how far is sim park golf course from 7918 w. suncrest st, wichita, ks?

by Jayme Wisoky 3 min read

What is 7918 W Suncrest St?

7918 W Suncrest St is a 1,030 square foot house on a 9,148 square foot lot with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. 7918 W Suncrest St is a house currently...

How many photos are available for this home?

Redfin has 9 photos of 7918 W Suncrest St.

How long has this home been listed on Redfin?

7918 W Suncrest St has been listed on Redfin for 77 days since March 22, 2022.

When was this home built and last sold?

7918 W Suncrest St was built in 2001.

How competitive is the market for this home?

Based on Redfin's market data, we calculate that market competition in 67212, this home's neighborhood, is very competitive. Homes sell for about 4...

What’s the full address of this home?

The full address for this home is 7918 West Suncrest Street, Wichita, Kansas 67212.

Meet the Staff

Colin graduated from Wichita State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. He was a member of the Kapaun Mt. Carmel golf team in high school that won multiple state championships. After high school Colin played golf for Grier Jones at Wichita State University.

Pro Shop Services

The full-service golf shop at Arthur B. Sim Golf Course can provide you with all your equipment and golfing apparel needs so you can get to the first tee in comfort and style. We offer the latest apparel and equipment from the top industry brands: Titleist, FootJoy, Antigua, Imperial, Callaway, Cleveland and Srixon.

Who designed Sims Park Golf Course?

Designed by Morris Richard Perkins, the Sims Park golf course opened in 1919. Troy Houghton manages the course as the Director of Parks & Recreation.

What is the slope rating of Sims Park?

The course rating is 70.5 and it has a slope rating of 119 on Bermuda grass. Designed by Morris Richard Perkins, the Sims Park golf course opened in 1919.