how long does rsv take to run its course

by Ida Kris 5 min read

RSV goes away on its own in one to two weeks. Antibiotics are not used to treat viral infections, including those caused by RSV. (Antibiotics may be prescribed, however, if testing shows you or your child has bacterial pneumonia or other infection.)Apr 2, 2020

Full Answer

How long does RSV last?

How long does it last? Yes, RSV is highly contagious — particularly during the three- to seven-day period a person has symptoms. Some infants and people with weakened immune systems may remain contagious for as long as four weeks.

How often does a child get RSV?

By: Andrea Jones, MD, FAAP Almost all children get RSV at least once before they are 2 years old. For most healthy children, RSV is like a cold. But, some children get very sick with RSV.

What is RSV and how does it spread?

Most children get RSV before two years of age. Infection is easily spread in young children because of their close contact with other children who may be infected, through the sharing of their toys and constant touching of objects that may be contaminated with the virus.

What is RSV and how is it treated?

What is RSV? RSV (or respiratory syncytial virus) is one of the many viruses that cause respiratory illness―illnesses of the nose, throat, and lungs. This virus occurs in the late fall through early spring months, but can vary in different parts of the country.

How long does RSV take to recover?

Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two. There is no specific treatment for RSV infection, though researchers are working to develop vaccines and antivirals (medicines that fight viruses).

Does RSV have to run its course?

There is no treatment for RSV itself, and for most people the virus runs its course in a week or two. It usually causes a cold, with symptoms appearing a few days after contact with the virus. Common symptoms include: Fever.

How do you know when RSV is no longer contagious?

There is no way to tell if your child is still contagious. A good rule of thumb is that they can return to daycare/school once they have had no fever for at least 24 hours (without fever medicine), they are eating and drinking well, and the cough may be present but is no longer very frequent or distressing.

What is the peak day for RSV?

RSV symptoms peak around day 5 of the illness and often improve at 7–10 days. However, the cough may linger for about 4 weeks due to the slow recovery of the ciliated cells.

Does RSV get worse before it gets better?

The course of illness is different in each child. Some may be sick for only a few days, others for a full week. But we typically see cases of RSV get worse before they get better (just like the common cold). If a child is diagnosed on Day 2, mostly likely the virus will get worse before it gets better.

Is RSV worse than Covid?

So far, the new coronavirus appears to be more dangerous for adults, especially older ones. RSV is riskier for young children, but it can also be serious for older people and those who have other health problems.

Can parents spread RSV?

Parents and other adults can easily infect young children with RSV. Because RSV symptoms resemble those of the common cold (runny nose, sore throat, mild headache, cough, and sometimes a fever), parents and other adults may not realize they are infected with the virus but can still be contagious.

Is cold air good for RSV?

Avoidance of exposure to tobacco smoke, cold air and air pollutants is also beneficial to long-term recovery from RSV bronchiolitis. A number of vaccines to prevent this infection are currently being studied.

Is RSV and Covid 19 similar?

The flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are all highly contagious respiratory infections caused by viruses: The flu by influenza virus, COVID-19 by SARS-CoV-2 virus, and RSV by respiratory syncytial virus. It is possible for a person to be infected with multiple viruses at the same time.

Is RSV worse at night?

As the cough gets more frequent, the child may have stridor (a harsh, crowing noise made during inspiration). Croup is typically much worse at night. It often lasts 5 or 6 nights, but the first night or two are usually the most severe.

How do you treat RSV at home?

Lifestyle and home remediesCreate moist air to breathe. Keep the room warm but not overheated. ... Drink fluids. Continue breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your infant as you would normally. ... Try saline nasal drops. ... Use over-the-counter pain relievers. ... Stay away from cigarette smoke.

What medication is used to treat RSV?

There are currently only two drugs approved for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody for the prevention of RSV in high-risk children and ribavirin is approved for treatment of severe RSV disease, however its effectiveness in improving outcomes is questionable.

How long should I wash my hands?

Wash for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. (Alcohol-based rubs work well for young children who don’t have the coordination or attention span for proper hand washing technique.)

Is respiratory syncytial virus contagious?

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a highly contagious, seasonal lung infection. It’s a common childhood illness that can affect adults too. Most cases are mild, with cold-like symptoms. Severe infection leads to pneumonia and bronchiolitis. Washing your hands and other common good hygiene practices help prevent spreading RSV.


People infected with RSV usually show symptoms within 4 to 6 days after getting infected. Symptoms of RSV infection usually include

Take steps to relieve symptoms

Manage fever and pain with over-the-counter fever reducers and pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. (Never give aspirin to children.)

RSV can cause more serious health problems

RSV can also cause more severe infections such as bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the small airways in the lung, and pneumonia, an infection of the lungs. It is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than 1 year of age.

How long can a rsv survive?

Unclean hands (RSV can survive 30 minutes or more on unwashed hands). Unclean objects or surfaces (RSV can survive up to 6 hours on surfaces, toys, keyboards, door knobs, etc).

How long is RSV contagious?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people infected with RSV are usually contagious for 3 to 8 days. However, some infants and people with weakened immune systems can be contagious for as long as four weeks―even if they are not showing symptoms.

What are the symptoms of RSV?

Symptoms of dehydration (fewer than 1 wet diaper every 8 hours) Pauses or difficulty breathing. Gray or blue color to tongue, lips, or skin. Significantly decreased activity and alertness. Some children with RSV may be at increased risk of developing a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection.

What to give a baby with RSV?

If difficult for the baby to feed at the breast, expressing breastmilk into a cup or bottle may be an option. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen (if older than 6 months) to help with low-grade fevers. Always avoid aspirin and cough and cold medications. Only 3% (3 out of 100 children) with RSV will require a hospital stay.
