how it works." sheerwind: changing the course of power generation

by Cary Moore 9 min read

SheerWind is changing the course of power generation by offering affordable wind power to anyone, anywhere. SheerWind turns wind power on its head. INVELOX™, SheerWind’s patented technology, captures, concentrates and accelerates wind energy transforming wind into a reliable, baseload power source.

Full Answer

Who is John Borman?

Financial executive and board member of startup, private equity, IPO, and publicly traded companies. Borman has helped companies achieve strategic growth, profitability, cash-flow, capital-raising, and valuation goals. He raised $7.5 billion in four IPOs and eight other offerings to finance rapid growth and strategic transformations through a leveraged buyout to liquidity events and numerous acquisitions. Borman has an MBA, CPA and CFA.

Who is Daryoush Allaei?

Dr. Daryoush Allaei has over 30 years of funded basic and applied research, technology development, and business development experience . He has provided technical innovation and business leadership, which led to several technological and product breakthroughs. Allaei has founded/co-founded six companies and received his Ph.D., MSME and BSME degrees from Purdue University. He has over 100 national/international publications and over 20 patents.

Who is Carla Scholz?

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. Carla Scholz has over 25 years of creative direction and marketing experience, 16 as owner of her firm. As an award-winning designer Carla has mastered the art of thinking beyond the obvious. Creative fruition is her adage.

Where is Sheerwind located?

The atoll is 1,000 miles south of Hawaii and everything on the atoll has to be shipped in.

Where is Invelox located?

That’s the gist of a series of articles about an Invelox device in a local Danish paper on the island of Zealand on which Copenhagen, the capitol , is located and in Ingenøren, a national newspaper focused on the building and energy industry. (Links to several articles in Danish follow below.)

What is Carl Sagan's demand for extraordinary proof of extraordinary claims?

Carl Sagan’s demand for extraordinary proof of extraordinary claims requires that ducted wind turbines offer measurably significant advantages over conventional wind turbines or there’s really no point in using them. Each additional ducted turbine promoter that fails drives another nail into the technology’s coffin. For with each failure, the burden of proof becomes ever greater on the next inventor, as the probability of success grows exponentially smaller.

Does the Michigan National Guard kill birds?

The Nature Conservancy, the municipality of Slagelse, and the Michigan National Guard all fell prey to a particular pitch. The devices won’t kill birds. The devices can be installed in urban areas. Or that getting planning approval for the devices will be easier than that for conventional wind turbines.

Where is Scheerwind installed?

ScheerWind or its affiliates installed devices in China, Iran, and the Netherlands . There's no word on what will happen to these structures. It's likely that the Netherlands' strong planning regulations will require the owner to remove the device at their own expense.

Who owns Palmyra Atoll?

Palmyra Atoll is administered by the US Fish & Wildlife Service as a wildlife refuge on American soil. The Nature Conservancy owns the atoll's Cooper Island and ten other parcels, including the only air strip. The Nature Conservancy manages its parcels as a nature reserve.
