how long does it take to make an email course

by Angel Conroy 5 min read

Your email course length
A common email course length is 5-7 days with one email (containing up to 1,000 words) sent per day. If through experimentation you discover that a different course length is more efficient for your specific target audience, then go with that.
Jan 15, 2020

How long should an email course be?

Jun 13, 2020 · But Ideally, an email course can be 7-10 emails longer. You don’t want to your students to be overwhelmed where they start ignoring your emails. Creating email sequences are easy. Just head over to Sequences Tab on the top and create a new sequence.

How do I create an email course?

Apr 02, 2018 · How to actually create an email course. The first thing you need to do is determine the subject matter of the course. Broadly, this should be self-evident. If you’re a content marketing consultant, you don’t want to create a course on woodworking. However, when you try to figure out the specifics of your course, things are not so obvious.

Do you need an email course for your online business?

Create an outline of your email course. You probably won’t be able to cover every aspect of your topic on your email course, so stick with the most important subtopics and then build your course around them. Make It Short. I highly recommend keeping your email course short and punchy. Ideally, your course should be between five to seven lessons.

Are email courses better than full-blown online courses?

Aug 13, 2021 · Generally, it takes anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks to create an online course. Mini-courses can take around 10 hours to produce while a beginner course can take about 100 hours. A high-quality flagship course can take up to a month to put together.

How long does it take to create a course?

Depending on the duration and detail of the program, it can take anywhere between 25 – 500 hours to formulate an online course. A mini-course with just 4 or 5 videos you could develop it in a couple of days. An in-depth flagship course with numerous modules and assignments could take eight weeks or more to accomplish.Feb 8, 2021

How long does it take to create a digital course?

So how long does it take to create an online course? It can take anywhere between 3 days to 2 months to create an online course, assuming that you are working on it full time.Feb 18, 2022

How do I create an email course?

The anatomy of an email courseStep 1: Decide what to teach. Before you create anything, figure out what to teach first. ... Step 2: Structure your email course. Most email courses are sent over a period of one to two weeks. ... Step 3: Create content for your email course. ... Step 4: Automate your workflow. ... Step 5: Make the sale.

Is it easy to create an online course?

Creating an online course is easier than ever—and that's not hyperbole. Thanks to the advent of new course platforms and user-friendly technology, you can develop a brand-new online course in less time than it takes to get through your email inbox.Jan 2, 2022

How much does it cost to create an online course?

At an estimated 80 to 280 hours required to develop a 1-hour course, you can expect to pay roughly $5,850 USD to over $15,000 USD to get a fully polished course, in addition to the cost of your Instructional Designer (ID) and SME.

How long does it take to develop 1 hour of classroom training?

Time to Develop One Hour of TrainingType of Training per 1 hourLow Hours Per hour of Instruction (2009)Stand-up training (classroom)43Self-instructional print40Instructor-led, Web-based training delivery (using software such as Centra, Adobe Connect, or WebEx-two-way live audio with PowerPoint)4914 more rows•Dec 6, 2017

How long should email classes be?

Your email course length A common email course length is 5-7 days with one email (containing up to 1,000 words) sent per day. If through experimentation you discover that a different course length is more efficient for your specific target audience, then go with that.Jan 15, 2020

Do email courses work?

Email courses are low risk Because email courses are a minimum viable product, they are the best way to test new content. If you're not spending your time or your budget on those high-quality assets and features, that means you're not losing too much if your email course doesn't do as well as you had hoped it would.

How long should a Mini online course be?

When we refer to a mini course, we mean short online course that typically takes two hours or less to complete. They cover a hyper-specific topic and are often used as a marketing growth tool. And they might be repurposed content or a unit from a larger online course.

How long should your online course be?

The Optimal Online Course Length Most experts confirm that a good length for a web-based course is somewhere between 15-30 minutes. This traditional opinion builds on psychological research, specific content patterns and, more often than not, gut feeling.Apr 4, 2022

How do you create an eLearning course?

How to create an eLearning courseStep 1: Establish the why of your project. ... Step 2: Gather your current materials. ... Step 3: Distill your topic into an eLearning script. ... Step 4: Define the visual look-and-feel of your project. ... Step 5: Develop materials for your course. ... Step 6: Assemble into one cohesive course.

Is selling online courses profitable?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.Oct 11, 2021

What is an Email Course?

Ideally, email courses are the series of multiple emails that are sent in a specific sequence talking about a certain topic.

Why to create an Email Course?

Did you know the average conversion rate of almost anything online is 2-3%? That is out of 100 visitors, only 2 or 3 visitors would buy from you. (Given that you have a good website)

How to Create an Email Course

Now that we have understood that why email courses are important, let’s dive in to the steps of creating an email course.

How to Write Email Course Content?

Well the creation of email marketing course may seem easy. But if you want to make out the best out of your email marketing courses, you should consider these points:

Why do content marketers like email courses?

Content marketers love email courses because they tend to convert well. Whether you’re using them to convert website visitors into subscribers or subscribers into customers, they’re a good option.#N#Plus, content marketers are used to cranking out content, so they’re low-risk relative to other tactics for growing an audience.

Can teachers use email courses?

This might sound obvious, but email courses are great ways for teachers to generate some extra income. Actually, there are two types of teachers that can benefit from email courses.

How many lessons should I have in an email course?

I highly recommend keeping your email course short and punchy. Ideally, your course should be between five to seven lessons. This way you can give a decent amount of consideration to each subtopic without completely overwhelming your audience.

What to do at the end of an email lesson?

At the end of each lesson, direct the course taker towards some action. This creates “small wins” which compels the reader into opening subsequent email lessons. This is also the easiest way to demonstrate the value of your free email course.

Questions to Ask Before Creating an Online Course

Before we begin, ask yourself the following questions. Knowing the answers will make the process of creating an online course smoother.

How much research time does an online course need?

It can take anywhere from 1 hour to a couple of days to research information for your online course. It mostly depends on your expertise in the topic.

Creating an Outline for Your Online Course

Before you write your lessons, outline the content. This will help the flow of your lessons easy for students to follow.

Production Time

Production is the most time-consuming aspect of online course creation. You should take your time to create a believable, interactive, and visually appealing online course.

Publishing Time

The time to publish an online course can be considerable. Make sure to add it to your calculation when creating your schedule.

Estimated Times for Types of Online Courses

Now you know what to consider when calculating how long it takes to create an online course. Here are some more detailed examples.

Tips to Speed Up the Online Course Creation Process

There are some ways you can speed up the process of creating an online course.

How long does it take to send an email course?

Most email courses are sent over a period of one to two weeks. But the key is to send content quickly and consistently enough to warm up new leads. This will let leads know who you are and what you do quickly enough so that they stay intrigued.

What is an email course?

It also teaches your audience something real, something necessary, and something related to your course by delivering lessons over a series of automatically generated emails.

What does it mean to be value focused in email courses?

That means thinking about leading people from interested to very interested throughout your email series.

What happens when students work through email courses?

As students work through your email course, they’ll become more and more aware of your course subject matter and what they don’t know yet—but want to. This will generate more demand for your full course.

How to make money with email courses?

Collect email addresses. You’ve heard us say it before, but your email list is the backbone of your business. You launch your course and make money by emailing your list about your course . The larger your list, the larger the number of potential buyers.

How to teach a full course?

Step 1: Decide what to teach. Before you create anything, figure out what to teach first. Naturally, you want to pick a topic that is valuable, shows off your teaching abilities, and also generates demand for your full course. Let’s say your full course is entitled, “Planning a Trip to Italy.”.

In Higher Education

As an instructional designer, it generally takes me about 3 months to plan, design, and launch an online course in higher education while working with the instructor. That timeline applies to courses that have already been taught face-to-face, and so the content already exists.

In Government

I am currently working on an online course for a government agency and it has been over a year. There are about 4 levels of clearance that the course needs to go through, including a lot of back and forth communication and changes to be made. Not to mention making sure that the course is accessible to people with hearing or vision impairment.

In Online Entrepreneurship

In the entrepreneurial space, I think a course can be completed in less time, closer to the 1-2 month mark if the right tools are used. That is because there are not many levels of bureaucracy to go through, it’s just you and your customers.
