how long is the captain career course

by Lia Streich 10 min read

Students in the Captains Career Course undergo nine weeks of training that includes classroom and hands-on training about the Military Decision Making Process, Army Health Systems Support and Force Health Protection doctrine, unit training management, leadership skills and staff officer functions. Capt.May 21, 2019

How long does AIT last for the Army?

As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). AIT courses can last anywhere from 4 weeks to 7 months, and possibly more for foreign language training.

How long is the process to join the Army?

  • You must be a U.S. citizen or a resident alien.
  • Be between the ages of 17-34. Seventeen-year-olds need parental consent.
  • Have a high school diploma.
  • Have no more than two dependents.
  • Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery ( ASVAB) test.
  • Pass a Military Entrance Processing Station medical exam. Credit:

How long does basic training last for the Army?

The complete Army basic training cycle is about 10 weeks, divided into three phases: Red, White and Blue, which last about three weeks each. After passing the final tests of the Blue Phase, your next step is the graduation ceremony, where you’ll get to celebrate your accomplishments with your friends and family.

How long is the average military career?

While total length of service commitment varies based on Service branch need and occupational specialty, a first term is generally four years of active duty followed by four years in a Reserve unit or Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). IRR members do not drill, but muster once per year.

How long is Captains Career Course mi?

The Reserve Component Captains Career Course (RC-CCC) Distributed Learning (DL) phase is transitioning from the CGSC Black Board system to the Army Learning Management System (ALMS). Once registered, students will have 1 year (365 days) to complete the course.

How long is chemical Captains Career Course?

This course is organized into five phases. The course must be completed within three years. All required phases must be completed before a completion certificate can be awarded.

How long is Adjutant General Captains Career Course?

This 12 week course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, provides new Adjutant General Branch lieutenants training in military leadership, tactics, and human resources management skills to ensure they are prepared for success.

How long is MP CCC?

A: IAW AR 350-1, the MPCCC-RC follows a 13 month model which includes two 15-day resident periods, and 11 months for completing branch-specific DL phases.

What's after Captains Career Course?

Upon graduation from the Captain's Career Course, students will be prepared to assume Company Command or serve on a Battalion or Brigade level staff, joint and multi-national environments. This includes positions such as Battalion S3, Battalion S4, Company Commander, Assistant Brigade Staff and more.

How long is Army Ile?

ILE is a ten-month graduate-level program; the curriculum includes instruction on leadership philosophy, military history, and the military planning and decision-making processes. There is one ILE class per year; starting in August and ending in June.

How long is AG Bolc Army?

12-weekAG BOLC 006-19 is with Amber Cetinel. More officers began the 12-week course, preparing them to be future human resources officers in the Active, National Guard and Reserve components, on June 3.

How long is engineer CCC?

ECCC and ECCC-RC Students Through a cooperative agreement with Truman Education Center and the Engineer School at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri S&T offers four master's degree programs* through the Engineer Captains Career Course (ECCC). These courses are non-thesis and require 30 hours to complete.

How long is Army Ordnance Bolc?

16 weekOrdnance Lieutenants attend the 16 week Ordnance Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) at Fort Lee, Virginia. Lieutenants execute Ordnance competencies such as field maintenance, ammunition supply and management, and workload prioritization using automated management systems.

Can you go to CCC pregnant?

They will be tested with the remainder of their classmates during in-processing. (1) Officers who become pregnant may remain in the course, as long as pregnancy or postpartum recovery will not interfere with scheduled instruction, academic requirements, or course completion.

How long is MP School Army?

20 weeksJob training for military police requires 20 weeks of One Station Unit Training and on-the-job instruction in police methods. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field. Some of the skills you'll learn are: Basic warrior skills and use of firearms.

Where do army MPS train?

Military police and combat engineers complete both trainings at Fort Leonard Wood. Female recruits: Your basic combat training location will be Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Sill or Fort Jackson. These installations have gender-integrated training.

How long is the Captains Career course?

22 weeksThe resident course is 22 weeks long and takes place in a small group setting. The POI is flexible and adapts to the needs of the Commander...

How long is ADA CCC?

Most Captains Career Courses are 4-6 months in length. Upon graduation from the Captain's Career Course, students will be prepared to assume Compan...

How long is Army Field Artillery Bolc?

18 weeks, 4 daysFACT: BOLC is 18 weeks, 4 days, which is a little longer than other BOLCs, because we need to teach you the FA-specific skills. Bes...

How long is Artillery School at Fort Sill?

The mission of the Marine Artillery Detachment, Ft Sill is to develop a training continuum for the Artillery Occupational Field (08XX) and 2887 Mil...

How long is the CLC3 pilot?

Capt. Jennifer Ernest, a CLC3 small group leader instructor, said the pilot extends the course by one week and concludes with a staff exercise.

What is the School of Advanced Leadership and Tactics?

The School of Advanced Leadership and Tactics, a branch of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., is charged with writing doctrine for the course. It will analyze the data from student feedback and tweak the course to standard, said Ernest.
