how long does a texas hunters safety course last

by Lamont Daniel 5 min read

90 days

How long does it take to complete a hunter safety course?

How long does a hunter safety certificate last in Texas? The Texas Hunter Ed Course is valid for only 90 days from the time of registration and payment. If you are not able to complete this course within 90 days, the course will be automatically renewed for another 30 days.

Where can I get online hunter safety education in Texas?

How long does the Texas online hunter safety course take? 6 hours How long will it take to complete the course? Typically it takes about 4–6 hours to go through the online course, excluding any quizzes and/or exams and restudying that you may choose to do.

How long does the Texas hunter education course last?

Since 1972, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department has offered hunter education courses which have certified nearly 1.5 million students. How long is the course? The Basic Classroom Course is 6 hours of instruction, typically in schools/indoors, including some …

Do you need hunter education in Texas?

The traditional Texas hunter education classroom course lasts about 14 hours and is usually given over the span of a weekend or several weeknights. With the online hunter safety course, you can do the bulk of the course work from home in an interactive and engaging online environment.

Does Texas hunters education expire?

Important Facts about your Hunter Education certification Certification is good for life. Texas certification is honored by other states and provinces requiring hunter education. You must carry proof of certification or deferral on your person while hunting.

Can you get a hunting license in Texas without taking the safety course?

Certification is not required to purchase a hunting license. Minimum age of certification is 9 years. In-person course cost is $15. Persons 17 years of age and older have the option of taking the course in person or on- line.

How long does it take to get a hunting license in Texas?

about 4-6 hoursIt typically takes about 4-6 hours to get your Texas Hunter Education Certificate online. Once you've completed the online course and official test, you can print a temporary certificate.

How old do you have to be to hunt alone in Texas?

Hunter Education Youth under 17 years old are required to be under the immediate supervision of a permitted adult, at lease18 years old, who is licensed to hunt in Texas. Youth under 12 years old must remain within normal voice distance of an adult supervisor (direct supervision).

Is hunter orange required in Texas?

All persons on public hunting lands (state, national forests, and grasslands) during daylight hours when hunting with firearms is permitted must wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange material with orange headgear, and at least 144 square inches appearing on both chest and back.

Do you need a hunting license on private property in Texas?

A hunting license is still required on public land and allowing others to hunt on your private property for financial consideration requires a hunting lease license.Aug 29, 2019

Can felons get a hunting license in Texas?

Released convicted felons may obtain a hunting license in Texas, but are currently restricted as to what types of weapons they may use. State and federal laws do not allow them to possess firearms such as centerfire and rimfire rifles, shotguns and handguns for hunting.May 18, 2018

How long does a Texas hunting license last?

Most recreational hunting and fishing type license packages are valid from date of purchase in August (August 15 and later) through August 31 of the following year. Most commercial type licenses may be purchased starting August 15 of each year for the following year but are not effective until September 1.Aug 15, 2021

How much is the fine for hunting without a license in Texas?

Civil Restitution Failure to pay the civil recovery value will result in the department's refusal to issue a license, tag or permit. Hunting or fishing after failing or refusing to pay civil restitution is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a $500 - $4,000 fine; punishment in jail (not to exceed one year); or both.

How many acres do you need to hunt in Texas?

10 acresHow many acres do you need for hunting in Texas? Most of Texas counties require a minimum of 10 acres to legally hunt or discharge a firearm. There is no statewide mandate but the state has given counties and local jurisdictions the right to establish and enforce 10 acre minimums in the interest of public safety.

Does Texas have a lifetime fishing license?

Lifetime licenses are available to Texas residents only. Residents may buy hunting and fishing licenses valid for the lifetime of the license holder. Non-residents are not eligible for lifetime licenses.

How much does Texas hunting license cost?

Resident Hunting LicensesLicenseEligibilityFeeResident Hunting LicenseTexas resident$25Senior Resident Hunting LicenseTexas resident 65 years and older$7

How long is a Hunter Education Deferral valid?

A deferral may only be obtained once and is only valid until the end of the current license year.

How old do you have to be to get a hunting license?

Certification is not required to purchase a hunting license. Minimum age of certification is 9 years. In-person course cost is $15. Persons 17 years of age and older have the option of taking the course in person or on- line. Online course costs vary.

What is an accompanying person in Texas?

Accompanied means: By a person (resident or non-resident) who is at least 17, who is licensed to hunt in Texas, who has passed hunter education or is exempt (born before Sept. 2, 1971), and you must be within normal voice control.

What is the fine for not carrying proof of hunting certification in Texas?

(Note: Failure to carry proof of certification or deferral while hunting is a Class C, Parks and Wildlife Code Misdemeanor which is punishable by a fine not less than $25 nor more than $500.)

What is field course?

The Field Course is comprised of hands-on skills and live -fire exercises provided to you by a certified instructor. The Online-Only Course covers all the information included in the Online + Field Course, but is an option only available to those 17 years of age and older.

Does Texas recognize Hunter Education?

You will need to carry a proof of that certification on your person while hunting in Texas. We cannot duplicate Hunter Education certification from other states and provinces , you will need to contact the agency that regulates Hun ter Education in that state.

What is the minimum score for the final exam?

The minimum score on the final exam is 75 percent . However, if you achieve a higher score, but are determined to lack safe skills in live-firing or field exercises, or as a result of classroom disruptions, attitude, or incomplete attendance, you may fail the course.

Is bowhunter education mandatory in Texas?

Texas hunters who fall in the required age classes must complete Hunter Education regardless of the type of sporting arm used or species hunted. Bowhunter Education is mandatory in some states and provinces. Bowhunter education is offered in classroom and Online (Added Cost by Vendor) + Field Course (In-person - $15).

How long is Texas hunting safety class?

With the online hunter safety course, you can do the bulk of the course work from home in an interactive and engaging online environment. Thanks to’s professionally narrated course content, detailed illustrations and interactive animations, you will have fun learning all the aspects of hunting and firearm safety and only have to show up to a single 4-6 hour instructor-led hunter safety Field Day.

What is a course completion voucher?

A. The Course Completion Voucher is issued to those students who are 17 year of age and older and have successfully completed their online hunter training. This is voucher is for your records only and is NOT a hunter education certificate.

What is a field day voucher?

The Field Day Voucher is proof that you have passed the online hunter safety course and allows you to take part in a Hunter Safety Field Day, where you will be issued a hunter education certificate once you have successfully completed all activities and the final hunter safety exam. Q.

Is there an online hunter safety course?

A. The online hunter safety course is available to anyone at any time. However we strongly recommend that you locate a Hunter Safety Field Day in your area before you get too far into the online course. Field Days might be difficult to find in certain areas, so plan ahead!

Is hunting the safest sport in Texas?

A. Contrary to popular belief, hunting is one of the safest sports around. This is mainly due to the fact that most hunters take gun safety and hunting safety very seriously. Careless or reckless behavior while hunting can lead to serious injury to one self or to innocent bystanders. This is why Texas requires most hunters to take hunter education courses, and to follow the 10 rules of firearm safety at all times when hunting.

Can I take hunter education online?

A. Students can now taken their entire hunter education course online. There is no Field Day requirement needed and once the course is complete, you can print your Temporary Student Card.


The online-only course is restricted to persons who are 17 years of age and older.


Upon successful completion, you may choose to print out a temporary Hunter Education Certificate from your chosen vendor site.

Online-only courses

Please pick an online-only course from the independent vendors below. Fees differ, based on individual vendor pricing. Carefully read and understand the terms, prior to completing and paying for the course you select.

How long does it take to get a Hunter Education Certificate in Texas?

The certificate will be available within 30 days. If you are under 17 years of age, you'll receive your temporary Hunter Education Certificate after successfully completing the Field Day. Your permanent Hunter Education Certificate will be e-mailed to you by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Get Started →.

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Hunting laws and regulations.

What age do you have to be to get a hunting license?

Course is required for hunters ages 17 and younger and for all persons buying a hunting license for the first time. Minimum age of students is 11 years of age.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt in Texas?

Certification is not required to purchase a hunting license. Bowhunter Education is also required in some areas of Texas (Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Pottsboro and Camp Bullis, San Antonio) and does not substitute for Hunter Education certification.


Who Must Complete Hunter Education?

CLASSROOM COURSE 1. REGISTER for a CLASSROOM COURSE. 2. No preparation required; $15 paid directly to instructor at in-person classroom course. (See instructions online for payment preference.) 3. Description:6 hours of basic instruction in firearm and hunting safety, legal and ethical hunting practices, nom…
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Proof of Certification

Hunter Education Deferral

Bowhunter Education

  • Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete a Hunter Education Course. Proof of certification or deferral is required to be on your person while hunting, either printed or electronically (including the Texas Outdoor Annual mobile app). Certification is not required to purchase a hunting license. Minimum age of certification is
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Course Information

  • Proof of certification or deferral is required to be on your person while hunting. Certification is notrequired to purchase a hunting license.
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