Availability is the percentage of time, in a specific time interval, during which a server, cloud service, or other machine can be used for the purpose that it was originally designed and built for. The formula most commonly used to calculate uptime is the following:
Uptime refers to the amount of time that a server, cloud service, or other machine has been powered on and working properly. This metric is expressed in years, days, months, minutes, and seconds. For example, all Unix computers and network equipment implement the uptime command, which has the following output:
Network availability is calculated by dividing the uptime by the total time in any period.
Network availability, also known as network uptime, is a measure of how well a computer network—whether a local area network (LAN) or a wide-area network (WAN)—can respond to the connectivity and performance demands placed on it. Network availability is a key consideration in disaster planning, but it also has critical impacts on everyday life ...
Network availability is a fundamental prerequisite for access to data and applications. It can be a key concern for enterprises that run multiple data centers, since users need to be able to access application servers and data everywhere with the best connections and fastest performance possible.
Without a highly available network, users can’t access the data and applications they need— or can’t do so quickly enough. At the extreme, a denial of service can result, leading to frustrated employees, unhappy customers, and lost business and goodwill.
Some of the essential requirements of health care applications are network availability and localization . An essential advantage of cellular technology is that the existing infrastructure can be developed to deliver the service. However, this option is not viable for rural or suburban areas that do not have 4G/LTE coverage but only for dense urban environments. For areas that do not support 4G/LTE coverage, LPWA technologies such as Lora or Sigfox will be a better choice. In cellular systems, localization is usually accomplished with high accuracy and can be achieved by carefully designing and implementing the network. On the other hand, limited bandwidth and absence of direct path make it hard to get error free-localization in LPWA technologies. Thus doing accurate localization using LPWA transceivers only is a challenge.
The estimation of network availability, failure rate, and other reliability-related factors is very straightforward, if somewhat tedious, given a particular topology, known component failure rates, and repair times. Unfortunately, a great deal of the effort needed to produce accurate reliability predictions is involved in developing believable component and commercial power failure rates. Once a logical model of a proposed network is constructed and entered into a spreadsheet for analysis, it is simple to test the effect of various component choices and operating practices.
Traditional network reprogramming consists solely of a data dissemination protocol that distributes code to all the nodes in the network without authentication, but this is a security threat . A secure reprogramming protocol allows the nodes to authenticate every code update and prevent malicious installation.
In the United States electricity sector, the industry structure throughout the 20th century consisted of three vertical components: generation, transmission, and distribution. With increasing demand, robust transmission networks, availability of new generating technologies, and an ideological shift, restructuring in electricity and natural gas industries has become significant. In the electricity sector, regulatory reform has changed the structure of the electricity industry; according to Order 888 issued by FERC, all utilities can have access to the U.S. transmission systems; in addition, as already mentioned, nonutilities can provide electricity through the transmission system. To reduce the costs resulting from constructing new power plants, the federal government is trying to remove the transmission constraints between regions, some of which are traceable to the 1935 Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA) limiting interstate utility operations. Horizontal market power is replacing vertical integration as the dominant utility business strategy.
A service level agreement (SLA) is a formal contract that exists between a customer and a service provider that specifies the forwarding service the customer will receive from the service provider during the duration of the agreement. In addition, it details the penalties assessed when any of the clauses in the SLA are violated by the service provider. As more and more enterprises depend on outsourced services, they rely on SLAs to guarantee specific levels of functionality and availability.
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a subclass of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) where it is developed by moving vehicles [35]. VANET is getting progressively well known in rush hour gridlock administration particularly in a portion of the created nations. It can be ordered into well-being-related application where it can spare a large number of lives every day and non-security applications for business reason. Because of its erratic portability and discontinuous network availability, a solid end-to-end way among the source and the goal is relatively incomprehensible and consequently specially appointed steering conventions are connected in VANET [35]. Notwithstanding, the greatest test in VANET is not the steering issue, yet the collaboration between the hubs. Indeed, even the best directing convention would not be helpful when the hubs do not take part in sending the information. Hua et al. of article [35] introduced a far-reaching survey on the existing participation components in VANETs; especially, those based on versatile social networking. To start with, it investigates the current difficulties in VANET. Next, it talks about a scientific categorization for the existing collaboration instruments in VANETs and audits the proposed arrangements of every participation write. In addition, these clarify the collaboration arrangements that can be connected from the idea of Mobile Social Networking. At last this chapter provides a conclusion that the idea of mobile social networking could supplement the customary VANET collaboration instruments to empower hub participation. The future research course in VANET collaboration has been talked about also.
NovelVista has several remote offices with their own Internet connection.
What will be network availability value formula if the VPN tunnel is down, but not the Internet connection?
We discussed this, brainstormed and got amazing answers… Here is summary of discussion
Manish has more than 13 yrs of experience in IT Industry and has worked as ITIL Head with expertise in the areas like Enterprise IT Transformation, ITSM, SIAM, Blockchain.