how long does the hunter education course take

by Gage Quitzon 7 min read

You may complete the course at your own pace. The course can be completed in one sitting or completed a little at a time over several days. All pay-up-front courses are available for 90 days from time of registration and payment.

What is the adult online hunter education course?

Typically, it takes about 4–6 hours to go through the online course, excluding any quizzes and/or exams and restudying that you may choose to do.

How long is the traditional Alabama Hunter Education course?

Typically it takes about 4–6 hours to go through the online course, excluding any quizzes and/or exams and restudying that you may choose to do. How long does Hunter course take? The traditional California Hunter Education Course is about 12 hours in length and is usually given over a number of weeknights and/or weekends.

What is the hunter education certificate and when will it arrive?

The Instructor Hunter Ed Course is a 90-minute course designed to help instructors better understand hunter education and become more effective in the classroom and create an exciting environment. After completing the Instructor Hunter Ed Course, you will be prompted to take a final exam. You must pass the exam to earn a certificate.

What is the instructor Hunter ed course?

The Hunter Education Certificate is proof that you have successfully completed all the education requirements. The Hunter Education Certificate will arrive within 2-3 weeks after you complete all certification requirements.

How long is the CA hunter safety course online?

about 12 hours
What is the advantage of taking the Online Hunter Safety Course? A. The traditional California Hunter Education Course is about 12 hours in length and is usually given over a number of weeknights and/or weekends. With the online hunter safety course, you can do the bulk of the course work from home.

Does a 5 year old need a hunting license in Texas?

A hunting license is required of any person (resident or nonresident), of any age, to hunt any animal, bird, frog or turtle in this state, except the following: coyotes, if the coyotes are attacking, about to attack, or have recently attacked livestock, domestic animals, or fowl.

Does Texas hunters education expire?

Important Facts about your Hunter Education certification

Certification is good for life. Texas certification is honored by other states and provinces requiring hunter education. You must carry proof of certification or deferral on your person while hunting.

Do you have to have a hunter safety course in NC?

A North Carolina Hunter Safety Course is required if you are a first-time hunter and want to buy a hunting license in North Carolina or if you are 16 years of age and want to hunt without supervision. You can now take the class portion of the North Carolina hunter education requirement online.

Can I hunt on my own land without a license in Texas?

A hunting license is still required on public land and allowing others to hunt on your private property for financial consideration requires a hunting lease license.Aug 29, 2019

Can a felon get a hunting license in Texas?

Released convicted felons may obtain a hunting license in Texas, but are currently restricted as to what types of weapons they may use. State and federal laws do not allow them to possess firearms such as centerfire and rimfire rifles, shotguns and handguns for hunting.May 18, 2018

How old do you have to be to hunt alone in Texas?

Youth under 17 years old are required to be under the immediate supervision of a permitted adult, at lease18 years old, who is licensed to hunt in Texas. Youth under 12 years old must remain within normal voice distance of an adult supervisor (direct supervision).

Is hunters education required in Texas?

Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete a Hunter Education Course.

Does a 6 year old need a hunting license in Texas?

Texas residents and non-residents under the age of 17 must have the Youth Hunting License. They do not need state hunting endorsement requirements, except for the Reptile and Amphibian Endorsement. Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website for more details.

How long is the NC hunter safety course?

about 10 hours
The traditional North Carolina Hunter Education Course is about 10 hours in length and is usually given over a number of weeknights and/or weekends. With the online hunter safety course, you can do the bulk of the course work from home.

Can a 16 year old hunt alone in NC?

Youth under age 16 are exempt from the requirement of a hunting license provided they comply with the following: Youth who have not obtained a Certificate of Competency showing their completion of the hunter safety course must be accompanied by a properly licensed adult when hunting.

Do I need a hunting license on my property in NC?

A landowner or person leasing land primarily for cultivation, their spouse, and dependents under 18 residing with them, may hunt, trap and fish on such land without a license.

How long will it take to complete the course?

Typically, it takes about 4–6 hours to go through the online course, excluding any quizzes and/or exams and restudying that you may choose to do.

Do I have to complete the course all at once?

You may complete the course at your own pace. The course can be completed in one sitting or completed a little at a time over several days. All pay...

How do I replace my Hunter-ed online course completion document if I’ve lost it or it has been damaged?

To replace a lost or destroyed proof of course completion document, log in to the course and print a new one.

Where do I change my user information?

If you need to update your profile information or change your password, click on your username in the navigation bar at the top of the web page in...

How do I reset my password?

If you forget your password, you can reset it from the Forgot Your Password page. You will need to enter your username and the email from your pr...

Will I lose everything if I log out?

When you log out, your progress is recorded so that when you log in again, you can pick up where you left off. When logging back in, you will be ta...

How many times may I log in and out?

You may log in and out as many times as you wish. Your progress is monitored and saved.

What’s required to play the videos in the course?

Our course videos should play in all browsers. If you are having trouble playing a video, you might be able to find help at Vimeo’s FAQs . (Vimeo...

What does the message "Your session has expired due to inactivity" mean?

If you have not been active within the course for more than 15 minutes, you will automatically be logged out of your session. A notice stating, “Yo...

How much does the Indiana Hunter Ed Course cost?

The Indiana Hunter Ed Course fee is $19.95.

Do you need Indiana Hunting education?

You need education if you were born after Dec. 31, 1986, and will be buying a hunting license in Indiana.

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

You must be at least 12 years old to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Indiana Hunter Ed Course?

You must be a resident of Indiana to take the online course.

Is the Indiana Hunter Ed Course approved by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources?

The Indiana Hunter Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Is my Indiana Hunter Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Indiana Hunter Education Certific...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you must restudy the unit and take the quiz again until you pass. You must score at least 80% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Final Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the exam to pass. You have unlimited attempts t...

What is the proof of online Indiana Hunter Ed Course completion?

Once you pass and pay for the online course, you will be able to immediately print out the Temporary Hunter Education Certificate. This is your pro...


The official state-approved hunter safety course meets state hunter education requirements.


Study the course material and take the final exam as often as is needed to meet the hunter education requirements of your state.


Upon successful completion of your hunter safety course, print your certificate of completion.

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Hunting laws and regulations.

How to get a hunter's license?

Get hunter certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $19.95 online course. 2 Print your online course completion document. 3 Get ready to go hunting!

How to get a Hunter Education Certificate?

1. Study and pass the online course . Study the course to prepare for the required online exam. 2. Finish any other requirements. After successfully completing the online course, finish any other requirements from the state. 3. Get your National Hunter Education Certificate. You’ll receive your permanent Hunter Education Certificate ...

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is an online course provider that also develops print materials that cover Hunting safety best practices and regulations.

How long is the Alabama Hunter Education Course?

The traditional Alabama Hunter Education Course is about 10 hours in length and is usually given over a number of weeknights and/or weekends. With the online hunter safety course, you can do all of the course work from home and you do not need to attend a field day – commencing September 1, 2013. Q. Do I need to take this course to obtain ...

Is hunting the safest sport?

A. Contrary to popular belief, hunting is one of the safest sports around. This is mainly due to the fact that most hunters take gun safety and hunting safety very seriously. Careless or reckless behavior while hunting can lead to serious injury to one self or to innocent bystanders.

How old do you have to be to get a Hunter Education Certificate?

If you are 18 years or older, you’ll print your permanent Hunter Education Certificate after successfully passing the course and paying the fee. If you are under 18 years of age, the Hunter Education Certificate will be given to you after you complete the Field Day. Get Started →.

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Hunting laws and regulations.

How to get a hunter's license?

Get hunter certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $28.95 online course. 2 Finish any other requirements. 3 Get ready to go hunting!
