how long is the advent elearning traffic safety course

by Mrs. Lera Dicki IV 7 min read

The modular design of the program enables agencies to implement the driver-training curriculum that's right for their needs. Whether it's a condensed one-hour version or an extended version that provides six hours of comprehensive online education, the program can be tailored to fit the needs of any agency.Feb 21, 2020

What is the 12 hour traffic school course?

New York Traffic Program. Advent’s New York Traffic Reduction Program is an online instructional education course designed to teach traffic offenders safer driving habits. The course is appropriate for a wide-variety of police, prosecutor and court-directed criminal justice applications, including declined or deferred prosecution, pre- and ...

How many times can you take a traffic school course in Florida?

To seek a traffic reduction from this office you must take the Traffic Safety Course at the links below. Course must be completed within 10 days of starting. The course is a one time cost of $50.00. DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY ON YOUR TICKET IF YOU ARE SEEKING A REDUCTION AND INTEND ON TAKING THE COURSE More › More Courses ›› View Course « Previous Next »

How many sections are there in the 8 hour traffic school?

Jun 22, 2021 · A new Defensive Driving course is now available from Advent eLearning for use by prosecutors in their Advent Traffic Safety programs or by prosecutors or traffic courts in diversion or alternative sentencing in vehicular enforcement cases. The new 2-hour course expands upon the current 1-hour behavioral driving curriculum used in Advent’s Traffic Safety …

What is elect traffic school and how does it work?

The self-paced coursework is completed in 120 to 150 minutes at an 8th-grade reading level or above. The course is fully browser-based for compatibility with language translation and assistive technology available in most all commercial internet browsers. Learn More Harassment What is the Harassment Program and why is it needed and important?

What is the best method to study?

For every 30 minutes, you study, take a short 10-15 minute break to recharge. Make studying less overwhelming by condensing notes from class. Under...

Can I get a degree online?

To get a degree online, research on the internet to find an online course in the subject you want to study. For example, you might be able to study...

Are online courses free?

We offer a massive number of online courses, most of them are free. You can find the free courses in many fields through

There are many online education websites that offer academic courses for a fraction of the cost of t...

There are many online education websites that offer academic courses for a fraction of the cost of traditional colleges and universities, making th...

What is the SMARTDRIVER program?

The program consists of the acclaimed traffic safety video program SMARTDRIVER “Strategies For Survival.” The video content can be viewed online and completed in the comfort of a students' own home.

Is shoplifting a premeditated crime?

For many, shoplifting is often not a pre-meditated crime. In fact, nearly three quarters of adult and adolescent shoplifters do not plan in advance to steal. For those, the effects of getting caught and prosecuted can have devastating effect on an otherwise law-abiding life.

Why is it important to get help early?

Because substance use moves quickly from experimentation, to habituation, to abuse and finally to dependency, it is vital you get help early. The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program helps students to understand their own attraction to alcohol and drugs and how to break the chain of decisions that lead to abuse.

Why is anger helpful?

Anger can be helpful when it energizes us to take proper action, handle situations constructively and solve problems.

What is distracted driving?

Being distracted while driving in inclement and other hazardous conditions leads to countless tragedies each year. This course includes instructional videos that allow students to improve driving skills by improving driving attitudes and habits, learning to share the road with aggressive drivers, and learning behavioral best practices for driving in a variety of hazardous conditions such as rain, fog, road debris, and pedestrians/cyclists.

Why is the Hunting Responsibility Program created?

Whether you use a firearm or a bow, the Hunting Responsibility Program was created to help people understand the general laws governing hunting and how to conduct themselves before, during and after hunting excursions.

What is anger caused by?

It can be caused by frustration, hurt, criticism, threats or any of a dozen triggers and every individual’s anger response to those situations is different.

Prosecutor Traffic Safety Program - Advent eLearning

Who is Advent eLearning/ AdventFS develops, hosts and supports traffic safety and other programs for prosecutors and courts across the country through our Advent eLearning platform. What happens when I apply for the program on this site? Your application will go to the Prosecutor in the county or city where you received your citation.

County Attorney Traffic Safety Program ... - Advent eLearning

Your information will be forwarded for review to determine your eligibility to participate in the County Attorney Traffic Safety Program (CATS).

Lewis County, New York- Traffic Diversion Program

English: Spanish: https://www.advent-elearning. net/Aol/CourseLink/401/41 * A legible copy of the ticket (not the original ticket) must be sent by email with your certificate of completion to [email protected] .gov

What is an 8 hour traffic school?

The 8 hour Traffic School is also known as Intermediate Driver Improvement and Defensive Driving. This course is usually taken because of a judge or court order. Some Florida counties allow you to take this course for a second traffic ticket if you have already completed the 4 hour Basic Driver Improvement course in the last 12 months. ...

How long is the DMV traffic school?

4 hours long (DMV Requirement) Users are not required to complete the entire course in one session. The approved traffic school will provide a completion Certificate. Drivers that complete this course avoid points on their driving record.

How many sections are there in traffic school?

The 8 hour traffic school course is divided into 15 sections. As the name suggests a student must spend a minimum of 8 hours in the course. The course will display a timer and let the student know how much time must be spent in each section and keep track of the time you spend in each section. Like all the courses the student can login and logout on their schedule and use any computer. At the end of each section there is a quiz and at the end of course there is a test.

What do you do when you pay a fine for a non criminal traffic violation?

When you pay your fine for a non criminal traffic violation such as speeding or running a stop sign you must "Elect Traffic" school to avoid points on your driving record.

How long does it take to pay a speeding ticket in Florida?

For speeding tickets you will pay your fine to the Clerk of court in the county where you received the ticket. In Florida you must pay your fine within 30 days of receiving your ticket.

How much is the Florida driver's license discount?

If you are driver with a Florida drivers license that is 55 or older you qualify for a mandatory discount on your auto insurance of 10% a year if you complete the Florida Auto Insurance Discount Course