how long does it take to complete the sei endorcment course

by Bernardo Bins MD 5 min read

This 45 Hour SEI Endorsement Completion course has been developed by the Arizona Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition Services (OELAS) to enable classroom teachers, administrators, and other certified personnel to provide differentiated instruction for students whose native language is other ...

Full Answer

How long does the SEI teacher endorsement course take?

SEI Teacher Endorsement Course Participant’s Manual 2.0 17 Module B: Academic Language and Literacy Development in the SEI Classroom (35 hours) Vocabulary and Discourse: Assignments and Readings In Vocabulary and Discourse, participants are introduced to a relevant foundational knowledge

Will there be homework for the SEI endorsement course?

Additionally, homework readings, assignments and activities for the SEI Endorsement course will be loaded onto designated online course locations. At times, participants will be expected to post their homework online to share with other class members. Instructors will let participants know when posting will be required.

What are the content objectives of the SEI endorsement course?

Content Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: • define how the SEI endorsement course fits into the RETELL initiative as well as the responsibility for completing the course and obtaining the SEI endorsement. • demonstrate a working knowledge of the demographics and academic achievement of

How do I get the SEI endorsement?

Passing the SEI MTEL (MA Tests for Educator Licensure) and applying for the SEI Endorsement: Educators who take and pass the SEI MTEL are eligible for the SEI Endorsement, provided that they apply to receive the endorsement. Information about the SEI MTEL can be found on our website.

How do you get an SEI endorsement in Massachusetts?

You may qualify for the SEI Teacher endorsement through one of the following pathways:Enroll in and successfully complete a for-cost course sponsored by a DESE-approved vendor; or.Complete a Massachusetts-approved educator preparation program for the applicable license; or.Take and pass the SEI MTEL; or.More items...•

How long is an SEI endorsement in Massachusetts Good For?

By when do I need to get the SEI endorsement? A: As of July 1, 2016, all teachers with Professional Licenses will be required to obtain 150 PDPs within five years in order to renew a professional license, as under current regulations.

What is the difference between SEI and ESL?

Multilingual Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Sheltered instruction is intended to make instruction in academic content areas more accessible to EL students. The language of instruction is English. The student also receives ESL instruction, which is designed to teach English to EL students.

Does Massachusetts require SEI endorsement?

Vocational Educators beginning July 1, 2021, educators applying for their first Professional Vocational license or certain Initial Vocational Administrator licenses (specifically Vocational Principal/Assistant Principal and Vocational Supervisor/Director) must obtain the SEI endorsement.

What does SEI mean in school?

Structured English ImmersionThe goal of the Structured English Immersion (SEI) Program is for English Learners to acquire "English language skills and access to core content so that English Learners (ELs), including those with disabilities, can succeed in a mainstream classroom.

How do I get an ESL endorsement in Massachusetts?

Earn a Degree in ESL and Qualify to Become an ESL Teacher in Massachusetts. ... Pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) ... Apply For Your Initial Teaching License. ... Consider Earning a Master's in ESL to Maintain and Upgrade Your Massachusetts Teaching License.More items...

What is the SEI two hour model?

The Two-Hour Walk to SEI Model offers students targeted instruction with an SEI teacher to meet the goals of students. In this model students receive differentiated instruction with an SEI teacher based on their English language proficiency level.

What is SEI in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts law defines SEI as "an English language acquisition process for young children in which nearly all classroom instruction is in English but with the curriculum and presentation designed for children who are learning the language.

How is SEI used in Arizona?

The Arizona State Board of Education is charged with developing and adopting research based models of structured English immersion (SEI) programs to be used in school districts and charter schools in Arizona.

Is sheltered English instruction effective?

Current and past research studies had proven that the Sheltered Instruction Approach had great advantages and played a major role in allowing educators and schools to meet the increasing needs of ELLs.

What is the difference between structured English immersion and sheltered English instruction?

While the instruction focuses on content, sheltered English instruction also promotes English language development. Structured English Immersion – ELLs are taught subject matter in English by a content licensed teacher who is also licensed in ESL or bilingual education.

What is retell in Massachusetts?

Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL) The RETELL initiative (Rethinking Equity in the Teaching of English Language Learners) represents a commitment to address the persistent gap in academic proficiency experienced by EL students.

What is a sheltered English immersion?

Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) is an approach to teaching academic content in English to ELLs. Generally, but not always, ELLs are in the same classrooms as native English-speaking students. To better serve these students, core academic teachers, vocational teachers and those administrators who supervise and evaluate core academic teachers are ...

When will chapter 74 be required in 2021?

Starting July 1, 2021, school districts must ensure that ELLs in Chapter 74 Vocational programs are assigned to teachers who have obtained the SEI Endorsement. If an ELL is assigned to a teacher without the endorsement, the teacher is required to obtain the endorsement within a year of assignment.

What is an academic administrator?

Academic Administrators(principal/assistant principal or supervisor/director only)

Can I get an endorsement for a teacher license?

Yes. You must apply for the endorsement via the Educator Licensure And Renewal ( ELAR) system. Log into your ELAR account and apply for the endorsement following the same steps used to apply for your license. ELAR: How Apply for the SEI Endorsement.

What is SEI endorsement?

This SEI Teacher Endorsement Course - Fully Online equips participants with strategies to support ELLs' access to content instruction through evidence-based reading, writing and vocabulary interventions. The course is facilitated in a 100% online format with a mix of both synchronous and asynchronous learning. Successful completion of this course qualifies participants to apply for the Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) Endorsement.

How many synchronous online sessions are there in a course?

The course schedule accommodates 12 synchronous online sessions, an online capstone project presentation, asynchronous online work between sessions, and three synchronous online make-up sessions.

Stand Alone Sheltered English Immersion

Westfield State University has been approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to offer endorsement for the full Sheltered English Immersion course.

Registration Information

For those enrolled in the course for graduate credit, successful completion includes the following:

District Endorsed Sheltered English Immersion Graduate Credit

Westfield State University is no longer accepting registrations for Graduate Credit for Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) sponsored courses through districts as of June 2017. If you have already submitted for credit and are looking for a transcript, please follow the directions below.

Grades & Transcript Requests

Grades will be made available to students once Westfield State University receives an official grade. However, documentation from your district or instructor may be required.

What is CES in education?

DESE has designated the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) as an approved SEI Endorsement Center offering for-cost Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) courses for teachers and administrators. CES offers open enrollment courses, but will also bring the SEI endorsement course on-site to you at your school or district.

How many synchronous sessions are there in SEI?

SEI Endorsement Center course delivery of the Fully Online Teacher Course includes 12 synchronous online sessions, an online capstone presentation, asynchronous online work between sessions, and three make-up sessions. Participants must have daily access to students in a virtual or in-person classroom during the semester the course is taken.

Is SEI offered outside of school?

A3: Courses are offered throughout the school year. Due to DESE restrictions, SEI courses are not offered outside of the school year.

Do I need to be a SEI to be a teacher?

While core academic teachers are required to earn the SEI Endorsement, all licensed teachers interested in strengthening their skills working with ELLs who have access to students in a classroom may enroll in an SEI Endorsement course. Similarly, administrators other than those described above may enroll in the teacher or administrator SEI Endorsement courses.

Does SEI offer follow up training?

We now offer follow-up training for those who have taken the SEI Endorsement full teacher course. These workshops provide a "deeper dive" into specific topics, as they relate to SEI.

Does CES offer open enrollment?

CES offers open enrollment courses, but will also bring the SEI endorsement course on-site to you at your school or district.

Who is Suzanne Judson Whitehouse?

Contact Suzanne Judson-Whitehouse, Director of Licensure and Credentialing, for more information.

How does the teacher endorsement work?

Here is how it works: 1) Apply for both the teacher and the administrator endorsement. 2) The teacher endorsement is granted upon completion of the teacher course. 3) The administrator endorsement is granted by holding the teacher endorsement. Note: This does not work the other way around.

What is ELL in Massachusetts?

This graduate course of study affords educators the opportunity to investigate the context for English language learner (ELL ) education in Massachusetts and the implications of federal and state legislation regarding equitable access to curricula, informed sheltered English immersion practices and instruction, and administration and interpretation of assessment of diverse ELLs. This course provides required examination of factors that impact the learner of English including, developmental, cultural, social, emotional, behavioral, and limited interrupted or interrupted education (SLIFE/SIFE).

What is literacy in research?

Literacy defined as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking will be incorporated in the study of research based strategies and scaffolds for instruction of vocabulary, comprehension, reading, and writing across student learning configuration s (whole group, small, group, paired, and individual).

What are the elements of primary language acquisition relative to second language acquisition?

Consideration of elements of primary language acquisition relative to second language acquisition (SLA) of standard English will be presented (dialect variance, phonological variance, opaque/transparent sound/symbol correspondence, cognates/false cognates, pragmatics, discourse, semantic variance and syntax variance). Cultivating opportunities for accessing academic language across disciplines will be discussed through engagement in analyzing content area variations in text complexity, text structures, and text features.

How to request transcript review for SEI endorsement?

To request a transcript review, an educator must apply for the SEI Endorsement and select path 2, which is a transcript review based on a related degree or graduate level training. Instructions for applying for the SEI Endorsement can be found on our website .

What is EL812 in school?

Principals of Core Academic Teachers Endorsement Status (EL812) — List of principals within the district who, according to the data provided by the district supervise and/or evaluate teachers of ELs from July 1, 2016 through the latest certified EPIMS data collection period, and their SEI Endorsement status.

How long does it take to get SEI endorsement?

The unendorsed core academic teacher who is assigned an EL is informed that, upon assignment, he or she must obtain the SEI Endorsement within one year from the date of the assignment.

What is EL811 in English?

Core Academic Teachers of English Learners Endorsement Status (EL811) — List of core academic teachers within the district who, according to the data provided by the district, were assigned to teach ELs from July 1, 2016 through the latest certified EPIMS data collection period, and their SEI Endorsement status.

How to get SEI endorsement?

Taking a course through an approved provider and applying for the SEI Endorsement : A list of currently approved providers can be found on the RETELL For-Cost Courses page. Districts may apply to the Department to become approved providers of SEI Endorsement courses. In order to be approved, the district must meet all of the requirements listed in this RFR.

When do schools have to assign ELs?

Since July 1, 2016, school districts (including charter schools) have had a basic responsibility to assign ELs only to those core academic teachers who have the SEI Endorsement. If circumstances arise that make it necessary for a district to assign an EL to an unendorsed core academic teacher, that teacher must earn the SEI Endorsement "within one year from the date of the assignment." 603 CMR 14.07 (3). In those cases, the district also needs to take all reasonable steps so that:

When did the SEI endorsement report come out?

On May 31, 2018 , the Department released in EDWIN, four SEI Endorsement Reports. 2 The reports are available for school districts and charter schools under the "District & School Unsuppressed" tab, and for collaboratives under the "Reports" tab. Reports are made available for districts and collaboratives to monitor whether core academic teachers who have been assigned to ELs and principals who supervise or evaluate such teachers have the SEI Endorsement. Reports will reflect SEI Endorsement status using the latest EPIMS collection. Please see section II of this memo for a description of these data reports.
