how long doesonline traffic course usually take

by Reese Bergnaum 3 min read

Online traffic school is generally intended to take about eight hours. However, it will usually only take you that long if you read every word of the material, thoroughly digest it, and carefully answer the questions at the end of each chapter.Nov 29, 2016

How long does online traffic school take to complete?

Online traffic school will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours or more. Some states, such as online traffic schools in the state of Texas, require all courses to be on a timer. That means, if you need to take a 6 hour defensive driving course, that’s the minimum amount of …

How long does it take to complete an online driving course?

Jun 06, 2020 · Online traffic school can take eight hours if you thoroughly read and digest the entire course material. Though courses in certain states can be designed to take eight hours, you can complete it in less time. Course timers can also lengthen the time you spend on a course. How long does driving class online take?

Is online traffic school a good idea for You?

Nov 29, 2016 · Online traffic school is generally intended to take about eight hours. However, it will usually only take you that long if you read every …

How long do you have to do traffic school in AZ?

How long is traffic safety school online?

The online course takes about four hours to complete. You do not have to finish the course in one sitting. You can complete as many sessions as you wish, save your work, log off and return to the course later as a returning student.

What is the easiest and fastest online traffic school?

iDriveSafely Online Traffic SchoolFastest Online Traffic School #1 – iDriveSafely Online Traffic School. The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

How many hours is online traffic school in California?

In California, traffic school is 8 hours. However, if you take it online there are no timers, so actual course time will depend on the individual. It could take one to two hours or the entire eight. There is a mandatory 25 question multiple choice quiz at the end in which you need to get 70% correct to pass.

What is the quickest online traffic school in California?

iDriveSafelyiDriveSafely is arguably the fastest online traffic school in California as they do not have a course timer. That means you can just skip through each page over and over again until you get to one of the quizzes. Since the quizzes are so simple, you should breeze right through it without having to read anything.May 11, 2019

How many questions are on the final exam traffic school?

25 multiple choiceThe final exam has 25 multiple choice questions, in which you need to get at least 70% correct to pass. There are NO timers as you take either the quizzes or the final exam. You get two attempts at the final exam.May 14, 2020

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•Dec 21, 2021

How long do I have to take traffic school after a ticket in California?

within 60 daysIf you do not go to Court, you must pay the traffic school fee to the Court by the due date on your ticket or courtesy notice. Your completion date will be noted on the traffic school agreement form that you receive from the court. In most cases you must complete within 60 days from the date you pay the Court.

Does traffic school remove ticket from record in California?

Points are not erased in California. Taking a licensed traffic school course in California will prevent points from appearing on your public driving record, which prevents your insurance company from seeing them, but they will not be erased from your DMV record.

Does traffic school erase points in California?

Attending an approved traffic school, can keep points off your license. The state of California allows drivers who have received one point on their driver's license due to an eligible moving violation to have the charges of the ticket masked and the point kept off their record by successfully completing traffic school.

What is the easiest traffic school in California?

Easy Street is a great tried and tested traffic school. They've been operating since 1998 and you can follow them on social media too, so you can read customer reviews and find out how great they are for yourself. Their traffic school courses have a 99.9% pass rate, and the final exam is just a 25-question paper.Mar 22, 2022

Which online defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Can I take traffic school online in CA?

Start by registering for California Online Traffic School and following the instructions. For convenience, you can take our course on any platform: computer, tablet, or phone. Once you've successfully completed the course, we'll report your completion directly to the court, free!

How long do you have to go to traffic school?

How long do you have to do traffic school after you get a ticket? You have to do traffic school within 60 days after you get a ticket. This is the period of time you have to complete a course after you’ve paid the court. But generally, the court will also set a deadline by which you should have finished traffic school.

How long is an online course?

The online course includes breaks, so the total time an individual will spend is 3 hours and 15 minutes. If you’ve already taken the 4-hour course in the last 12 months, the court may order you to take the 8-hour course. [thrive_leads id=’11320′]

How long does it take to get into traffic school in Arizona?

Drivers are required to spend at least four hours in Arizona’s traffic school or defensive driving program [1]. Just note that a traffic school provider may take 48 hours to confirm your eligibility.

How long is traffic school in Tennessee?

Tennessee. Traffic school in Tennessee will take four hours of your time. While the actual time you finish the course could be less than that, you do need to spend at least that amount of time so the court counts it.

How long is the Texas driving course?

The entire Driving Safety Course in Texas takes 6 hours, but there are mandatory breaks in between that are 60 minutes in total. As such, the course itself will take only 5 hours.

How long is Virginia traffic school?

Virginia traffic school is one of the longest online driver improvement courses in the country. It is an 8-hour course, but actual online course time allows for an 80-minute break, which means there is a 6-hour and 40-minutes study time requirement.

How many hours does Georgia traffic school take?

You can take it at a time that works for you, complete it all at once, or do it in stages. You will however, must spend a minimum of 6 hours in the course.

How long is traffic school in California?

California. In California, traffic school is 8 hours. However, if you take it online there are no timers, so actual course time will depend on the individual. It could take one to two hours or the entire eight. There is a mandatory 25 question multiple choice quiz at the end in which you need to get 70% correct to pass.

How long is defensive driving school in Indiana?

Online Indiana defensive driving school is also four hours long. You can do the entire course in one sitting or log off and back on as often as you like until the four hours have been accumulated.

How many hours of driving school do you need to take in New Jersey?

New Jersey requires you to spend at least six hours in traffic school. You can actually remove two points from your NJ driving record by taking the MyImprov NJ MVC approved defensive driving course.



New York



  • Most FL traffic violators can attend a 4-hour online traffic schoolor basic driver improvement (BDI) course instead of receiving points on their driving record. However, due to allowance for breaks, students will only have to spend 3 hours and 15 minutes in the BDI online version. Offenders who have taken the 4-hour course in the last 12 months or are habitual traffic offende…
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  • It could take up to 48 hours for an online traffic school to verify your eligibility to take the online course, but once you are deemed eligible, you are required to spend a minimum of 4 hours in the traffic school/defensive driving program.
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  • Once you receive an eligibility letter from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet you can sign up for an online KY traffic schoolor 4-hour Aware Driver Course. You must spend a minimum of four hours in the course to obtain your proof of completion certificate and point reduction from the state.
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  • Online Indiana defensive drivingschool is also four hours long. You can do the entire course in one sitting or log off and back on as often as you like until the four hours have been accumulated.
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  • In Nevada, you are required to spend at least five hours in traffic school online. There is also an 8-hour online DUI course available to those who were ordered by a NV court to take a “Driving Under the Influence” course. The online requirement for this course is six hours.
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  • Virginia traffic schoolis one of the longest online driver improvement courses in the country. It is an 8-hour course, but actual online course time allows for an 80-minute break, which means there is a 6-hour and 40-minutes study time requirement.
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  • Like many states, Georgia has a self-paced online traffic school. You can take it at a time that works for you, complete it all at once, or do it in stages. You will however, must spend a minimum of 6 hours in the course.
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