how long does it take to do the wi boating course?

by Maritza Gusikowski 8 min read

You may complete the course at your own pace. The course can be completed in one sitting or a little at a time over several days.

How much does it cost to take a Wisconsin boat course?

Feb 15, 2021 · 3 Do you need a boating license if you’re over 18 in Wisconsin? 4 How much is a boat license in Wisconsin? 5 Can a 15 year old drive a boat alone in Wisconsin?

Is there an online boating safety course in Wisconsin?

Dec 07, 2021 · How long does Wisconsin boaters safety course take ... How long does Wisconsin boaters safety course take? about 3 hours. How long will it take to complete the course? Typically it takes about 3 hours to go through the online course, excluding any quizzes and/or exams and restudying that you may choose to do.

When do you need a boating license in Wisconsin?

May 23, 2021 · All first-time hunters born on or after Jan. 1, 1960 are required to take and pass a hunter safety course. Riders 16 years old and younger riding on public or private land in Michigan must take an approved ORV education course, carry an ORV safety certificate and have direct visual supervision of an adult.

What are chapter quizzes for the Wisconsin boater license?

You can take the online course at any time, day or night. However, courses must be completed within 90 days of payment at which time your access to the course will expire. Q.What do I need to pass the boating license test? A. You need a grade of 80% or higher on the boating license test to pass. That means 48 correct answers out of 60. Q.

How long is the Wisconsin boaters safety course?

between 4 and 6 hoursLENGTH OF COURSE This course takes between 4 and 6 hours to complete.

How many questions is the boating exam Wisconsin?

What do I need to pass the boating license test? A. You need a grade of 80% or higher on the boating license test to pass. That means 48 correct answers out of 60.

Is boater safety course required in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, anyone born on or after January 1, 1989, must successfully complete a boater safety course approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in order to operate a motorboat or personal watercraft (PWC).

How much is a boating license in Wisconsin?

REGISTRATION FEESFeeMotorized boats 16 feet to less than 26 feet in length$32Motorized boats 26 feet to less than 40 feet in length$60Motorized boats 40 foot and over in length$100Non-motorized sailboats$175 more rows

Do you need a boat license to rent a boat in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin residents and visitors needing a boater safety education card to rent a boat or personal watercraft can now get their temporary safety certificate online. Wisconsin state law states you must be born before January 1, 1989 in order to operate a watercraft WITHOUT a Boater's Safety license.Jul 21, 2020

What do you need to rent a boat in Wisconsin?

Rental Regulations / WI Boating Laws All motorized operators must be 18 and if born AFTER Jan 1, 1989 must have boaters safety certificate. Sign rental agreement at time of rental. Sign off on Wisconsin State Boating Laws Instruction sheet at dock. Be instructed on operation of rental watercraft by Watersports staff.

What do you need to drive a boat in Wisconsin?

Boater safety requirements Wisconsin boating safety certification or out of state equivalent certification is required for operators born on or after January 1, 1989. Safety certification is required to operate at age 16. Read the boating regulations [PDF] for full details on age and operating restrictions.

What is the minimum age to drive a boat in Wisconsin?

16 years of age or olderand who is 16 years of age or older may operate a motorboat only if he or she: • Has completed a boating safety course accepted by Wisconsin DNR or…

How do I get a new boating license in Wisconsin?

You can order a replacement card by following these steps:Download and complete the duplicate safety course certification application (form 8500-81)Send the completed application form along with the $2.75 replacement fee to the DNR service center nearest you, either by mail or in person.More items...

Do boats need titles in Wisconsin?

What boats are titled in Wisconsin. Effective February 1, 1989, the owner of a boat, 16 feet in length or greater, in Wisconsin, whether or not the boat is operated on the waters of this state, is required to hold a certificate of title.

Can passengers drink on a boat in Wisconsin?

Short answer: Yes. Just like drunk driving, operating a motorized boat is illegal if your blood alcohol concentration is above the legal limit. In Wisconsin, if your BAC is .May 15, 2021

Do boats need to be registered in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, you must have a Wisconsin Certificate of Number (registration) and expiration decals to operate a recreational vessel legally. Exceptions to the requirement to register a recreational vessel include: Sailboats 12 feet in length or less and not equipped with a motor and sailboards.

Q. What Is The Wisconsin Boating Safety Certificate?

A. The Wisconsin Boating Safety Certificate (also known as the Wisconsin Boating License or boaters license) is proof that you have met the mandato...

Q. Boating License Or Boater Safety Certificate... Is There A Difference?

A.The boater education card is proof that you have successfully completed a boating safety course. The boater education card does not expire and do...

Q. I Do Not Have A Driver's License. Can I Still Get The Wisconsin Boating Safety Certificate?

A. Yes. You are not required to have a state driver's license in order to obtain a boater education card.

Q. How Can I Get My Wisconsin Boating License?

A. You can obtain your Wisconsin Boating Safety Certificate in 4 easy steps: 1. Pay the one-time course fee of $29.95—free unlimited retries of the...

Q. Who Needs A Wisconsin Boater License?

A. Any operator of a motorboat or personal watercraft (PWC) who was born on or after January 1, 1989 must have a valid Wisconsin Boating Safety Cer...

Q. What Is A Wisconsin DNR Number and How Do I Get One?

A. The Wisconsin DNR number is a lifetime customer number that is issued when you purchase a license or certificate from the DNR. This 9-digit numb...

Q. How Much Does The Boat Safety Course Cost?

A. There is a one-time fee of $29.95 paid to®. It includes unlimited free attempts at the final exam. Learn more about

Q. Is There A Time Limit to Complete The Final Exam?

A. You can take the final exam at any time, day or night. The exam is not timed but inactive exams will be erased after 24 hours.

Q. Is There A Time Limit to Complete The Online Course?

A. You can take the online course at any time, day or night. However, courses must be completed within 90 days of payment at which time your access...

Q.What Do I Need to Pass The Boating License Test?

A. You need a grade of 80% or higher on the boating license test to pass. That means 48 correct answers out of 60.

How much does the Wisconsin Boat Ed Course cost?

The Wisconsin Boat Ed Course fee is $34.95. You will also pay a $1.00 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources fee.

Are there any age or operator restrictions for boating in Wisconsin?

See the restrictions here.

Do I have to complete the course all at once?

You may complete the course at your own pace. The course can be completed in one sitting or completed a little at a time over several days. All pay...

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

There is no minimum age requirement to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Wisconsin Boat Ed Course?

You do not have to be a resident of Wisconsin to take this online course.

Is the Wisconsin Boat Ed Course approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources?

The Wisconsin Boat Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Is my Wisconsin Boating Safety Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

For visiting boaters, all states, territories, and provinces will recognize boating education cards that meet NASBLA requirements and Canadian Plea...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you can take it again until you pass. You must score at least 70% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Final Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the exam to pass. You have unlimited attempts t...

How to get a boater license?

Get boater certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $34.95 course, and pay a $1.00 state fee. 2 Print your online course completion document. 3 Get ready to go boating!

What is boat ed?

Boat Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Boating laws and regulations.

How much does a boating course cost in Wisconsin?

The average classroom-based boating course costs just $10 in Wisconsin. Most online offerings cost a bit more at about $30 a class, though a free option is available. Boaters requesting a duplicate license do not usually need to pay a fee.

How old do you have to be to drive a boat in Wisconsin?

Minors 10 to 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or another adult designated by the minor’s parent or guardian when operating a water vessel. There are no age requirements in Wisconsin to operate a boat that is not propelled by a motor.

What is the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources?

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) oversees most boating service matters in the state. Boat certification and education courses approved by the DNR are also taught in classrooms at locations throughout the state. Boaters who have the necessary certification but who need a replacement can request a duplicate from the DNR with ...

Do boating licenses expire?

The DNR does not technically issue licenses, but instead expects boaters to receive education certificates. These proofs of completion never expire and do not need renewal. If a licensed operator somehow loses or damages his or her boat card, he or she is obligated to request a duplicate from the DNR by mail.

What age do you have to wear a life jacket on a boat?

All boat passengers of any age aboard personal watercraft must always wear a life jacket. Passengers on all water vessels operating in federal waters who are 13 years of age or younger must wear an approved life jacket at all times when the boat is in motion.

Do all boats have fire extinguishers?

All motorboats, houseboats and some other categories of water vessels must have a proper fire extinguisher on board. All motorized water vessels must have a suitable sound-producing system on board to signal for help in the case of an emergency.

Do you need a boating license in Wisconsin?

A boating license is required for many Wisconsin adults and minors to operate a motorized boat or personal watercraft (PWC), depending on the boater’s age . Instead of receiving licenses, Wisconsin adults are expected to earn a boater education card for the completion of an applicable education program in order to legally operate a water vessel in ...

How old do you have to be to operate a boat in Wisconsin?

Children at least 12 years of age may operate a personal watercraft if they have successfully completed the DNR prescribed boating safety course and possess a boating safety certificate issued by the Wisconsin DNR or another state. Adult supervision is not a substitute for a certificate. Must be 16 years of age or older.

How old do you have to be to drive a motorboat?

A person 10 or 11 years old may operate a motorboat only if accompanied by a parent, a guardian, or a person at least 18 years old who is designated by the parent or guardian AND the parent, guardian, or designated adult holds a valid boating safety certificate or was born before January 1, 1989.

What states accept hunters education?

Hunter education graduates receive a certificate that is accepted in every state, Canada and Mexico. For Wisconsin residents, a first-time hunter education graduate may use the Wisconsin hunter education certificate in lieu of a small game hunting license from the date of issuance until March 31 of the following year.

How long is a hunter safety certificate?

This hunter internet field day online course takes 4-6 hours to complete online. The required in-person field day component takes 6-8 hours to complete.

What age do you have to be to drive a snowmobile in Wisconsin?

Snowmobilers on the trail. Snowmobile course requirements. Any person who is born on or after Jan. 1, 1985 and who has reached the age of 12 , must have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin.

How old do you have to be to ride an ATV?

Anyone who operates an ATV on public riding areas - e.g. trails, frozen waters, routes, permitted county and/or forest lands - who is at least age 12 years of age and who was born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, must have completed a safety certification course.

How long is the Snowmobile course?

Length of course. This course requires a minimum of eight hours but may be longer depending on the instructor and the student's learning ability.

What is boat ed?

Boat Ed is the only boater safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, the uniformed, civilian volunteer arm of the United States Coast Guard.

What is a NASBLA?

NASBLA is a U.S. nonprofit organization that works to develop public policy for recreational boating safety. NASBLA represents the recreational boating authorities of all 50 states and the U.S. territories.

How long does a boat registration last in Wisconsin?

The Wisconsin boat registration period runs for 3 years. The registration period begins on April 1 of the year in which the registration is issued or renewed and expires on March 31 of the 3rd year after issuance or renewal.

When did Wisconsin require boat owners to hold a title?

Effective February 1, 1989, the owner of a boat, 16 feet in length or greater, in Wisconsin, whether or not the boat is operated on the waters of this state, is required to hold a certificate of title.

What is a boat?

Boats from a country other than the United States temporarily using the waters of the state. A military or public boat of the United States, except recreational-type public vessels. A boat whose owner is a state or subdivision of a state, which is used principally for governmental purposes, and which is clearly identifiable. A ships lifeboat.

What is a boat registration card?

The Registration Certificate, also commonly referred to as the “certificate of number card” or “registration card,” is a small pocket-sized card made of durable water-resistant material and must be carried by the person operating the boat and available for inspection. (See image)

What is a lien release?

A lien release can include a signature from the lien holder in the lien release section of the certificate of title, a signed letter (on company letterhead) from the lien holder or the signed lien notice provided by the Department.
