how have cardinal's principles and values shaped the ethical behavior of employees course hero

by Francisca Kohler 6 min read

What are the benefits of ethical behaviour in the workplace?

Oct 21, 2017 · How has Cardinal’s principles and values shaped the ethical behavior of employees? Cardinal ’s principles and values are ethically very well reformed . The reason behind this that the leader gave a demonstration to its employees about the expected ethical conduct from them and was told about the ramifications of violating it .

What are the primary principles of ethical behavior?

Nov 08, 2016 · Cardinal’s principles and values shaped ethical behavior of its employees by having Mr. Pinder demonstrate the values that he demanded from his employees. He also created the Cardinals Guiding Principles which served as a code of conduct in which he expected his employees to abide by and treat each other.

How does the perception of ethical behavior affect organizational behavior?

A: Cardinal’s principles and values shaped ethical behavior of its employees by having Mr. Pinder demonstrate the values that he demanded from his employees. He also created the Cardinals Guiding Principles which served as a code of conduct in which he expected his employees to abide by and treat each other. He designed a leadership training program which was based …

Should ethics be the centerpiece of leadership discussions?

Dec 15, 2015 · This was his way of ensuring that he had great leaders before enduring the build and structure of his business. This also allowed him to mold the team he wanted moving forward with the company. Cardinal’s principles and values …

Why do people cover up bad behavior?

Many people cover-up the bad behavior hoping to silence the critics. Of course, it rarely works that way. Once you start to tell a lie you have taken the first step down the proverbial “ethical slippery slope” and there may be no turning back. A lie begets another lie and deceitfulness becomes the controlling behavior.

What is ethical behavior?

Being an ethical person also means to act responsibly and be accountable for one’s actions; not covering them up.

Why don't ethical people go along?

Let’s assume you are being pressured by your boss to manipulate the financial statements. An ethical person refuses to go along because it violates honesty. But, does it make you disloyal to your boss and is that a violation ...

What is the morality of honesty?

Honesty is a moral characteristic, a virtue, and sometimes considered to equate with truthfulness yet there are differences.

Can you state something that is untrue?

You can honestly state something that is untrue. For example, you may have witnessed a crime and think you know who did it but it turns out to be wrong. Truth is about objective fact. Something is either true or not. You can state the truth in a dishonest manner, like if you yourself believe it to be true.

Why is ethical behavior important in the workplace?

Why is ethical behavior in the workplace important? It is important to understand that ethical behavior in the workplace can stimulate positive employee behaviors that lead to organizational growth, just as unethical behavior in the workplace can inspire damaging headlines that lead to organizational demise.

What happens when an organization acts unethically?

A decision to act unethically, by the organization or a stakeholder, can strain the relationship and damage the reputation of the organization. The increased risk of reputational damage and harm from negative headlines is often the catalyst for organizations to promote and encourage ethical behavior and prevent and report unethical behavior.

What is organizational stakeholders?

Simply put, organizational stakeholders that include individuals, groups and organizations of various types enter into a relationship with a business organization for that business to protect their interests in a specific way.

What is ethical decision making?

Ethical decision making in the workplace takes into account the individual employee’s best interest and also takes into account the best interest of those impacted. The latter of the definition is often where individual employees struggle to act ethically.

What are the five key criteria for voice of the employee?

Voice of the employee systems that effectively promote ethical behavior and encourage reporting unethical behavior meet five key criteria: Elegance: be easily understood, applicable to the entire organization and all employees and effectively diagnose issues. Accessibility: be easy to use, widely promoted, accessible to all employees.

Why are perceptions not revealed?

When conducted internally, it’s likely that true perceptions aren’t revealed because employees aren’t being honest with the organization. Employees may not want to risk burning a bridge or disappointing a manager. When conducted externally, data is systematically collected and thoroughly reported.

Is the struggle at the center of narratives of all types?

It is arguably the most common struggle at the center of narratives of all types. So it should be no surprise that the same struggle is prevalent in corporate environments under the umbrella of ethical or unethical behavior. It’s certainly no secret that the desire to be perceived as ethical is important to organizations as we consistently see ...

What does transparency mean in business?

Being an ethical person requires one to be responsible and accountable for our actions. Transparency means that we don’t cover them up. Survey results here were quite mixed. Most surveyed believed in the conspiracy of the company to keep secrets from employees and customers.

What is integrity in ethics?

Integrity . Integrity is generally about having strong moral character. There’s an inaccurate belief that ethics is about following the rules, and integrity is about doing the right thing, regardless of the rules. I’m not sure I agree with that statement, at least not completely. I do agree that integrity is about doing the right thing.

What is the biggest challenge in life?

Transparency. One of the biggest life challenges for most humans is their willingness to admit mistakes and be open (transparent if you will) about their choices realizing that every choice has a consequence. In the second republican debate Jeb Bush openly admitted that he smoked pot.

Is honesty a moral trait?

For example, on a personal level most people who claimed to be honest were also the first to admit that they would lie on a regular basis if it meant saving someones feelings from being hurt. Actually honest is more of a moral characteristic than an ethical one. Likewise, something honestly stated and believed to be true may, in fact, not be true. For example 1000 years ago an honest person would say the earth was flat. That was untrue, but those who stated that belief did so with honesty.

Do rank and file believe in senior management?

However, there is also a strong belief that senior management will make decisions based on short-term gain and often deceive rank and file regarding the true motivation behind their decisions . Honesty grade B-.

What if an ethical decision were to negatively impact your employment—both present and future?

What if an ethical decision were to negatively impact your employment—both present and future? People today, and especially those in positions of authority, must often deal with situations that challenge their ethical mindsets. Again, many of them make the wrong decisions because they rely on emotion rather than an objective framework that could help them consider their options. Among the many real-world problems that we address in the MSL classroom is how to deal with an organization whose leaders are behaving either unethically or illegally.

How to make a decision in a classroom?

In my classroom, we utilize a framework as the basis for decision-making: 1 I first ask the students to examine the consequences of each possible course of action. In the case above, for instance, what might happen if the school principal grants the mother’s request and takes no action? On the other hand, what are the possible consequences associated with contacting the department of social services? 2 Next, MSL students are asked to evaluate their duties and responsibilities to the young student, his mother, and society in general. In other words, do we have a greater duty and/or responsibility to the student, his mother, or the rules of law? 3 Then, we ask the students to consider and evaluate their integrity by asking a simple question: What would a virtuous person do in this situation? 4 Lastly, we provide our students with research-based decision-making steps that help them organize their thoughts and make objective decisions.

What should ethics be?

Ethics should be the foundation for any discussion about leadership and it should serve as its centerpiece. Click To Tweet. After all, it does little good for us to identify ourselves as transformational, authentic, or servant leaders if we are not grounded by an ethical mindset. On the surface, this seems like a simple concept.

Why is ethics important in leadership?

Ethics Are the Foundation of Great Leadership. One of the many advantages that come from studying leadership as a formal discipline is that it offers structure to a subject that many people erroneously believe comes naturally to them.

What is the natural inclination of students in the Master of Science in Leadership program?

When the students in the Master of Science in Leadership program discuss a situation like the one above, their natural inclination is to become upset and argue their position from an emotional perspective. Our instructors, however, teach them that each situation needs to be evaluated objectively and that their emotions need to be kept under control.

Does one size fit all?

The bottom line is that one size does not fit all—each profession is different and requires one or more properly tailored leadership styles. We can debate the best and most effective leadership styles ad nauseum, but one aspect of leadership that should never be up for negotiation is that every leader must behave ethically.