• how have your attitude or perspectives on management changed or been reinforced by this course?

by Leanna Pfeffer IV 3 min read

How does a manager's attitude affect employee attitude towards work?

A manager's attitude towards employees can have a big impact on the overall employee attitude towards work. In any business organization, a manager has been entrusted with the successful operation of a significant portion of the business.

What are the theories of attitude change?

Learning Theory of Attitude Change: Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning can be used to bring about attitude change. Classical conditioning can be used to create positive emotional reactions to an object, person, or event by associating positive feelings with the target object.

What are the effects of poor management attitudes?

Manager Attitudes. Managers have to be very careful about their own attitudes. If they demonstrate a negative attitude toward their workers, their impact can be tremendously negative for the organization. That's because poor management attitudes negatively affect their employees' motivation to work.

What attitudes are most relevant to important outcomes?

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are two key attitudes that are the most relevant to important outcomes.

How did the experiment determine attitudes toward toys?

Eliot Aronson and J. Merrill Carlsmith (1963) conducted an experiment to determine whether young children might look at their own behavior to help determine their attitudes toward toys. In their research, they first had the children rate the attractiveness of several toys. They then chose a toy that a child had just indicated he or she really wanted to play with and—this was rather mean—told that child he or she could not play with that toy. Furthermore, and according to random assignment to conditions, half of the children were threatened with mild punishment if they disobeyed and the other half were threatened with severe punishment. In the mild threat condition the experimenter said, “I don’t want you to play with the toy. If you play with it, I would be annoyed,” whereas in the harsh threat condition the experimenter said, “I don’t want you to play with the toy. If you play with it, I would be very angry. I would have to take all of my toys and go home and never come back again.” The experimenter then left the room for a few minutes to give the children the time and opportunity to play with the other toys and to resist the temptation of playing with the forbidden toy, while watching the children through a one-way mirror.

Who found that women who had gone through the embarrassing experience subsequently reported more liking for the group than those who had not

Aronson and Mills found that the women who had gone through the embarrassing experience subsequently reported more liking for the group than those who had not, and Gerard and Matthewson (1966) found that having to take some electrical shocks as part of an initiation process had the same effect.

How is dissonance reduced?

Dissonance is reduced by changing behavior, by reducing dissonant cognitions, or by creating new consonant cognitions to counteract the dissonant cognitions. Dissonance is observed in many everyday experiences, including initiation and the experience of postdecisional dissonance.

What happens if Joachim can't change his behavior?

But Joachim has a third option: even if he cannot change his behavior and even if he knows that what he’s doing has negative consequences, he can create new consonant cognitions to counteract the dissonant cognitions.

Why did the Japanese expect less dissonance reduction?

They expected that there would be less need for dissonance reduction in the Japanese than in Western students because the Japanese (and other Easterners) were less motivated overall to maintain a positive self-image. In their study, 71 Canadian and 71 Japanese participants were first asked to take a personality test.

What are the learning objectives?

Learning Objectives. Outline the principles of self-perception and explain how they can account for the influences of behavior on attitude. Outline the principles of cognitive dissonance and explain how they can account for the influences of behavior on attitude. Although it might not have surprised you to hear that we can often predict people’s ...

What did Joachim do instead of studying?

It turns out that instead of going home to study, Joachim spent the entire evening listening to music at a rock club in town. He says that he had a great time, stayed up late to watch the last set, and didn’t get home until the crack of dawn. And he woke up so late this morning that he missed his first two classes.

How are attitudes influenced by the characteristics of the job?

In addition to personality and fit with the organization, work attitudes are influenced by the characteristics of the job, perceptions of organizational justice and the psychological contract, relationships with coworkers and managers, and the stress levels experienced on the job.

What is attitude in work?

An attitude refers to our opinions, beliefs, and feelings about aspects of our environment. We have attitudes toward the food we eat, people we meet, courses we take, and things we do. At work, two job attitudes have the greatest potential ...

What is the most important job attitude?

These are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction refers to the feelings people have toward their job. If the number of studies conducted on job satisfaction is an indicator, job satisfaction is probably the most important job attitude. Institutions such as Gallup or the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) ...

How do companies assess employee attitudes?

Many companies assess employee attitudes through surveys of worker satisfaction and through exit interviews. The usefulness of such information is limited, however, because attitudes create an intention to behave in a certain way, but they do not always predict actual behaviors.

What are the characteristics of a job that are related to satisfaction and commitment?

Employees tend to be more satisfied and committed in jobs that involve certain characteristics. The ability to use a variety of skills, having autonomy at work, receiving feedback on the job, and performing a significant task are some job characteristics that are related to satisfaction and commitment.

What are the stressors of a job?

Stressors range from environmental ones (noise, heat, inadequate ventilation) to interpersonal ones (organizational politics, conflicts with coworkers) to organizational ones (pressure to avoid making mistakes, worrying about the security of the job).

What are the three categories of organizational justice?

Organizational justice can be classified into three categories: (1) procedural (fairness in the way policies and processes are carried out), (2) distributive (the allocation of resources or compensation and benefits), and (3) interactional (the degree to which people are treated with dignity and respect).

Why do attitudes change?

Attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing , and they can have a powerful influence over behavior. While attitudes are enduring, they can also change.

How can persuasion change attitudes?

First, they can be motivated to listen and think about the message, thus leading to an attitude shift.

How can classical conditioning be used to change attitudes?

Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning can be used to bring about attitude change. Classical conditioning can be used to create positive emotional reactions to an object, person, or event by associating positive feelings with the target object.

What are attitudes and behavior?

Attitudes and Behavior. We tend to assume that people behave according to their attitudes. However, social psychologists have found that attitudes and actual behavior are not always perfectly aligned. 2 . After all, plenty of people support a particular candidate or political party and yet fail to go out and vote.

What factors influence attitudes?

Factors Influencing Attitude Strength 1 Are an expert on the subject 2 Expect a favorable outcome 3 Experience something personally 4 Stand to win or lose something due to the issue 5 Are repeatedly expressed attitudes

What are the components of attitude?

Components of Attitude. Cognitive Component: Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject. Affective Component : How the object, person, issue, or event makes you feel. Behavioral Component: How attitude influences your behavior. Attitudes can also be explicit and implicit.

How do psychologists define attitudes?

How Psychologists Define Attitudes. Psychologists define attitudes as a learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. This can include evaluations of people, issues, objects, or events. Such evaluations are often positive or negative, but they can also be uncertain at times.

What happens when you change your perspective?

When you change your view of the world, you change how you feel about it. A simple change in how you look at events and occurrences can greatly change and/or enhance your life. Perspective is all about what you choose to focus on. What you choose to focus on determines how you will feel.

Why is it important to understand someone else's perspective?

Being able to open up and understand someone else’s perspective is also a great gift. It can help you to grow as a person and realize the vast range of ideas that exist in the world. Many people tend to only look at the bad aspects in their lives and dwell on failures.

How does change of thought affect your life?

Having this attitude leads to happiness in all areas of your life. A simple change of thought and emotion can greatly affect the outcome of many situations in which you might feel vulnerable. Changing this small aspect in your mind and applying it to yourself can completely change your entire outlook on life.

What happens if you focus on all the negative things in your life?

If you choose to focus on all the negative things in your life, thats how your life will be. But if you look and realize all the good things, the quality of your life could be so much better. It is not about what happens to you in life, but how you choose to perceive that; what you do and how you think about it.

Why are attitudes held with greater certainty than are attitudes produced by a low-effort process?

Because they are the result of greater cognitive effort, these attitudes are often based on more consistent information, are supported by a more developed knowledge structure ( e.g., related beliefs and values), and are held with greater certainty than are attitudes produced by a low-effort process.

How does attitude change occur?

When a person is motivated and able to invest high effort in making a judgment about an issue or object, attitude change can occur due to characteristics of his or her thoughts (e.g., whether the thoughts are favorable or unfavorable), his or her estimation that good or bad outcomes will be tied to the attitude object, or the person’s realization that he or she holds conflicting beliefs about a set of attitude objects.

How to change attitude in the absence of effortful thought?

One way to produce attitude change in the absence of effortful thought is to repeatedly associate an initially neutral attitude object with another stimulus that already possesses a positive or negative meaning. For example, imagine that every time you saw your uncle as a child he took you to the zoo. Assuming you enjoy going to the zoo, you will likely start to feel more positively toward your uncle. If, instead, every time you saw him he took you to the doctor to get your immunization shots, the opposite result is more likely. Although research on this process has demonstrated that it is most effective for previously neutral stimuli (such as novel words or objects), significant attitude change has also been found for positive and negative attitude objects as well. One series of studies found that repeatedly pairing words related to the self (e.g., I and me) with positive stimuli caused significant increases in a later measure of participants’ self-esteem. Thus, continually associating an attitude object or message with something you already like (e.g., an attractive source) can lead to positive attitudes.

What are the most important aspects of a person's attitude?

Cognitive Responses. When people’s attitudes change through the use of high cognitive effort, some of the most important aspects to consider are their actual thoughts (cognitive responses) toward the attitude object and any persuasive message that is received on the topic.

Why are attitudes important?

Attitudes are important because they can guide thought, behavior, and feelings. Attitude change occurs anytime an attitude is modified. Thus, change occurs when a person goes from being positive to negative, from slightly positive to very positive, or from having no attitude to having one. Because of the functional value of attitudes, the processes that change them have been a major focus throughout the history of social psychology.

Why does attitude become more positive?

When this occurs, the attitude toward the object becomes more positive; possibly due to the fact that the object has actually become associated with the absence of anything negative.

What are the characteristics of an attitude?

One of the most important characteristics of an attitude is its strength . Attitude strength is associated with an attitude’s persistence, resistance to change, and ability to predict behavior. The stronger an attitude, the more it exhibits these characteristics.

How do managers affect employees?

The leadership site, Lighthouse, notes that the way managers interact with employees has a profound impact on organizational success. Even a manager's "soft skills," such as the ability to listen to employee concerns, play a large role in shaping workplace attitudes.

What are the goals of employees?

Employees often share two goals quite similar to those of their managers: a desire to have their unit do well and to have their own work recognized for the contributions made. Employees also want to be respected, which is a very important aspect of workplace success that is often overlooked.

What is the role of a manager in a business?

In any business organization, a manager has been entrusted with the successful operation of a significant portion of the business. A manager's key goals, then, involve the smooth running of the operation, the ability to communicate the success of what the manager is accomplishing, and the ability to have all her staff make an effective contribution.

Do personal goals affect managerial goals?

It's worth remembering, however, that managerial goals also interact with personal goals. Your manager may be looking to advance rapidly in the organization or even be in the market for a job elsewhere. These personal goals, alongside managerial goals, all have an impact on a manager's overall attitude towards employees.

What are the aspects of attitude?

Aspects of the Attitude – Attitude strength. It isn’t just the situation that can impact the attitude-behavior connection. There are also aspects of the attitude itself that can strengthen the connection. The stronger the attitude the more likely we can predict someone’s behavior from their attitude.

How does behavior affect attitudes?

One way that our behavior impacts our attitudes is when it helps us to understand what we are feeling. Often throughout the day we will have moments of uncertainty or ambiguity about our evaluation of an object, person, or issue. We will look to our actions to determine what it is we are feeling, called self-perception theory. All of this happens outside of our awareness. It is only through discussing it in a psychology course that you might introspectively examine the process and realize that an uncertainty about your feelings or attitude about your favorite music can be cleared up by looking at your music library and realizing that both rap and alternative are equally your favorite. Most often though we are not actively engaged in introspection and this process occurs outside of our awareness through an automatic processing of facial expressions, body posture, and behaviors (Laird & Bresler, 1992).

How to write attitudes?

You can use them throughout the module. Let’s start with the first couple you wrote down. Try to break them down into the ABC’s of attitudes. Start with affect (what are your feelings about the attitude you hold), cognition (thoughts about the attitude you hold), and behavior (actions you take because of the attitude).

Why do we value attitudes?

We research value attitudes because we believe that they strongly influence social thought and can predict what someone will do. We as humans like for our worlds to be predictable. We want to believe that knowing how someone thinks and feels about something will give us insight into how they process the information they take in, as well as what they do with it. We have seen with previous modules how the way we think influences behavior, and we know attitudes color how we perceive all the information that is funneled in our direction.

What are the three bases of attitude?

Start with affect (what are your feelings about the attitude you hold), cognition (thoughts about the attitude you hold), and behavior (actions you take because of the attitude). In the above examples and the ones you practiced, you were assuming that the attitude contained all three bases.

How do children develop attitudes?

For example, children develop many of their initial attitudes by observing caregivers and sibling’s reactions to their world. If your Mom or Dad is afraid of spiders or insects, then often children will develop an attitude of dislike and fear.
