how large is a standard water polo course

by Darron Herzog I 5 min read

A standard (championship) course is 30m x 20m for men and 25m x 20m for women. The depth should be at least 1.8m. Despite these regulations, many non-standard (smaller) courses are in use throughout the USA. The field of play is segmented into zones marked by colored markings along the side of the pool:

Dimensions of the water polo pool are not fixed and can vary between 20×10 and 30×20 meters (FINA approved matches require a 30x20 meter pool for men, and 25x20 meter pool for women), therefore short course pools can be used.

Full Answer

What is the size of the water polo pool?

Sep 14, 2020 · How big is a water polo course? The dimensions of a water polo field depend on the size of the pool. Governing bodies such as FINA state that the distance between the goal lines is 20m‑30m for men and 15m‑25m for women. The width of the playing field varies from 10m‑20m, depending on the size of the pool. ...

What is the minimum depth of water in water polo?

Apr 01, 2021 · Since players must tread water during the game, the standard water polo pool is several feet or meters below a standard players height. Water Polo Pools have an overall length of either 82’ or 98.43’ (25, 30 m) and width of 65.62’ (20 m), …

What is the sport of water polo?

A standard (championship) course is 30m x 20m for men and 25m x 20m for women. The depth should be at least 1.8m. Despite these regulations, many non-standard (smaller) courses are in use throughout the USA. The field of play is segmented into zones marked by colored markings along the side of the pool: Goal line – white

What are the rules of water polo?

Since players must tread water during the game, the standard water polo pool is several feet or meters below a standard players height. Water Polo Pools have an overall length of either 82’ or 98.43’ (25, 30 m) and width of 65.62’ (20 m), for a total area of 5382-6458 ft² (500-600 m²).

How big is a water polo course?

The dimensions of a water polo field depend on the size of the pool. Governing bodies such as FINA state that the distance between the goal lines is 20m‑30m for men and 15m‑25m for women. The width of the playing field varies from 10m‑20m, depending on the size of the pool.

How many feet is the pool for water polo?

The sport is played in a pool that is two-metres, around 6.5ft, deep and a player's feet must not touch the bottom. Both teams have seven players in the pool at any time, and when they have the ball a team's players must be constantly swimming and have 30 seconds to shoot the ball.Aug 6, 2021

How wide is a 25 yard pool?

Pool Length – Short Course 25 yards (25 meters is not a popular distance in most areas of swimming). The 25 yard pool should be built 75 feet 1 & 3/16” long. This measurement has a 0 tolerance for being shorter and should not be more than fractions of an inch longer.

How wide is a short course pool?

1. For short-course yards, the racing course be 75 feet [22.86 m] in length by at least 60 feet [18.29 m] in width, providing for not less than eight, 7-foot [2.13 m] lanes with additional width outside lanes one and eight. A minimum water depth of 7 feet [2.13 m] is desirable for optimal competitive conditions.

What is the max size and depth of a water polo pool?

Water Polo Pools have an overall length of either 82' or 98.43' (25, 30 m) and width of 65.62' (20 m), for a total area of 5382-6458 ft² (500-600 m²). The depth of a Water Polo Pool must be a minimum of 6' (1.83 m).Dec 14, 2020

How deep is the water in men's water polo?

6ft deepWater Polo games are typically played in deep water (usually 6ft deep or more). Players are not allowed to touch the bottom or sides of the pool during game play. Players must swim with & without the ball, egg beater (a special style of treading water), throw, catch and shoot the ball.

What is a standard size swimming pool?

In the United States, most competitive swimming pools are 25 yards long. This is the most standard length competition pool, and the one most commonly mistaken for an Olympic sized pool (by those who were not competitive swimmers).Apr 19, 2020

What are the dimensions of a standard swimming pool?

The most common choice for swimming pool sizes is a pool that's 18 feet by 36 feet.

How long is a standard swimming pool?

The Fédération Internationale de la Natation (FINA, International Swimming Federation) sets standards for competition pools: 25 or 50 m (82 or 164 ft) long and at least 1.35 m (4.4 ft) deep.

What is the width of a lane in a standard swimming pool?

SpecificationsPhysical propertySpecified valueNumber of lanes10Lane width2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)Water temperature25–28 °C (77–82 °F)Light intensityminimum 1500 lux (140 footcandles)4 more rows

How big is a water polo field?

Governing bodies, such as FINA and USA Water Polo, state that the field of play must be more than 20 meters but less than 30m (for men) and 25m (for women) in length.

How deep is water polo?

The Standards. Minimum water depth must exceed 6 feet, while the goals must be 3 meters wide by 90 centimeters high. By regulation, all water polo fields are marked with four specific distances: The goal line, the 2m line, the 5m line, and the mid-pool line. The goal line is the spot where the front of the cage meets the beginning of the field.

How big is a water polo pool?

Dimensions of the water polo pool are not fixed and can var y between 20×10 and 30×20 meters (FINA approved matches require a 30x20 meter pool for men, and 25x20 meter pool for women), therefore short course pools can be used.

What are the rules of water polo?

The rules of water polo are the rules and regulations which cover the play, procedure, equipment and officiating of water polo. These rules are similar throughout the world, although slight variations do occur regionally and depending on the governing body. Governing bodies of water polo include FINA, the international governing organization for the rules; the NCAA, which govern the rules for collegiate matches in the United States; the NFHS, which govern the rules in high schools in the USA; and the IOC, which govern the rules at Olympic events .

Why do water polo players wear caps?

The water polo cap is used to protect the players' heads and ears, and the numbers on them (1-13 ) make them identifiable from afar, especially by the referee (s). Both goalies wear red or red striped caps.

How many goal posts are there in water polo?

The sport of Water Polo, as its name suggests, is played in a pool of water that resembles a soccer or hockey court, having 2 goal posts at each end of the pool.

What is the swim off in pool?

At the referee's whistle, both teams swim to midpoint of the field (known as the 'sprint' or the 'swim-off') as the referee drops the ball on to the water. Depending on the rules being played, this is either on the referee's side of the pool or in the center.

What is a major foul in water polo?

Major fouls (exclusion and penalty fouls) are committed when the defensive player 'holds (especially with two hands), sinks or pulls back' (a key phrase in water polo) the offensive player. This includes swimming on the other player's legs or back, stopping the other player from swimming or otherwise preventing the offensive player from preserving his advantage.

How deep is a pool goal?

The goals are 3 m (9 ft 10.11 in) wide & 0.9 m (2 ft 11.43 in) high. The middle of the pool is designated by a white line.
