how long after finishinh a 2 week course of provera will my period come

by Elwyn O'Hara 5 min read

A: Provera is given as the 'Progesterone (Provera) Challenge Test' to women who have no period and who are not pregnant. In this test, 10 mg of Provera is often given over 7-10 days and bleeding is expected within 2 weeks after the last pill. Improve your fertility and get pregnant faster

If you're taking medroxyprogesterone (Provera) to regulate your period, your period should start about 3 to 7 days after your last dose. If your period doesn't start within a week of stopping this medication, let your provider know.

Full Answer

How does Provera work to induce a period?

May 28, 2021 · A: Provera is given as the 'Progesterone (Provera) Challenge Test' to women who have no period and who are not pregnant. In this test, 10 mg of Provera is often given over 7-10 days and bleeding is expected within 2 weeks after …

When will I get period after taking Provera?

In most cases, using Provera for a 7-14 day treatment will organize the uterine lining and cause a menstual type bleeding within 1-2 weeks after FINISHING the Provera.

What should I expect after I start taking Provera?

Sep 05, 2018 · Updated on September 5, 2018. Provera is often given as the 'Progesterone (Provera) Challenge Test' to women who have no period and who are not pregnant. In the 'Progesteron (Provera) Challenge Test' 10 mg of provera is often given over 7-10 days and bleeding is expected within 2 weeks after the last pill. Read HERE MORE about the work-up for …

How long till AF after Provera?

Your period should occur 3 to 7 days after starting Provera. If you do not have a period after you finish a course of Provera, check with your doctor in case you are pregnant. If youforget to take Provera Take the tablet as soon as you remember, and carry on …

How long after Provera do you get your period?

Your period should occur 3 to 7 days after starting Provera. If you do not have a period after you finish a course of Provera, check with your doctor in case you are pregnant. Take the tablet as soon as you remember, and carry on taking the tablets at the normal times.

What happens if you don't get your period after Provera?

If there is no period after stopping the Provera, it suggests there may be a blockage in the uterus. It's also possible the lining of the uterus (which requires estrogen) never built up in the first place, so further evaluation would be required.Nov 24, 2017

How long does it take to start your period after taking progesterone?

If no fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum will start to break down between 9 and 11 days after ovulation (10). This results in a drop in estrogen and progesterone levels, which causes menstruation. The luteal phase typically lasts about 14 days, but between 9 and 16 days is common (4,12).Dec 12, 2018

What happens if you don't get your period after taking progesterone?

The early flow is a sign that your body is making high levels of estrogen that are over-stimulating the endometrium ( uterus lining) and causing heavy bleeding. If you have not started to flow within 2 weeks of taking cyclic progesterone /MPA, it means your own estrogen levels are low.Dec 5, 2018

Does Provera reset your cycle?

Taking medroxyprogesterone for 5 to 10 days each month at this time mimics the natural rise in your progesterone levels. This can help your other hormones to behave in a more normal way and can 'reset' your period.Jun 22, 2020

Do you ovulate on Provera?

Provera is a progesterone product and it is acting in your uterus only and would not trigger ovulation as such. If Provera was prescribed to regulate periods but you have just ovulated, it would suggest that you don`t need Provera in this cycle.

How long does it take to get your period after mini pill?

Most women will have a period around two to four weeks after stopping the pill, but this depends on you and what your cycle is normally like. Weight, health, stress, exercise and conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can all influence your cycle of periods.Oct 28, 2021

What does Provera do for PCOS?

Provera is in a class of drugs called progestins and is a synthetic form of progesterone—a hormone naturally produced after ovulation (when an egg is released from an ovary). It works by correcting the hormonal balance and regulating ovulation.Jun 29, 2021

What is Provera 10mg tablets used for?

Provera is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms heavy menstrual bleeding, absent or irregular menstrual bleeding and as contraception. Provera may be used alone or with other medications. Provera belongs to a class of drugs called Antineoplastics, Hormones, Progestins.

What happens after taking Provera for 10 days?

Provera and Ovulation Stimulation When prescribed for women trying to get pregnant, Provera is usually given for 10 days. After that time a woman can expect bleeding from two to 10 days later.Apr 3, 2011

Can Provera delay your period?

As a menstrual regulator, medroxyprogesterone can be used to delay your periods. It may also be used to remedy periods that are heavy or painful or irregular or abnormally frequent or absent.

Can you get pregnant while taking Provera for 10 days?

4. Can You Get Pregnant While Taking Medroxyprogesterone? In healthy adult women, it takes between 120 and 200 days for the body to eliminate Medroxyprogesterone. Most women, who try to get pregnant after stopping the medication, get pregnant within a year and a half after their last shot.

What is Provera used for?

Provera is used to treat abnormal periods or irregular vaginal bleeding. It is prescribed to bring on menstruation, to reduce heavy bleeding, to prevent uterine lining overgrowth, and to decrease the risk of uterine cancer in females taking estrogen. 7.

What is a hysteroscopy?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Hysteroscopy (an examination of the uterus via a small camera inserted through the vagina) The specific tests your doctor orders depend on your symptoms and stage of life (e.g., premenopausal or postmenopausal).

Why does my uterus bleed?

Abnormal uterine bleeding, such as from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), due to hormonal imbalance and not associated with conditions such as fibroid tumors or uterine cancer. Endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth of the uterine lining) after menopause, which can increase the risk of uterine cancer.

Can you take Provera if you can't take estrogen?

Your doctor may consider Provera for you if you're diagnosed with any of the conditions it treats , and especially if you can't take estrogen. As part of the diagnosis and treatment process, your doctor will likely perform a pelvic exam and may order numerous tests, including tests for levels of hormones including:

Can you take Provera while on birth control?

Use another form of birth control, such as a condom, while you're taking this drug. You may not be able to take Provera while also using hormonal birth control.

Does Provera go away?

Common side effects of Provera don't require immediate medical care, but you should contact your doctor if any of these become severe, don't go away after you've been on the drug for a while, or are a significant problem for you:

How many days before your period can you take a pregnancy test?

HPT: Most women take a pregnancy test when they miss their period or thereafter. However some early pregnancy tests may be able to detect pregnancy up to six days prior to a missed period.

How long does it take for a doctor to answer a question?

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers — it's anonymous and free! Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours.

How long does it take for Provera to give?

In the 'Progesteron (Provera) Challenge Test' 10 mg of provera is often given over 7-10 days and bleeding is expected within 2 weeks after the last pill.

What is premature ovarian failure?

Premature ovarian failure. A low estrogen level, usually hypothalamic-pituitary failure. Outflow tract obstruction: Scarring in the uterus or cervix. There are several ways to find out what's going on and the next step is to do a FSH blood test.

What are the symptoms of PCO?

Testosterone and DHEAS levels may be useful in women with PCO, especially in the presence of hirsutism or other signs of hyperandrogenism (excess male hormones). A low estrogen level, usually hypothalamic-pituitary failure. Outflow tract obstruction: Scarring in the uterus or cervix.

How long does it take to get your period after taking Provera?

You will usually take10mg each day for 10-12 days beginning on the 16thday of a 28 day course of oestrogen therapy. Your period should occur 3 to 7 days after starting Provera.

Where do blood clots occur in women?

All women have a small chance of having a blood clot in the veins of the leg, in the lung or other part of the body. The chances of getting a clot are very slightly higher if you are taking


You should continue to take the pills until they are gone. Provera is a progestin, and is used in regulating a woman's period. It is not unusual for you to be having a light period right now. Finish the provera pills and this should reboot your periods to more normal.#N#Do not worry.

Search for questions

Still looking for answers? Try searching for what you seek or ask your own question.

Can you use Depo Provera for birth control?

Yes and no: Although the Depo-Provera is still having effects in your body and this can last many months, you should not rely on it for effective birth control af ... Read More

Can you take Provera while pregnant?

Yes: You can take Provera ( medroxyprogesterone) to stop heavy bleeding. It is best however to find out the cause of heavy bleeding. you may be pregnant and ... Read More



  • Provera is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat: 1. An abnormal absence of menstrual periods due to another condition (secondary amenorrhea) 2. Abnormal uterine bleeding, such as from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), due to hormonal imbalance and not associated with conditions such as fibroid tumorsor uterine cancer 3. Endometrial hyperplasia(o…
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Before Taking

  • Your healthcare provider may consider Provera for you if you're diagnosed with any of the conditions it treats, and especially if you can't take estrogen. As part of the diagnosis and treatment process, your healthcare provider will likely perform a pelvic exam and may order numerous tests, including tests for levels of hormones including: 1. Progesterone 2. Estrogens (…
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  • Provera is available in three dosages: 1. 2.5 milligrams (mg) 2. 5 mg 3. 10 mg Healthcare providers typically prescribe the lowest effective dose and for the shortest amount of time possible. The dosage used varies by the condition being treated. Dosages may not be established for off-label uses. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions for prescription medicati…
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Side Effects

  • Provera can cause side effects in some people. Some of these are common and not considered dangerous, while others are cause for calling your healthcare provider right away.
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Warnings and Interactions

  • Provera by itself is not a contraceptive and won't prevent pregnancy. Use another form of birth control, such as a condom, while you're taking this drug. You may not be able to take Provera while also using hormonal birth control. When Provera is combined with estrogens, the FDA has required that the following serious warnings be included with packaging information: 1. Estroge…
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Provera used for?
    Provera is used to treat abnormal periods or irregular vaginal bleeding. It is prescribed to bring on menstruation, to reduce heavy bleeding, to prevent uterine lining overgrowth, and to decrease the risk of uterine cancer in females taking estrogen.7
  • How long does it take Provera to induce a period?
    When used to treat amenorrhea, Provera is taken for up to 10 days during the second half of the planned menstrual cycle. Your period should start three to seven days after your last dose of Provera.8
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