how long does a esthetician course take

by Electa Morar 4 min read

six to nine months

How long does it take to become an esthetician?

To become a basic esthetician, it is possible you could spend as little as 300 hours training. However, some states require thousands of hours of training and apprenticeship hours. You can expect to spend anywhere from between four months and two years before you can expect to get your esthetician license.

How to become an esthetician?

  • Esthetician School. The first step to becoming an esthetician is enrolling in and completing a cosmetology program. ...
  • Training Hour Requirements. "Training hours" tracks the amount of time you spend training to be an esthetician in a cosmetology program.
  • Required Exams. In most cases, passing the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) exam will be your final hurdle on your journey toward working as a licensed esthetician.
  • Apprenticeships. At least a dozen states waive the training-hours requirement for students who participate in apprenticeship programs.

How to become a licensed esthetician?

To qualify for a license, you must complete the following beauty school training requirements:

  • Esthetician – Complete 750 hours of instruction in a beauty school
  • Manicurist – Complete 600 hours of instruction in a beauty school
  • Esthetician/Manicurist – Meet one of the requirements below: Complete 1,200 hours of esthetician/manicure specialty instruction Complete 750 hours of esthetician instruction and 600 hours of manicure instruction

What is the best esthetician school to attend?

Top Picks for the Best Esthetics Programs in Each State

  • Arizona. The G Skin & Beauty Institute means business – the business of esthetics, that is. ...
  • Arkansas. Aesthetics training at the Career Academy of Hair Design is solid, trusted, and proven. ...
  • California. ...
  • Colorado. ...
  • Connecticut. ...
  • Delaware. ...
  • Florida. ...
  • Georgia. ...
  • Idaho. ...
  • Illinois. ...

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How many hours do you need to be an esthetician?

How much does it cost to become an esthetician?

What are the duties of an esthetician?

How much does an esthetician make?

What state has the highest esthetician salary?

How much does a dermatologist make?

Why is it important to be an esthetician?

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How long are most esthetician programs?

about 600 hoursIn the majority of U.S. states, an esthetician program averages about 600 hours, which takes between four and six months to complete depending on the curriculum.

Is becoming an esthetician hard?

It can be difficult to gain employment right out of school. Many places require experience, which could hinder your chances of landing your dream job. It can take years to build up a solid and steady clientele list. Chemistry and comfortableness between you and your clients is a time consuming task that may take years.

What is difference between esthetician and Aesthetician?

Sometimes they're used interchangeably, but there can be a technical difference. Generally, estheticians focus on cosmetic treatments, and aestheticians' roles are more medical. Due to this difference, aestheticians' titles can also include medical, clinical, or paramedical.

How do I become an esthetician UK?

How to become an aestheticianComplete your GCSEs. The first step towards becoming an aesthetician is to complete your secondary school education and earn your GCSEs. ... Complete vocational studies in your area of interest. ... Gain practical work experience. ... Pursue further education to become a medical aesthetician.

How much do estheticians make?

$38,970 per yearHow Much do Estheticians Make? Skincare specialists earn a mean salary of $38,970 per year, or about $18.74 an hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2019).

Where do estheticians make the most money?

The states and districts that pay Estheticians and Skincare Specialists the highest mean salary are Colorado ($58,480), Washington ($56,940), Hawaii ($54,450), Connecticut ($52,740), and Oklahoma ($52,510).

Do estheticians pop pimples?

Estheticians can do extractions. Extracting, or cleaning out, non-inflamed pore blockages will help your skin feel smoother and can help stop inflamed pimples from forming. 2 She won't be able to treat any inflamed pores, just as you shouldn't squeeze inflamed pimples at home.

What does an esthetician do exactly?

An esthetician provides services focused on skin care including, but not limited to, skin treatments, facials, makeup application and hair removal.

Can a medical Aesthetician do Botox?

Beauty therapists and aestheticians are not licensed medical professionals. Therefore, they are not authorized to administer these cosmetic procedures by themselves. They can, however, assist the clinician during the treatment or by doing photo documentation.

Can you train in aesthetics without being a nurse?

There are several types of medical aesthetic training courses available while all require you to be either a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Physician, or Doctor of Dentistry.

What qualifications do I need for aesthetics?

Currently, the majority of aesthetic practitioners come from a medical background and therefore have a university degree in nursing, dentistry or medicine.

How do I qualify as an esthetician?

How to Become a Licensed EstheticianComplete an esthetician training program or complete an apprenticeship (allowed in some states).Submit proof of training/apprenticeship hours to your state board.Take and pass all required exams.Pay a license fee.

Best Esthetician Schools by State | State-by-State Guide to Top ...

How We Came Up With Our List of Top Schools in Each State. We took the guesswork out of finding a quality esthetics training program. For a school to even make the cut and be considered, it had to qualify for Title IV federal financial aid funds and offer a program that meets state licensing requirements.

Esthetician School Near Me l | Skin Care, Facialist, Aesthetics Classes ...

Many cosmetology students choose esthetics programs because they want to provide skincare, such as facials, to clients. If you aren’t interested in hair or nail design as career options, this type of program will give you a more focused education.

Esthetician License Requirements | Esthetics License

According to Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP), there are approximately 183,000 estheticians licensed in the United States. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects that between 2018 and 2028, the number of skincare specialists licensed in the US will increase by a full 11 percent just to keep pace with the growing demand for esthetic services!

Esthetician Schools Online: Courses, Classes & Certification

Name Address Cost Description; Wiregrass Georgia Technical College: Main Campus 4089 Val Tech Rd. Valdosta 31602: unknown: Wiregrass has several locations in Georgia. Contact them to find out if they offer any online classes applicable to your state or province.

How long does it take to become an esthetician?

This test is scheduled after your education, which means it may take a little longer to become a licensed professional than only 18 weeks, but it’s still possible to become an esthetician in less than a year!

How many hours does it take to become an esthetician in Utah?

The state of Utah requires esthetics programs to be at least 600 clock hours, which means there’s a lot to learn in that time! As part of the Basic Esthetician program at Skinworks, our curriculum is split into theory and practical, which means you can learn a little bit of everything in a variety of ways.

What do estheticians learn?

Master estheticians learn more advanced techniques, including certain plastic surgery techniques, radio frequency therapy, laser treatments, and more. This makes it possible to work in a wider variety of places, such as in a medical spa as a medical esthetician.

How Long Does It Take to Become an Esthetician?

The good news is becoming an esthetician can take only six to nine months! Depending on the school and program, that equates to a 600 to 780 clock-hour program. By enrolling and fulfilling the program requirements, you have a chance to earn a diploma and would be eligible to sit for an esthetician exam.

What Do You Learn in Esthetician School?

When you enroll in an esthetician school, you can learn the skills needed to become an esthetician and apply them to actual-world applications. Hands-on experiences are a must when enrolling in an esthetics school. Learning practical applications is excellent for estheticians in training because they gain confidence by working with real people.

What is Esthetician School Like?

Esthetician school starts with the basics of skincare like facials, pore cleansing, exfoliating treatments, makeup application, and body wraps. Advanced techniques such as chemical peels, laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, and microdermabrasion may also be included in your training.

What Schooling Do You Need to Be an Esthetician?

Learning how to become an esthetician starts with attending an accredited school. Before you can legally work as an esthetician, you’ll need to earn a license that qualifies you to perform esthetician services.

How long does it take to become an esthetician?

A typical esthetician program can take from four to six months to complete if the student is enrolled in a full-time class. Students who enroll in part-time classes can expect to complete the course in about nine to 12 months, depending on how often they attend classes.

How many hours does an esthetician take?

Full-time students, however, have a more structured schedule to follow. In majority of U.S. states, an esthetician program averages about 600 hours, although some may be shorter while others, longer depending on the school and the type of training offered.

What is an esthetician program?

An esthetician or skincare specialist, is an individual who provides advice, recommendations and certain treatments that improve the condition and appearance ...

Where do medical estheticians work?

Where estheticians may work in spas and salons, medical estheticians may be employed in the offices and clinics of dermatologists and plastic surgeons. The advanced program will train the students in a number ...

Is a medical esthetician a separate program?

Note, however, that not all states recognize the medical esthetician program as separate or different from the esthetician program. It is important to check state licensing requirements to ensure that you are taking the right course for the career of your choice.

Exact Answer: 9 Months To 2 Years

An esthetician is a professional person who works in fields related to skin care, skin treatment, skin wellness, and skin beautification processes. Estheticians generally work in workspaces like spas, hospitals, salons, beauty parlors, derma offices, and other such workplaces.

Why Does It Take That Long To Become An Esthetician?

A general esthetician course is a very diverse course in which candidates are taught about many different topics. While on the other hand, a specialized esthetician course works on teaching candidates about a particular field of interest respective to the specialization.


To get admission into an esthetician school there are certain requirements that the candidate must pass.

How many hours do you need to be an esthetician?

To become a basic esthetician, it is possible you could spend as little as 300 hours training. However, some states require thousands of hours of training and apprenticeship hours.

How much does it cost to become an esthetician?

Exam fees will average around $100-200. Licensing fees can cost about $100 per year or every other year.

What are the duties of an esthetician?

Basic estheticians will perform such tasks as: 1 Assessing a patient’s needs 2 Chemical peels 3 Laser treatments 4 Waxing 5 Facials 6 Massage of the head and neck 7 Microdermabrasion

How much does an esthetician make?

The average salary for basic estheticians is about $45,422, but experienced estheticians working in an elite field or for wealthy clientele can earn upwards of $100,000. Estheticians may be able to supplement their income with commissions from the sales of skincare and makeup products.

What state has the highest esthetician salary?

The state of Wyoming has the highest paid estheticians in the country, earning an average of $55,530 per year. However, this salary is based on the average of several different kinds of estheticians. Medical estheticians work in hospitals, medical offices and clinics, and receive a higher rate of pay. According to 2013 data, the average salary ...

How much does a dermatologist make?

An esthetician is a licensed professional who is not a doctor. The median annual pay for a dermatologist is $471,555, which is more than fifteen times the salary of the average esthetician.

Why is it important to be an esthetician?

Because an esthetician performs more technical and sensitive procedures than a cosmetologist, proper training and education is imperative for the safety of your clients. These types of procedures can include: microdermabrasion, the application of permanent makeup, and botox or dermal filler injections.

Exact Answer: Up to 6 months

The esthetician school would take around 4 to 6 months to get completed. There are many factors that will predict the length of the esthetician school for a student. In today’s world, the value of an esthetician is on the top of the sky. As everyone is having skin problems and would like to look great every day.

Why Is Esthetician School This Long?

Mostly all the esthetician school requires around 600 hours of training programs to complete all the courses. For getting the license the person has to learn and comprehend the basics of all the skin-related programs with correct techniques of treatments. The personality of the esthetician is vital for cooperating and dealing with the clients.


The programs would also include sanitation, building business skills at a professional level, and human physiology. The school would provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about skincare. The tuition fees and total expenditure for the whole esthetician courses would be around $10,000.

What Esthetics Includes

Esthetics is more than just cleaning the skin. It involves beautifying and addressing issues that involve the skin. Common treatments administered by estheticians to address skin concerns are chemical peels, facials, waxing, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, hair removal, and more.

Typical Courses

When you enroll in basic esthetician courses, you can expect to take numerous classes that will educate you not only on techniques for caring for the skin but on identifying lesions and other skin problems that may require the care of a dermatologist or other medical professional.

Required Hours

A common question asked by potential esthetician students is how long the program will take to complete. Esthetician training is a great choice for many people because there are classes offered during the day and in the evening, and the program generally requires a minimum of 260 hours.

Other Requirements

All of these courses and clinical hours are meant to prepare you for the exams that will result in actual licensure. Licensure is required in every state, so once you’ve finished all your courses and hours, you’ll take the test to become licensed by the state board of cosmetology. Once you’re licensed, you’ll be able to work in spas and resorts.

Choosing the Right School

If you’ve decided esthetician training in Orlando, FL, is the right path for you, make sure you choose the right school for your training. Find a school that’s accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges and is a member of professional organizations, such as the American Association of Cosmetology Schools.

How Can I Get My 600 Hours?

To attain your 600 hours of training to become an esthetician, you can pursue one of two avenues: schooling or apprenticeship. If you choose to pursue your education through a school, here is what you need to know.

How Many Months Will It Take?

Esthetician Program: can be completed in as little as five months in our day program and six months in our night program.

How Do I Start My Training?

If you’re ready to jump into the wonderful world of esthetics, give us a call at (888) 990-7094. Our friendly staff members are more than happy to walk you through the enrollment process here at Bellus Academy!

Why Choose Bellus?

Bellus is proud to offer combined courses that allow you to enroll in one program and graduate with multiple credentials.

How many hours of practical experience do you need to be an esthetician?

Required coursework includes three levels of esthetician courses and 600 hours of practical experience. Students will learn how to remove hair, recommend facials based on skin type, do makeup, and perform proper sanitation and disinfection procedures.

What are the requirements to become an esthetician?

Admission requirements for esthetician programs vary based on the location, quality, and length of the program. The only requirements for most schools is for applicants to have completed high school or have obtained a GED.

What is the Citrus College Esthetician program?

Students at the Citrus College Esthetician program can develop the necessary skills to help clients achieve and maintain healthy skin. Throughout the course of the nine-month program, students will gain knowledge and skill in both classroom and hands-on settings. Citrus College offers both an esthetician certificate of achievement and a two-year associate degree of science (AS) in cosmetology.

How many states require an aesthetician license?

Estheticians must be licensed in all 50 states. Requirements for licensure vary by state so students should contact their local board to learn if they meet the qualifications. Generally, all states require candidates to pass an exam and have completed a required number of supervised work hours.

How many skincare specialists will be there in 2028?

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2019), skincare specialists—a professional field that includes medical estheticians—are expected to see 11 percent growth in job openings nationally between 2018 and 2028, adding 7,800 positions.

How long is the NACCAS program?

Location: 17 locations in nine states. Duration: 750 hours or 27 weeks (length can vary based on state licensing requirements) Accreditation: National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) Tuition: Varies based on location, but starts at $7,904 per year.

How long is Aveda training?

The length of this program varies based on the licensing requirements of the state where the program is completed. Most programs are at least 750 hours and 27 weeks in length. The Aveda program provides unique training in using plants and flower essences in treatments.

How many hours do you need to be an esthetician?

To become a basic esthetician, it is possible you could spend as little as 300 hours training. However, some states require thousands of hours of training and apprenticeship hours.

How much does it cost to become an esthetician?

Exam fees will average around $100-200. Licensing fees can cost about $100 per year or every other year.

What are the duties of an esthetician?

Basic estheticians will perform such tasks as: 1 Assessing a patient’s needs 2 Chemical peels 3 Laser treatments 4 Waxing 5 Facials 6 Massage of the head and neck 7 Microdermabrasion

How much does an esthetician make?

The average salary for basic estheticians is about $45,422, but experienced estheticians working in an elite field or for wealthy clientele can earn upwards of $100,000. Estheticians may be able to supplement their income with commissions from the sales of skincare and makeup products.

What state has the highest esthetician salary?

The state of Wyoming has the highest paid estheticians in the country, earning an average of $55,530 per year. However, this salary is based on the average of several different kinds of estheticians. Medical estheticians work in hospitals, medical offices and clinics, and receive a higher rate of pay. According to 2013 data, the average salary ...

How much does a dermatologist make?

An esthetician is a licensed professional who is not a doctor. The median annual pay for a dermatologist is $471,555, which is more than fifteen times the salary of the average esthetician.

Why is it important to be an esthetician?

Because an esthetician performs more technical and sensitive procedures than a cosmetologist, proper training and education is imperative for the safety of your clients. These types of procedures can include: microdermabrasion, the application of permanent makeup, and botox or dermal filler injections.
