASM CPT guided study program?

You could probably do it in 2 months, 1.5 months. I scheduled my test 3 months after I started but didn't really start studying until half way through those 3 months. There are a lot of resources out there such as testing apps, audio study guides, etc. If you are interested in those resources I can find the specific links to them for you!

How much does NASM CPT certification cost?

 · Comprehensive NASM study guide; The NASM Self-Study can’t be beaten and is best for those who just want to study and sit for the exam, without any additional, “fancy-schmancy” resources, like flashcards. Next, there’s the NASM Premium Self-Study, which includes exactly what the Self-Study does, plus some additional features, such as:

What is the 7th edition of NASM?

NASM's Certified Personal Trainer, 7th Edition is the easiest to use, most up-to-date, and cutting-edge Personal Training course on the market. From exam preparation to real-world application, you will learn everything you need to build a successful and lucrative fitness career! Let's show you around!

What is core training?

The objective of core training is the development of core stability, endurance, strength, and power. Learn more within. Listen to the Chapter 16 audio review here.

What is Chapter 19?

Chapter 19: Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training Concepts. Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) training is a useful and effective method of fitness training that stimulates muscular, neurological, connective tissue, and even cardiovascular fitness adaptations. Listen to the Chapter 19 audio review here .

Why is it important to assess a client?

Assessing, instead of guessing, is critical to successfully training a client. By understanding where the issues in their body are, you can then begin to figure out how to properly address underlying problems that could prevent them from reaching their end fitness goals. Learn the Art of Behavior Change .

7 thoughts on working with fat loss clients

This can be a challenging area and I hope these tips make it a little easier for you.

What's the worst horror experience a client has come to you with after seeing a bad trainer that you've had to fix

Someone has tried PT before with a terrible trainer, that person then tar's us all with the same brush

Trainers with trainers

Before becoming a trainer did you receive coaching from someone else ? I had one small experience with a coach but before getting my cert I was thinking of signing up with a coach for 2 months maybe less just to get a feel for what it’s like

Mindset Coaching

Not sure if I should find another sub for this, but I know a lot of PTs find themselves doing this.

Is there such a thing as a personal trainer that just keeps your accountable? If so, point me in their direction, please!

I’m getting married in September and just turned thirty yesterday. I’m at the “use it or lose it” age in terms of my health and fitness. To add to my motivation, I want to look good for my bride on our wedding night. So far, I’ve lost 10 lbs and want to lose about 15 more.

Besides referrals, what's the most effective strategy you use to get clients?

There's a lot of information online and I'm inclined to believe that not all of them are legit. I read about a lot from FB ads and email marketing to one-on-one prospecting and others

Now why get a NASM certified personal trainer credential?

To be knowledgable! You do not have to want to work as a personal trainer in a gym training clients one-on-one to benefit from the process of obtaining and maintaining a personal trainer certification.

What it was like to go through the NASM CPT Guided Study Program

There were 120 people enrolled in my session of the NASM CPT Guided Study Program, and all of our interactions and updates took place in a NASM online forum.

What was covered on the NASM CPT exam?

The NASM CPT exam was actually a little harder than I expected and more challenging than the last CPT exam I took from another credentialing agency four years ago. It’s not just a regurgitation of vocab words, you actually needed to apply the principles.

Tips for studying for the NASM CPT exam

I spent about 2.5 hours a week reading the textbook and completing the activities and discussion question for the first 10 weeks of the course. Then, I took a week off of studying (to go to Florida and hang with my parents, yay!) and then I studied about 2.5 hours a day for the entire work-week before my exam.

Where to get additional study help

Even though I went through the NASM CPT Guided Study Program, there are other companies that offer study materials to help you pass the test. Because boy, it would be tough to have nothing but the NASM textbook to prepare.

Overall thoughts on my NASM experience

Truth be told, my NASM experience is really just beginning as I’m now a certified personal trainer with the organization and will be using what I learned in my writing, own workouts and classes, continuing to study and referencing my textbook when I need it.

How to see progress on a course?

First, you can view the course dashboard by clicking on the dashboard icon located at the top-right of our screen. Second, you can click on the MENU icon located at the top-left of your screen.

What happens if you miss your exam deadline?

If you missed your deadline or failed your initial exam attempt , a retest for the exam can be purchased. Requirements and limitations for retesting are described in the Candidate Handbook. Please contact the Member Services team for additional details regarding pricing and limitations.

Why I Chose NASM

I did a lot of research on which program I wanted to use to become certified as a personal trainer. Like, a lot. I spent a lot of time googling and reading forums for people’s opinions. I spoke to actual trainers. Time and again I was referred to the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

The Package

There are 6 different packages to choose from, each increasing in price with the addition of different features. To only take the exam it will cost you $599. I chose the CPT Self-Study for $699 which included the exam, textbook, online course material, and online flashcards.

Preparing For The Exam

You have 180 days from the time you purchase your package to take the exam. Since I am a procrastinator, I ordered it in December and took the test less than a week before my 180 days was up. Whoops. As soon as I got my textbook, I leisurely started reading through it.

Study Methods

I know that flashcards work for a lot of people, but I hate them. If you are a flashcard person, by all means flash away. I actually convinced myself that I was a flashcard person, made this stack, then never used them.

NASM Study Guide: The Exam

Ok, this is the part I know you guys are actually interested in. The exam is multiple-choice, 120 questions, and you have 2 hours to finish it. Twenty of the questions are research questions, or trial questions that don’t actually count towards your final grade.

NASM Study Guide: Things To Focus On

The “Preparing for the NASM Certified Personal Training Exam” guide has a lot of this information, but in my opinion, I would make sure to focus on the following areas:

What I Plan To Do With My Certification

As I work on growing this blog, I need to focus on income that is available to me RIGHT NOW. I am able to use the space at Sweat to train clients by paying a small rental fee. I have also talked to some people about online training which I may look more into. I bought insurance yesterday which I was advised to do as soon as possible.
