how is learning the course civics and ethics relevant to our country ethiopia

by Janis Ullrich 8 min read

Civic Education objective is to examine the achievements and challenges of Civic has a parallel development with democracy. Hence, it is fair to say and Ethical Education in bringing the development of democratic that Athens served as the foundation for modern Civic and Ethical governance to Ethiopia.

The whole idea is that Civic and Ethical Education makes citizens active participants, and thereby vital assets for the peace, development and democratic governance of a country. The same is true for Civic and Ethical Education in Ethiopia.Jan 25, 2016

Full Answer

What is the role of ethical and civic education in Ethiopia?

Civic Education objective is to examine the achievements and challenges of Civic has a parallel development with democracy. Hence, it is fair to say and Ethical Education in bringing the development of democratic that Athens served as the foundation for modern Civic and Ethical governance to Ethiopia.

What is the historical development of civic and ethical education country?

Historical development of civic and ethical education country. However, there has been no comprehensive study con- ducted on the role of Civic and Ethical Education in achieving such The origin and development of Civic and Ethical Education date objectives.

Does delivering civics and ethical education meet its objectives?

Thus, the research concludes that due to several factors, delivering civics and ethical education does not adequately meet its objectives.

What are the good traits taught by civic and ethical education?

Good traits taught by the subject must be first re- proper realization of the aim of Civic and Ethical Education (Lahra flected in the day-to-day activities of the teachers so that stu- Smith, 2007). dents can take a lesson from them. Civic Education teaches students about their rights and duties.

What is the importance of learning Civics and ethical education?

Following the coming into power of the current regime, civic and ethical education has contributed in building ethical behavior and creating active citizens who are aware of their rights and duties, duties of the government, and the overall political life of their country.

What is the importance of giving civic education in higher educational institutions in Ethiopia?

The facts drawn from both the qualitative and quantitative surveys indicated that Civic education is playing a crucial role for cultivating informed, reasonable and active citizens and the subsequent building of constitutional democracy in Ethiopia.

What is civic and ethical education in Ethiopia?

Civics and Ethical Education is a field of study that deals with both rights and responsibilities, which is guided by social values and encouragement of active participation. It is a relationship between an individual and a state and governing an individual citizen's relations with other individuals and social groups.

Why is the study of Civics and citizenship important?

Through Civics and Citizenship, students explore and develop their understanding and viewpoints on: civic identity. roles in the community. rights and responsibilities of citizens.

What is the role of civic education in society?

Effective civic education programs provide students with opportunities for the development of desirable traits of public and private character. Certain learning activities can promote character traits needed to participate effectively and responsibly in civic life.

What is Civics and ethics all about?

Ethics and Civics courses examine the dilemmas that individuals, communities, and societies face as they explore questions of virtue, justice, equity, inclusion, and the greater good.

What is the relevance of moral and citizenship education to address the key problems of the country?

Civics and Ethical Education is making a sound base against social evils in the minds of the students. It also increases civic engagement which involves learning from others and environment to develop informed perspective on social issues, participating actively in public life, and in the affairs of the University.

What are the goals of moral and civic education in Ethiopia?

The goal behind teaching of Civics and Ethical Education at different levels of education is to create democratic and responsible citizen in the state. The current government of Ethiopia has come up with the discipline to inculcate democratic culture in its citizens.

What are the goals of learning Civics and moral education?

The aim of moral and civic education is to foster the development of an ability to live together in an indivisible, lay, democratic and social Republic.

What is civics and its importance?

A proper civics education teaches young people about the very basics of how their government works. They learn about the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government and why these three branches must work together to pass and enforce laws.

What does civics and citizenship mean to you?

The Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship aims to ensure students develop: a lifelong sense of belonging to and engagement with civic life as an active and informed citizen in the context of Australia as a secular democratic nation with a dynamic, multicultural, multi-faith society and a Christian heritage.

What was the first form of civic education in Ethiopia?

In this regard, though In Ethiopia, the first form of civic education was the contents are universal, at face value , in the details attempted during the imperial period (Hailesilassie I) the intentions of the government are visible. It is too by the name Moral Education.

What happened after the Ethiopian CEE textbooks?

After In Ethiopian CEE textbooks, the constitution is the downfall of the imperial government, the military mentioned everywhere: in the text, in case studies government (Derg) sought to construct the country and and/or in discussion questions.

What was Derg's political education?

Derg’s political education was used to inculcate socialist ideology. In the post 1991 FDRE government, Civics was first introduced then Ethics was added.

What is the purpose of the control by the government in curriculum development and book preparation?

It is intended to foster obedience to regime norms not for critical engagement. Key words: Civics and Ethical education, citizenship education, indoctrination, ...

What is moral education?

Moral education aimed at which condemns the past and glorifies the current spreading the idea of the perpetual rule of feudal lords. government. It took the lead in inculcating the religious values and the system of absolute monarchy (rule by one).

What are the main criteria for teaching?

The main criteria are content, teaching pupils a proposition or set of propositions method, intention, or a combination of two or more of believe regardless of the evidence.

What is civic knowledge?

Civic knowledge is be taught openly and critically (Flew, 1972). concerned with the content or what citizens ought to know where as civic skills comprise intellectual skills The content criterion provides with three defining of identifying and describing, explaining and features of indoctrination.

How does civics and ethical education help Ethiopia?

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of civics and ethical education in building the good behaviour of citizens and making them active participants in the development of democratic governance in Ethiopia. To achieve this purpose, the researcher employed qualitative methodology. Accordingly, secondary sources, such as books, journal articles, government documents, reports and Internet sources, were used. To substantiate the data gathered through secondary sources, the researcher also used primary sources where data were collected mainly via key informant interviews. Based on the data analysed, findings of the study indicate that the present civic and ethical education is progressive compared to its predecessors. It has helped to introduce youth to the values of democracy and human rights, which had never existed in the country's modern history. This education's role in building the good behaviour of citizens is an undeniable fact. It has brought awareness to the society of what actions and behaviours are expected from a good citizen. It has also had a certain practical effect on the ground. However, the changes brought by delivering the course are not satisfactory in the sense of not having effectively achieved the expected level of outcome. The findings of the research outlined the following as major reasons for said limitations: content- and context-related problems, lack of civil societies' engagement, lack of democratic school administration, improper method of delivery, pressure from external environment, weak democracy, limited geographical reach of the course, and lack of role model teachers. Thus, the research concludes that due to several factors, delivering civics and ethical education does not adequately meet its objectives. Thus, for the practical realization of words on the course, the study calls for the strong commitment of all stakeholders and for them to be role models to others and create an environment conducive to practically building the behaviour and skills needed in the subject. Therefore, the study calls for the strong and integrated commitment of the government in the aforementioned areas of drawbacks.

Where did political education originate?

... The origin and development of political education dates back to the ancient Greek citystate, Athens with the aim of creating active and participating citizens for the then Athenian direct democracy (Bayeh, 2016). Civic/political education has a parallel development with democracy. ...

Should citizens be involved in democratic decision making?

The question is not whether citizens should be involved in democratic decision-making processes, but how much engagement and participation is required for a vibrant democracy. Citizens’ involvement, however, cannot be taken for granted but depends heavily on resources, motivations, and social contacts.