how long allowed to take pals online course

by Dessie Altenwerth 8 min read

eight hours

Full Answer

How long does it take to get PALS certification?

Our online PALS certification is an excellent choice for medical professionals who have never completed a PALS course. The course typically takes 8 hours to complete, is worth eight CEU credits, and provides a comprehensive understanding of how to assist pediatric patients suffering from a cardiopulmonary emergency.

What is an online Pals course?

Online courses are simply an alternative to the AHA’s PALS course, and each year, tens of thousands of professionals complete their PALS certification through an accredited online course. In a number of ways, an online PALS certification is a much better option for those who are not explicitly required to obtain an AHA PALS card.

Is it easier to get PALS certification or recertification online?

While pursuing your certification or recertification for PALS, the online route is generally an easier process than the traditional classroom option – it is more time and cost effective; however there are several questions you should be asking prior to registration.

What are the requirements to take a Pals course?

PALS courses are designed for professional healthcare providers who participate in the assessment and management of critical patients, including those working in in-hospital, pre-hospital, and out-of-hospital medical facilities. The only prerequisite for enrollment is that you must be proficient in pediatric basic life support (BLS) skills.

How long is the PALS online portion?

approximately 6-9 hoursA: The online portion of HeartCode PALS takes approximately 6-9 hours to complete, depending on the student's level of experience.

How long are PALS certifications good for?

two yearsPALS is geared towards healthcare providers who respond to emergencies in infants and children and for personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care units. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card, valid for two years.

How can I pass PALS online?

Studying for the PALS exam, like studying for any test, can be a demanding task. Our tips?Study only one or two algorithms per day.Teach others what you have learned.Redraw and rewrite the algorithms on another sheet of paper.Take regular study breaks after 45 minutes of continual studying.More items...•

How long is ACLS and PALS good for?

two yearsThe simple answer is that your ACLS or PALS certification is good for two years after you earn the certification. Typically, you'll see an expiration date on your certification card that should be exactly two years past the certification date.

Does PALS expire at the end of the month?

For Heartsaver, BLS, ACLS and PALS Courses: Per the American Heart Association, each provider card is valid for two years after successful completion of a course. The card is valid until the end of the month in which it expires.

How long does ACLS last?

The online portion of HeartCode ACLS can be completed in 6.5 to 7 hours. Time to complete the hands-on skills session is approximately 5 hours using the full agenda, and approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes using the update course agenda.

How long does it take to study for PALS?

The online Save-a-Life PALS certification course takes around eight hours on average. But there is some variance. If you're already a medical provider like an EMS professional, nurse, or doctor, chances are you'll go through the information much faster than someone who is preparing to go to nursing school, for example.

How long is the PALS self-assessment?

approximately 3.5 hoursThe PALS Precourse self-assessment takes approximately 3.5 hours online.

Is PALS an open book test?

All AHA exams are now “open resource” which means student may use the PALS manual, study guides, handouts and personal notes during the exam.

Can I renew my ACLS after it expires?

When your ACLS Certification is expired, there is no need to panic. You can decide to renew your card whenever you find it suitable for you. There is no time limit for ACLS renewal grace period – you can apply for a Recertification after five days or five years, it doesn't matter.

Do I need BLS if I have ACLS?

The official AHA guidance states “Students in ACLS courses are not required by the AHA to have a current BLS Provider card, but they are expected to be proficient in BLS skills. Training Centers may require students to have current BLS Provider card.”

Can nursing students take ACLS?

Only trained medical professionals can administer advanced cardiac life support to patients so nursing students must participate in advanced cardiac life support classes to gain the practice and hands-on experience that these courses have to offer.

How Long Does it Take to Get Your PALS Certification Online?

When it comes to obtaining your PALS certification or recertification, eMedCert is here to help you save time. As previously mentioned, in-person PALS courses can take several days and require you to commute to and from the place where the course is being held.

What Are the Time Benefits of Online PALS Training?

Opting to take an online PALS course eliminates many of the time-consuming elements that cause an in-person course to take so long. In particular, there are several points that help to show how beneficial taking your PALS course online can be:

How Much Time Should I Expect to Spend on My PALS (Re)Certification With eMedCert?

While completing your PALS course online is undoubtedly quicker than a classroom-based course, it is still somewhat difficult to give a specific answer to exactly how long our online PALS certification or recertification courses will take to complete. At eMedCert, we see a variety of completion times.


In short, an online PALS course takes control out of someone else’s hands and puts it into your own. Many people find that having the freedom to work at their own pace actually makes them more successful when it comes to absorbing information, so taking your PALS course online at your own pace can be very beneficial.

Is PALS certification online?

The Truth About Online PALS Certification. Before signing up for an online PALS course, it is important to know that there are variations in the courses that are offered. While all may appear to be fast and easy options, there are several questions you should get answers to prior to signing up. It’s becoming more common for hospitals ...

Is PALS a skill assessment?

Skills assessments are not a part of a fully online PALS course. While many online PALS courses will provide the course material that would be covered for a skills assessment, the examination of this knowledge will be cognitive rather than hands-on.

Do hospitals require PALS certification?

It’s becoming more common for hospitals and medical institutions of all varieties to require that their employees are certified in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) procedures. As such, there has been a significant rise in the demand for PALS certification and recertification courses. The good news is that with this increased demand, many institutions and hospitals have begun allowing their employees to pursue their studies via an online provider rather than solely through in-person classroom scenarios.

Is PALS online timed?

Most online PALS training courses are not timed. For the most part, you will be afforded as much time as you need for completion so that you can work on a schedule that best suits your needs. Having this flexibility is one of the biggest benefits to performing your PALS cert or recert online.

Does the AHA issue a provider card?

You will not receive a provider card from the American Heart Association for any online PALS course you take as the AHA is the only provider to issue a PALS certification card from their organization. At this time, the AHA neither accredits nor endorses any PALS programs that are conducted entirely online.

Is PALS certification online?

The fact that PALS certification is moving online is hardly a surprise as technology in its many various forms is being embraced more and more among the medical community. The simple fact is that PALS courses online are more time and cost efficient than the traditional alternative.

Can I get CME while getting PALS?

If you can receive CME credit while getting your PALS certification, why not kill two birds with one stone? CME credit shouldn’t be viewed as an optional bonus; you should ensure that you get it. CME is only granted to companies that are approved to do so, therefore this also adds to the legitimacy of your course provider so long as it is from a reputable board that is accepted by your employer.

Can you take PALS online?

Some PALS courses online will have a time restriction on how long you have for completion while others have none. Make sure you are absolutely clear regarding the amount of time you have to not only finish the course, but the exam itself, and how many attempts you have to pass it. Not all providers are the same so make sure you choose a provider that allows you to work at your own pace.

Should testimonials be considered when choosing a PALS course?

Reviews and testimonials should never be the only factor in choosing a PALS certification course, unless of course you personally know the person providing it. On their own, however, they are an excellent way to gauge what kind of experiences others have had with a provider and to what level of satisfaction.

Can you get a money back guarantee on a course?

Satisfaction guarantees or money-back guarantees will never even come into play in most cases. However, it is also always possible that they could, and as such you ideally want to choose a provider that offers you some recourse if needed. Just in case something changes where you cannot complete the course, an employer decides to no longer accept it or any rare but possible scenario of the ilk arises, it is best to be covered.

Get It Now

HeartCode® PALS Online is a self-directed, comprehensive eLearning program that uses adaptive learning technology to allow learners to acquire and demonstrate Pediatric Advanced Life Support skills using a personalized learning path that adapts in real time to a learner’s performance.

How Does This Course Work?

HeartCode® PALS Online is a self-directed, comprehensive eLearning program that uses adaptive learning technology to allow learners to acquire and demonstrate Pediatric Advanced Life Support skills using a personalized learning path that adapts in real time to a learner’s performance.

Who Should Take this Course?

Healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other advanced cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in hospital and pre-hospital settings.

PALS Certification

ACLS is the top choice for PALS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification, not only because we are fully accredited, but we are also online. This means that each of our medical certification courses can be started when the timing is right for you and completed at your own pace.

What can I Expect with ACLS PALS Training and Certification?

Our PALS training and certification is nationally accredited and built on the latest emergency cardiovascular care (ECC) guidelines, to ensure you receive the training you need to improve patient outcomes. Though our courses you can expect to learn:

Frequently Asked Questions

Approximately 16,000 children suffer from cardiac arrest every year in the United States (Cardiac arrest in children, J Emerg Trauma Shock). A PALS certification will help prepare you for critical cardiopulmonary emergencies involving children so you can improve patient outcomes in your community.

AHA PALS Certification

ACLS by CareerCert provides convenient online American Heart Association (AHA) approved and PALS certification for busy healthcare professionals. Our alternative blended course is the perfect option for those that don’t have the time for time-consuming, traditional, classroom-based learning.

When are AHA PALS updated?

The AHA PALS Guidelines are updated every few years, most recently in 2015, and AHA PALS Courses can be completed at various locations across the country.

Do hospitals require a PALS certification?

Some hospitals and other institutions whose employees must be PALS certified specifically require an AHA PALS Certification – meaning it must come directly from an AHA-approved PALS course. If you are one of the individuals who face these requirements, unfortunately, an entirely online PALS Certification is not an option for you.

Is there an online PALS course?

So, the short answer to the question is no – there are no entirely online AHA PALS Certifications. That being said, although some healthcare professionals are unable to use a 100% online course, this does not mean online PALS certifications are not valid options for many others.

Is there an online AHA PALS certification?

So, the short answer to the question is no – there are no entirely online AHA PALS Certifications.

Is it better to get a PALS card online?

In a number of ways, an online PALS certification is a much better option for those who are not explicitly required to obtain an AHA PALS card.

What score do you need to take the PALS?

All students must complete the Precourse Self-Assessment and achieve a score of at least 70% before taking the PALS Course. Students must print their scoring report and bring it with them to class.

What is a pals assessment?

The Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Precourse Self-Assessment is an online tool that evaluates a student’s knowledge before the course to determine their proficiency and identify any need for additional review and practice.
