how hard is a course

by Damion Jacobs II 7 min read

How hard is a stats class?

Sep 20, 2021 · There are a few reasons why a student might complain about a class being too hard: They’re having trouble with the executive function skills required to excel ; They aren’t accustomed to being challenged; The class really is too hard ; Before taking any action, it’s important to define what success looks like in this particular scenario.

How hard is the math in a level math?

From the middle tees the courses are 68.20/115 and 69.90/131 respectively. The funny thing is that the 131 slope course is longer and seems so much harder, but the score differential for me between the two is pretty small. level 1. · 2 hr. ago top flite isn't that bad. Championship: yards 6723, slope 134, rating 71.8.

Are summer school classes difficult?

Aug 11, 2017 · Ultimately, statistics will be helpful in practical decision making. It involves a lot of logic and figuring out how to approach each problem. The math is not hard computationally. As other posters have said, it is more logic- and problem-solving-based than you’d experience in high school level math classes.

How hard is the math in Computer Science?

Will likely depend on your professor and if they overcomplicate things. But the general view is that intro stats is an easy course. 3. level 1. theglasstadpole. · 9m. My intro statistics class was a lot easier than my calculus classes but I can't say how it would compare to a precalculus or trigonometry class.

How hard are college courses?

In summary, college classes are definitely harder than high school classes: the topics are more complicated, the learning is more fast-paced, and the expectations for self-teaching are much higher. HOWEVER, college classes are not necessarily harder to do well in.Aug 28, 2017

What is the hardest course?

Here is a list of the 10 most difficult courses in the world all students should know about.Engineering. ... Chartered Accountancy. ... Medicine. ... Pharmacy. ... Architecture. ... Law. ... Psychology. ... Statistics.More items...•Nov 28, 2021

What makes a course hard?

Sometimes a course seems hard because you're not used to the learning environment, or you haven't nailed down your time management skills. Other times the subject matter is simply dense and requires extra study time. If you're having difficulty in a course, try to objectively understand why that might be.Mar 12, 2018

What is the easiest course?

9 Easiest College Classes For SuccessCreative Writing. ... Physical Education. ... Psychology. ... Public Speaking. ... Anthropology. ... Art History. ... Acting. ... Photography. If you're not in art school or trying to become a professional photographer, taking a photography class can still provide you with valuable lessons.More items...

Is a Math hard?

The contents of A-Math might not be tougher than E-Math but A-Math is definitely harder to score distinction than E-Math in O-levels. Thank the bell-curve for that! E-Math is a requirement for everyone but A-Math is mostly taken by students who are already more confident in mathematics.Dec 27, 2017

What is the most failed subject in high school?

AlgebraAlgebra is the single most failed course in high school, the most failed course in community college, and, along with English language for nonnative speakers, the single biggest academic reason that community colleges have a high dropout rate.Sep 15, 2017

How do I stop being struggling in college?

6 Ways to overcome struggling in collegeTap into school resources. ... Ask for help. ... Review and reaffirm your goals. ... Trust yourself, and be honest with your struggles. ... Fix your study habits and environment. ... Take care of yourself.Dec 6, 2021

How do you handle a difficult course?

How To Deal With A Difficult CourseTalk To Your Tutors. Over email AND in person! ... If You Don't Know, ASK. ... Engage With Extra Assignment Services. ... Have Study Sessions With Your Peers. ... Do Your Readings. ... Take Responsibility.Sep 22, 2020

How do you pass a hard college class?

How To Pass A Difficult College ClassTake the Class with Friends. ... Sit Near the Front. ... Go Over Your Notes Multiple Times. ... Make a Study Group. ... Go Over Old Tests and Quizzes. ... Meet With Your Professor. ... Take Advantage of Your Extra Resources. ... Do the Extra Credit.Jul 31, 2017

What is the least stressful major?

According to the annual National Survey of Student Engagement, software engineering, computer science and astronomy majors enjoy the least stressful college experience, and spend the most time relaxing and socializing, including hanging out with friends, playing video games and going online.Jan 30, 2018

What is the most stressful college major?

The most stressed out majors in America are Medicine, Architecture and Nursing, according to new data. STEM majors feature heavily as the most stressful degrees in the nation – compare that to arts-related courses, which students say make them feel less stressed on average.Mar 8, 2017

What is the most useful degree?

Top 15 Most Useful DegreesComputer Science.Nursing.Law.Pharmaceutical Science (Pharmacy)Education.Mathematics.Veterinary Science.Engineering.More items...•Mar 4, 2022

What do you learn in nursing school?

Being in nursing school will put a whole new spin on the way you think about going to the doctor, watch medical shows or what you consider when you look at a prescription label. In your nursing classes, all the information you learn—whether it’s biology, chemistry or physics—will have a nursing bent to it.

What is it like to be a nurse in school?

In nursing school, you’ll work hard alongside classmates who understand exactly what the experience is really like and are working toward the same goal you are —becoming a nurse. Samantha S says that since students all come from different backgrounds and have come to nursing at different life stages. This means everyonebrings a unique perspective to the challenges you’ll encounter together.. You can rely on peers to inspire and support you.

What is the role of a nurse in a patient's care?

Even if a doctor orders a medication and a pharmacist approves and fills it, the nurse is often the last line of defense before the patient and is responsible for ensuring the patient is getting the correct medicine, dose and method of delivery. 3. You’ll strengthen your critical thinking skills.

Is nursing school easy?

Nursing school isn’t easy. You’re practically learning a new language—medical terminology—while caring for patients and their family members who are sick, exhausted or both. While you’re taking care of others, don’t forget to care for yourself.

Is nursing school challenging?

There’s no doubt about this: Nursing school will be challenging. You’ll be asked to step out of your comfort zone and balance a new workload and way of life. Even for those with extensive educational backgrounds, nursing school might be different.

Is nursing a good job?

But nursing isn’t a pie-in-the-sky, fantasy, feel-good job. Nurses are hardworking, dedicated professionals who are passionate about their patients.

How many hours does an architecture major take?

The average architecture major spends 22 hours preparing for class. Students who want to pursue this field need to be ready to spend hours drafting and studying. Upon graduating, your job prospects are fairly narrow because your skills are specialized.

What is an intended major?

In general, your intended major is exactly what it sounds like: an intention to study a discipline, not set in stone.

Where does Veronica live?

in History and Classics. After graduating, she joined CollegeVine serving as the Curriculum Development Manager. She currently lives in Cambridge, MA and is writing her debut novel.

What is the importance of philosophy?

Philosophy demands attention to detail and command of logic. On average, philosophy majors spend more time than most college students studying, and those hours require high levels of concentration. Many philosophy majors pursue careers in law or academia because those fields reward hard work, careful reasoning, and attention to detail.

What is a psychology major?

Psychology majors study the progress we have made so far and participate in social science research to make further discoveries in their field. Psychology students typically have high GPAs relative to their peers, and the weekly homework load is not unreasonable.

Is chemistry a hard major?

See the best schools for Chemistry majors. We have chosen chemistry as our #1 hardest major because of its low average GPA combined with the long hours of studying required. If you are fascinated by how minuscule, invisible changes can completely alter a substance, chemistry is a great major to consider.

Anyone else seriously worried about an online fall semester?

Delta covid cases are popping off in a lot of states. You also apparently have a 1/10 chance of still catching covid even if you’re vaccinated. This is one nasty strain, and it shows no signs of stopping. Cases are rising in all 50 states, and the CDC has now recommended masks again.

Is anyone else terrified of life post-college?

I’m feeling really nervous about life after graduation. Next year will be my fifth and final year of college, and I’m not quite sure what to think about that. I’m excited, but it’s also concerning. The job market is difficult and I don’t feel ready to jump straight into graduate school.

Is it possible that we're going to be online again?

I'm just worried with the rise of the delta variant. This is my last year of college and I would really like to spend it on a campus. I hope that doesn't sound too selfish.

I am an upcoming freshman with no idea what to do

So i’m an upcoming freshman at the community college in my town.

Living in a dorm even if I live 15 minutes away from home

So my friends and I are all attending this state school very close to us. It’s literally a 15 minute drive max. They’re all living in a dorm and I’m quite surprised since it wouldn’t be a long commute and they’re always driving. They were surprised when I said I’m living at home and said I should just take a loan.

Why are summer school teachers easier than regular school teachers?

This is because they are often postdoc or graduate students trying to get some teaching experience in.

Who is Travis Biziorek?

Travis Biziorek is the Co-Founder and CEO of Kibin. In addition to entrepreneurship, Travis' diverse background includes playing professional poker, trading foreign currency, and management consulting. When he isn't planning Kibin's future, he enjoys spending time with his family and miniature goldendoodle, Pippa.

Is film history class first come first serve?

At some universities, courses that are hard to get into during the spring and fall semesters will be offered during the summer to meet demand, so this could be your chance to get into that awesome Film History class that you’ve been waitlisted for every semester since your freshman year. But be careful, summer classes are typically first come first serve, so sign up as early as possible, especially if you’re going for the hottest course offered in your school.

Is summer school first come first serve?

But be careful, summer classes are typically first come first serve, so sign up as early as possible, especially if you’re going for the hottest course offered in your school. And finally this brings us to the most helpful, amazing tip of all to make sure that your summer school experience isn’t too hard to handle.

Can you get stuck in a hard teacher?

Even if you choose less intensive classes, you can still get stuck with a “hard” teacher. Make sure you research the professor you’re considering taking a class from before you sign up.

Is summer school hard?

Just like during a normal school semester, summer school classes are either easy or difficult depending on your comfort with the course material and the difficulty of the professors. You can end up with a hard schedule if you overload yourself, or get stuck with a tough teacher.

Do professors expect you to show up for your homework?

Many professors will have the same expectations of you over the summer as they would have during the normal school year. You are going to have to show up on time and regularly, finish your homework, and limit your extracurricular activities so you can get above average grades on your exams.

How Hard Is the Real Estate Exam?

Before diving into the test prep tips, first, let’s look at how hard the real estate exam actually is.

1. Take a Pre Licensing Course

Taking a pre-licensing course before signing up for the real estate licensing exam is critical. In an exam prep course, you will learn the material on the exam as well as tips for being a successful real estate salesperson or broker in your state. You’ll walk away well-prepared for the agent or broker exam in your state.

2. Take a Practice Exam (Or Two or Three)

A practice test is a good idea to help you know if you are ready for the real estate salesperson exam. It will show you examples of what questions are on the exam. When choosing a pre-license course, make sure a school exam that lets you practice is part of it.

3. Learn Good Test-Taking Practices

Your state exam prep course should cover the content of the exam, but it should also give you advice about how to get a passing score through better test-taking practices. Some tips that you might want to consider include:

4. Take and Review Notes

As you prepare for the exam, make yourself several notes and note cards. Consider using a digital note card program to keep these close at hand. Take these note cards with you, and review for the exam every second you get.

5. Take Care of Yourself

In the days prior to taking the real estate exam, make sure you get plenty of sleep and eat healthily. Avoid the temptation to cram information the night before, staying up late into the night. No matter how good your prep course is, if you are exhausted, you will fail to do well on the test.

7. Stay Positive

At the end of the day, your attitude will have a big impact on your success. Don’t get bogged down in the pass rate for your state or the intricate details of your pre-license education. Do your best, and maintain a positive attitude throughout. Tackle the test with the right attitude, and your chances of success are much higher.



Average GPA: 3.2 Average Weekly Study Hours: 16 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $240,000 See the best schools for English majors. If you love language and literature, majoring in English is a great way to gain exposure to strong writing. We are including it on the list of easiest majors because it has a relatively high GPA and b…
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  • Average GPA: 3.0 Average Weekly Study Hours: 15 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $626,000 See the best schools for Economics majors. Economics majors spend a pretty typical amount of time studying relative to other college majors. However, when they graduate, their earning potential is very high. If you are looking for a field that lets you work hard but not too hard while still bringing home a h…
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  • Average GPA: 3.2 Average Weekly Study Hours: 13 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $240,000 Find schools with Journalism majors that match your profile. Journalism majors have relatively high average GPAs relative to peers, and they do not have to spend exorbitant amounts of time studying. That said, it is difficult to secure a full-time position as a journalist, especially if there is a particular s…
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Criminal Justice

  • Average GPA: 3.1 Average Weekly Study Hours: 12 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $139,000 See the best schools for Criminal Justice majors. If you find courts, policing, and corrections fascinating, a career in criminal justice may be for you. Students learn how to apprehend, reprimand, and rehabilitate those who commit crimes. This field does not require much time in class but does d…
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Public Relations & Advertising

  • Average GPA: 3.0 Average Weekly Study Hours: 12 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $563,000 Find schools with Public Relations majors that match your profile. Do people fascinate you? Do you watch the Super Bowl for the ads? Have you been known to tell a captivating story? If so, public relations & advertising may be the field for you. These students integrate their understanding of the human …
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Social Work

  • Average GPA: 3.4 Average Weekly Study Hours: 12 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $139,000 Find schools with Social Work majors that match your profile. It is somewhat deceptive to say social work is an easy major, even though it meets the criteria we are using for this list. Often, the greatest difficulty associated with this field is the emotional strain it takes to build a career in social work. Student…
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  • Average GPA: 3.6 Average Weekly Study Hours: 14 Predicted 20-Year ROI: -$9,000 Find schools with Education majors that match your profile. We are including education on the list of easiest majors because of the high average GPA. But be warned! It has an extremely low return on investment. If you are thinking of pursuing a teaching career, consider getting your undergraduat…
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  • Average GPA: 3.3 Average Weekly Study Hours: 13.5 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $198,000 See the best schools for Psychology majors. Only within the past hundred years have we begun to objectively measure, analyze, and evaluate human behavior. Psychology majors study the progress we have made so far and participate in social science research to make further discov…
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Business Administration

  • Average GPA: 3.2 Average Weekly Study Hours: 13.5 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $563,000 See the best schools for Business majors. Business administration ranks as our #1 easiest college major because it has that perfect trio of low weekly homework load, high average GPA, and great ROI. If you have solid business acumen, a head for figures, and a desire to work with people, could be …
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