how long is civil affairs qualification course

by Dale Stehr 8 min read

approximately 44 weeks

How long does it take to become a civil affairs sergeant?

Soldiers who are airborne-qualified active duty non-commissioned officers have an opportunity to reclassify as a civil affairs sergeant. To do this, they must complete 20 weeks of intense training programming involving language, negotiations and regional training. Skills that are helpful in this MOS: Clear and concise writing

What can you do with a major in civil affairs?

Or take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. As a Civil Affairs Officer, you’ll act as a liaison between the Army and civilian authorities and populations. You’ll perform strategic and tactical civil affairs operations and combined armed forces, both overt and covert, in peacetime or when activated for crisis or war.

What does a civil affairs officer do in the military?

A Civil Affairs Officer is the bridge between military and civilian personnel. They coordinate operations during combat and non-combat situations. Civil Affairs Officer |

Are there any civil affairs soldiers in the Army Reserve?

Yes, many Civil Affairs Soldiers are in the Army Reserve and they use their unique professional skills from the civilian sector to support the military and help stabilize conflict areas. What happens if I’m not selected to become a Civil Affairs Soldier during training?

How long is civil affairs captain course?

CA CCC is conducted as a three-phase course. Phase 1 (4 day) is only required if you have no prior CCC, phase 2 is 11 days, phase 3 is 14 days. All three phases are conducted as resident courses.

How do I become a civil affairs officer?

RequirementsBe a college graduate with at least a four-year degree.Be between 18 and 34 years old.Officer Basic Leadership Course (Or Additional Special Courses/Qualifications)Eligible for a Secret security clearance.Must be a U.S. citizen.

How long is the Q Course?

The Q Course is now designed to be completed in a little more than 12 months for all Green Berets, except those training to become medics. Four classes start each year, allowing the course to align training with Army Special Operations Command's psychological operations and civil affairs students.

How long is civil affairs Bolc?

Each branch has a different duration of BOLC with some being as short as 12 weeks and others taking up to one year. Officers that have branched to the national guard or reserve will go to whatever unit they have chosen and will continue to train part time with them as a platoon leader.

Is civil affairs an Army branch?

The size of the Command is nearly 13,500 Soldiers, which is 76% of the Department of Defense's Civil Affairs forces and 63% of Psychological Operations forces....United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command.United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne)BranchUnited States ArmyTypeU.S. Army ReserveRoleCivil Affairs and PSYOP11 more rows

Is civil affairs a special operation?

As part of the Special Operations Forces, active-duty Civil Affairs Soldiers are selected through a tough evaluation process, followed by more training in government, diplomacy, and survival.

How long is 18 A training?

18D Medical Sergeant Course (14 weeks [SOCM - 36 weeks]) Soldiers selected for MOS 18D attend 250 days of advanced medical training, including the Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM) course. They can recruit, organize, train, and advise or command indigenous combat forces up to company size.

Do you get to go home during the Q Course?

There are several times where you will not be able to see him during the Q-course (the field phases), but there are lots of times he will be available to be "home" during training (language, some parts of MOS).

How long is SAS training?

around five monthsSelection lasts around five months and consists of multiple phases, each designed to break down every candidate and push them to their limits and beyond. That's probably why the program has an astonishing 90% fail rate.

How hard is civil affairs selection?

Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection is one of four ARSOF A&S programs. The course is physically demanding and inadequate preparation will not only demonstrate to the cadre your lack of commitment to excellence and present you as physically incapable, but will greatly increase your risk of injury.

Is civil affairs a combat arm?

Five types of units compose Army SOF. Army special operations aviation (SOA), rangers, and special forces (SF) units are combat arms forces. Civil affairs (CA) and psychological operations (PSYOP) units are CS organizations.

What is the longest BOLC?

37 weeksThe Cyber BOLC is 37 weeks, making it the longest officers' training program in the Army and nearly double the length of others, said Capt.

What makes a successful Civil Affairs Soldier?

A Civil Affairs Soldier is someone who is physically fit, tactically skilled, and culturally aware of their surroundings. They are able to conduct...

Can I be a Civil Affairs Soldier in the Army Reserve?

Yes, many Civil Affairs Soldiers are in the Army Reserve and they use their unique professional skills from the civilian sector to support the mili...

What happens if I’m not selected to become a Civil Affairs Soldier during training?

If you are not ultimately selected to join Civil Affairs during training, you will be assigned to a unit as a qualified 12B Combat Engineer.

Will I learn a foreign language as a Civil Affairs Soldier?

Yes, during training you will learn the language you’re assigned, which could include Russian, French, Indonesian, and Spanish, multiple dialects o...

How long does it take to become a civil affairs sergeant?

To do this, they must complete 20 weeks of intense training programming involving language, negotiations and regional training. Skills that are helpful in this MOS:

What is a civil affairs specialist?

Image: Civil Affairs Specialist plan and produce civil affairs related documents. Their responsibilities include researching, coordinating and creating documentation. These soldiers are required to be culture experts and be comfortable in any situation that may be in peace or hostile situations.

How long does it take to get into the Army after passing the ASVAB test?

After passing all physical/medical testing and the ASVAB test, recruits will attend 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training (BCT). After Basic Combat Training, recruits will attend 13 weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, NC.

Why is a civil affairs specialist considered a non-lethal strategist?

Civil Affairs Specialist are considered non-lethal strategist because the work that they perform allows for a non-lethal solution to an issue. The Civil Affairs Specialist play an important role regardless if their work is in the middle of a hostile environment or during a time of peace.

Why do civil affairs specialists work with ambassadors?

Ambassadors to prevent or resolve instability. The overall goal of this position is to prevent conflict so a physical fight does not have to begin.

What is the role of a specialist in civil society?

This role requires specialist to be able to speak with both civilians and any higher entities they may interact with. Working in this position requires individuals to work with a team just as well as they work individually.

How many soldiers graduated from the Civil Affairs Officer Qualification and Specialist Qualification Courses?

More than 90 soldiers graduated from the Civil Affairs Officer Qualification and Specialist Qualification Courses and entered the ranks of the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs Regiment on March 2 during a graduation ceremony at Fort Bragg's John F. Kennedy auditorium.

What is the role of civil affairs in the military?

Civil Affairs units help military commanders by working with civil authorities and civilian populations in the commander's area of operations to lessen the impact of military operations on them during peace, contingency operations and declared war.

Who were the two Civil Affairs officers inducted into the Army?

During the ceremony two former Civil Affairs officers were inducted as distinguished members of the Civil Affairs Regiment: Retired Lt. Col. Steve Foster and Retired Col. Thomas P. Baltazar.

When did civil affairs start?

Civil Affairs began as a branch in the Reserve Component in October of 1985, was established as an Active Component Functional Area (FA39) in October 1988, and became an Active Component Branch in October 2006.

When was the Civil Affairs branch established?

The Civil Affairs branch is a relatively new branch for Active Duty, established in approximately 2006. As one of the newer and smaller branches within the U.S. Army, many Soldiers may not know of the opportunities that exist for them within this field.

What are the opportunities in the military intelligence?

In addition, the brigade has opportunities for veterinarians and medical professionals. Medical personnel and veterinarians may be called on to support MEDCAPs, VETCAPS or deployments on an as needed basis.

What is the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade?

The 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Special Operations) (Airborne) provides the nation’s premier civil reconnaissance and engagement force to influence the human component of the land domain. They understand networks of influence and the competition for control of populations.

What is the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade's language program?

Currently the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (SO) (A)’s language program was named the Command Language Program of the year within U.S. Special Operations Command.

Where is the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion?

The brigades’ subordinate battalions (91st, 92nd, 96th, 97th and 98th), located at Fort Bragg, N.C. , are aligned with geographic regions. Prior to the activation in 2007, the only Active Duty U.S. Army Civil Affairs unit was the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne).

Where are waivers submitted?

They are submitted through the Special Operations Recruiting Center to the Commander, United States Army, John F. Kennedy, Special Warfare Center and Schools for approval.
