how long for the flu to run its course

by Dr. Rosemary Greenfelder DDS 6 min read

The flu typically lasts three to seven days, according to the CDC. Serious complications of the flu, such as pneumonia, can take longer to recover from. Some symptoms, such as a cough, can persist for more than two weeks.

Full Answer

How long do flu symptoms last?

Here are some other symptoms of the flu: In general, flu symptoms appear from one to four days after virus exposure and last around five to seven days. 5 Symptom duration may vary depending on the person. Here is a general overview to the stages of flu recovery: 6

How long are you contagious with the flu?

If you have the flu, you’ll be contagious one day before developing symptoms and up to five to seven days after becoming ill. Younger children or people with a weakened immune system may be contagious for longer.

What should I expect on Day 5 of the flu?

On day five of the flu, you should be starting to feel better. Your fever is probably gone. You should have less congestion but may still have a cough. Continue to stay home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. If you are not starting to feel better by day five and your symptoms are getting worse, call your healthcare provider.

Does the flu go through stages?

However, in general, the flu typically goes through a set of stages and follows a usual day-by-day progression. Knowing more about these stages can help give you a sense of when you are contagious. It will also help you understand what having the flu feels like.

How long does influenza A last 2022?

How Long Does It Last? Most symptoms get better after about 5 days. But sometimes they can last for a week or more. Even if your fever and aches are gone, you can still feel drained for a few weeks.

How long does flu take to peak?

The symptoms tend to peak between days 2 and 4. By day 5, some people begin to feel better. A few feel well enough to return to work or school. However, it is important to stay at home for 24 hours after a fever breaks.

How long does the current flu last?

How long does the flu last? As harsh as the flu can be, the good news is that most people feel much better within one to two weeks. Most healthy adults become contagious the day before symptoms develop (which makes it trickier to prevent from spreading).

How can I make my flu go away faster?

12 Tips for a Speedy Flu RecoveryStay home. Your body needs time and energy to fight off the flu virus, which means that your daily routine should be put on the backburner. ... Hydrate. ... Sleep as much as possible. ... Ease your breathing. ... Eat healthy foods. ... Add moisture to the air. ... Take OTC medications. ... Try elderberry.More items...

How can I get rid of the flu faster?

In this ArticleStay home and get plenty of rest.Drink plenty of fluids.Treat aches and fever.Take care of your cough.Sit in a steamy bathroom.Run the humidifier.Try a lozenge.Get salty.More items...•

What are 5 symptoms of the flu?

People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:fever* or feeling feverish/chills.cough.sore throat.runny or stuffy nose.muscle or body aches.headaches.fatigue (tiredness)some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.

Why does flu get worse at night?

At night, there is less cortisol in your blood. As a result, your white blood cells readily detect and fight infections in your body at this time, provoking the symptoms of the infection to surface, such as fever, congestion, chills, or sweating. Therefore, you feel sicker during the night.

At what stage is the flu contagious?

When Flu Spreads. People with flu are most contagious in the first three to four days after their illness begins. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.

How do I know if my flu is getting better?

When will I come out of the flu? After about 4 days, you'll probably start to feel better. Your fever should be lower and your body aches should have lessened. Your cough may be worse, but this can be a sign that you're getting better.

Why do flu symptoms get worse at night?

At night, there is less cortisol in your blood. As a result, your white blood cells readily detect and fight infections in your body at this time, provoking the symptoms of the infection to surface, such as fever, congestion, chills, or sweating. Therefore, you feel sicker during the night.

Does the flu come on suddenly?

Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: fever* or feeling feverish/chills.

How do I know if my cold is getting better?

Cold and flu symptoms such as a blocked nose or cough usually subside after 7-10 days and the absence of these things is quite an obvious indication that you are on the mend.

What Are The Stages of A Cold?

Cold symptoms can differ from person to person, but they generally appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. In most c...

What Are The Stages of The Flu?

Flu symptoms usually start within one to four days after infection. Unlike a common cold, the effects of an influenza virus infection can come on v...

How Long Is The Flu Contagious?

A 2013 survey conducted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases revealed that 41 percent of people think the flu is only contagious afte...

What If A Cold Or The Flu Won’T Go away?

When complications develop, a person will likely be sick for longer than a week or two, depending on the severity of the complication, how quickly...

How Long Does Immunity Last?

With some viral illnesses, once you have been infected with it or have been vaccinated against it, you're immune for life.With the flu, however, im...

How long does it take for the flu to show symptoms?

Flu symptoms usually start within one to four days after infection. Unlike a common cold, the effects of an influenza virus infection can come on very suddenly. (2) The first signs of the flu are often a fever or chills, accompanied by headache, sore throat, dry cough, runny nose, muscle aches, and fatigue. (2)

What if a Cold or the Flu Won’t Go Away?

When complications develop, a person will likely be sick for longer than a week or two, depending on the severity of the complication, how quickly a person receives treatment for it, and how well the patient responds to treatment.

What Are the Stages of a Cold?

Cold symptoms can differ from person to person, but they generally appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. In most cases, cold symptoms will peak within two to three days. (1)

What are the symptoms of a cold?

The most common cold symptoms include fatigue, sore or scratchy throat, nasal congestion or stuffiness, and a runny nose, followed by sneezing and coughing. Fever is not typical with a cold, but a low-grade fever isn’t out of the question, according to the Merck Manual. ( 3)

How long does a cough last?

(1) Symptoms usually disappear in 4 to 10 days, although a cough often lasts into the second week. (3) A cold may last longer or be more severe in people who have chronic health issues. (1)

What happens if you have a phlegm infection?

As the illness progresses, a person may have warm, flushed skin, watery or bloodshot eyes, a severe cough that produces phlegm, and nasal congestion. Nausea and vomiting may also occur, especially among children, according to the Merck Manual. ( 4)

How to tell the difference between a cold and a flu?

A cold and the flu are both respiratory infections, but they’re caused by different viruses. A cold can be caused by more than 200 distinct viruses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), while there are only a handful of viruses that cause the flu.

How long can you be contagious with the flu?

People with the flu may be contagious anywhere between the day before to seven days after their symptoms appear.

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Headache, sudden high fever, body aches, chills, and tiredness are among the most common initial symptoms of the flu. 2 . Once you realize you may be sick with the flu, call your doctor, especially if you have asthma or an other condition that puts you at higher risk for related complications.

What is flu day?

Flu Day 0. The day before any influenza symptoms appear, you are already contagious. You feel fine and go about your daily life without realizing you are about to get sick. 1  You likely came in contact with someone who was contagious with the flu in the past 48 hours.

What to do if you cough at night?

A cough that keeps you up at night may require a prescription cough medicine. Your healthcare provider may want you to come into the office to be checked out. If you still have a cough, your healthcare provider's office may give you a mask to wear in the waiting room. This will keep you from spreading your germs to others.

What happens on day 4 of a fever?

On day four, you may start to feel a little better during the day. At this point, your fever is likely to have broken, and you shouldn't have as many body aches. Congestion may be starting to loosen up. This will make your cough more productive and possibly worse than the day before. 5

How do you get the flu?

A person can also get the flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. 2 .

How does the flu affect people in 2020?

Not everyone who gets the flu will have the same symptoms, and how sick you feel—and for how long that's the case—can vary from person to person. That said, the flu typically cycles through a set of stages and follows a usual day-by-day progression.

How long does it take for a person to get the flu?

It may take one to four days after exposure to the influenza virus for symptoms to develop. If you have the flu, you’ll be contagious. Trusted Source. one day before developing symptoms and up to five to seven days after becoming ill. Younger children or people with a weakened immune system may be contagious for longer.

How long does it take for an antiviral to work?

They don’t kill the influenza virus, however. Antiviral medications must be taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms in order to be effective.

How long can a virus live on a doorknob?

The influenza virus can also survive on surfaces, such as doorknobs and tables, for up to 24 hours. Viruses live longer on materials such as stainless steel, plastic, and other hard surfaces.

How long does it take for a cold to go away?

Cold symptoms will typically resolve in about 7 to 10 days and tend to not come on as fast as the flu. Flu symptoms may last for a couple of weeks. Learn more about the differences between a cold and the flu.

How long does a cough last?

However, a cough and feelings of weakness or fatigue can last for two weeks or longer .

What to do if you have a fever and you are sick?

Treatment and home remedies. If you’re sick, be sure to drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of rest. You can also take over-the-counter pain and fever relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol), to help relieve your symptoms.

Which virus has the highest mortality rate in children?

According to the CDC, influenza A (H3N2) viruses have been associated with more hospitalizations and deaths in children and the elderly than other human influenza subtypes or strains, such as influenza A (H1N1) and influenza B.

How long does the flu last?

Symptoms usually appear from one to four days after exposure to the virus, and they last five to seven days. For people who've had a flu shot, the symptoms may last a shorter amount of time, or be less severe. For other people, the symptoms may last longer. Even when symptoms resolve, you may continue to feel fatigued.

How to predict how long the flu will last?

To better predict how long the flu will last, take steps to reduce your risk of contracting the virus and experiencing severe symptoms. Consider the following steps, as suggested in the Harvard Special Report A Guide to Women's Health: Fifty and Forward. Get an annual flu vaccine. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating ...

What to do if you have the flu?

If you get the flu, you should get rest and drink plenty of fluids. Take pain relievers to lower your fever and relieve the aches, such as:

What are the risks of the flu?

Some people are at increased risk for complications from influenza. These people include: 1 the very young 2 people 65 or older 3 people with chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, HIV, or diabetes 4 pregnant women 5 people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher

Do smokers get the flu?

Smokers are more likely to get the flu than nonsmokers. These steps won't guarantee that you'll escape the flu this year, but they may help prevent it. And they may help reduce the amount of time the flu lasts if you do become infected with the virus. – By Heidi Godman. Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter.

How long does it take for a virus to show symptoms?

The research team also found that 97% of people who get the virus will develop symptoms within 11 days from the time they are first infected. Any of these symptoms can strike at any time during the course of the illness, from day one to the last days.

How long does it take for symptoms to show after exposure to a virus?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Yes, that’s a pretty large window. But a recent study by US immunologists, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, narrowed it down. They analyzed more than 180 COVID-19 cases and found that, on average, it takes just over five days for COVID-19 symptoms to hit.

What is 'viral persistence,' and how does that affect the course of the disease?

This is known as viral persistence, and it affects how long someone is contagious and therefore how long they should stay in isolation.

How long do you have to be fever free?

You also need to be fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medications) and your other symptoms have to be improving before you can be around others. And venturing out into the world again doesn’t mean throwing caution to the wind—far from it.

What is viral persistence?

On the other hand, viral persistence is the continued presence of a virus, usually within specific types of cells, after resolution of symptoms of the acute viral infection.”. Viral persistence is seen in HIV, chronic hepatitis, chickenpox/shingles and herpes simplex, and Epstein-Barr.
