how effective was the course

by Doug Huel 9 min read

What is training effectiveness and why is it important?

Training helps learners gain new knowledge and skill. The most effective training also helps learners apply this information to their workplace, a process known as transfer of learning or simply learning transfer. Training effectiveness refers to how well your training supports learning and learning transfer.

Why do courses fail to deliver on their objectives?

Four reasons that a course may fail to reach the stated learning objectives include lack of logical design, insufficient content, ineffective instruction, and incomplete assessment. Here is how to resolve these challenges in your effort to deliver impactful learning experiences.

Can students provide effective feedback on course evaluations?

Educating faculty about the research as well is really helpful. There have been 40 years of study on course evaluations and the research shows that students can provide effective feedback on course evaluations and that it is a useful measure of teaching effectiveness when they are well-developed and validated.

Are course evaluations a good measure of teaching quality?

Done well, they can be both a useful and effective measure of teaching quality, she says. Dr. Gravestock, whose dissertation focused on how teaching is evaluated for tenure at Canadian universities, is one of the leading experts in Canada on course evaluations.

What is an effective course?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.

How can you make a course more effective?

8 Ways to Improve Your Online CourseBuild a personal connection with your students. ... Motivate your students. ... Help students maintain focus. ... Create a sense of community. ... Make discussions meaningful. ... Increase student engagement. ... Address equity issues. ... Identify and support struggling students.

How effective is online learning?

The Open University in Britain have found that online courses equate to an average of 90% less energy and 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than traditional in person courses. This certainly makes online learning and multimedia content a more effective method of education overall.

Are virtual classes effective or ineffective?

The results are generally consistent with past research: Online coursework generally yields worse student performance than in-person coursework. The negative effects of online course-taking are particularly pronounced for less-academically prepared students and for students pursuing bachelor's degrees.

How do you give feedback to classes?

Tips for giving effective feedback to learners​Explain to the learners that you are focusing on helping them to understand the assessment of their learning.Encourage learners to ask questions about their feedback.Make a regular time to discuss feedback with learners on an individual or small group basis.More items...•

How can online classes be more effective for students?

Tips for Taking Online ClassesTreat an online course like a “real” course. ... Hold yourself accountable. ... Practice time management. ... Create a regular study space and stay organized. ... Eliminate distractions. ... Figure Out How You Learn Best. ... Actively participate. ... Leverage your network.

Why is online learning effective essay?

Online education offers extensive benefits to students by giving a manageable schedule, student enhancement and augmented education access and choice. Online education enables us to learn from various mentors and teachers in different areas, increasing our knowledge and perspective.

Why is online learning less effective?

In the online setting, students may have more distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation. Most online courses, however, particularly those serving K-12 students, have a format much more similar to in-person courses.

Is modular learning effective?

According to Ambayon's (2020) research, modular instruction is more effective in the teaching-learning method when compared to traditional teaching techniques because students know at their own pace with this modular approach.

How effective is face to face learning?

Face to face learning is a really effective way to learn knowledge and skills because it often combines different ways of learning including writing, reading, discussion, presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration and practice.

What is training effectiveness?

Training effectiveness refers to how well your training supports learning and learning transfer. There are many ways to evaluate training effectiveness.

What is the goal of training?

The goal of training is to help a learner improve their competence, capacity, and performance. Training helps learners gain new knowledge and skill. The most effective training also helps learners apply this information to their workplace, a process known as transfer of learning or simply learning transfer. Training effectiveness refers ...

How does a knowledge check help in e-learning?

Considerations: In an e-learning, you might have knowledge checks throughout the course to help reinforce learning. Those same knowledge checks give you data on how learners progress during the course.

What is delayed evaluation?

Delayed evaluation, also called follow-up evaluation, is the best way to assess learning transfer. This helps training developers understand how much information learners retained, and if they have applied what they learned on the job.

How to evaluate change in learning?

The best way to evaluate any change in learning is through assessment before and after the training. Conduct a pretest before and a posttest after your training and then compare the results.

Can postcourse evaluations assess learning?

Postcourse evaluations cannot objectively assess learning or learning transfer, but focusing on the areas with the strongest, most consistent relationships with learning and learning transfer can provide you with meaningful data about training effectiveness. Based on factors that predict learning transfer. pdf icon.


In Step 1, we start by identifying important situational factors that might affect your course.


Once you have completed the worksheet and can identify the key situational factors for your course, you can move on to identifying learning outcomes.


Once you have identified the learning outcomes for your course, you can move on to creating assessments that let you know if the students have met the learning outcomes. This is a crucial step to knowing if your students are learning.


Now that you have identified your outcomes and the assessments you will use in your course, you can begin to think about how you will get your students from point A (beginning the course journey) to point B (success on the assessments). In this step you will begin to think about delivering the course content.


Now that you have your outcomes, assessments and activities, you can build your course! Two things are essential for this final step in the course design process: A syllabus and a course calendar.

What are the qualities of an effective online course?

Most quality standards for online courses consist of similar components. Standards include learning objectives, course activities, and student and teacher interaction . Student perceptions of online class quality are key to designing an effective course. Those looking to enroll in online programs should ...

Why do programs need continuous review and revision?

Good programs have plans for continuous review and revision to make sure all aspects of its courses are up to date, from technology and interactions to materials and assessments. These reviews and revisions should include feedback from faculty and students alike.

What are the best ways to improve student satisfaction online?

Communication and interaction are critical to student satisfaction in an online environment and can happen in many ways. Active learning strategies, such as simulations, case studies, concept mapping, and problem-solving, encourage engagement and understanding of the subject matter.

What is quality assurance?

The work that goes into quality assurance focuses on the student — that includes student success, the student experience, and student satisfaction. But can students see the impact of these efforts to improve online classes?

What can you expect to learn in an online course?

What can you expect to learn in an online course? Objectives are usually listed in several places, including the class syllabus, and state what you should know or be able to do as a result of successfully completing the course. Learning objectives are typically developed for both individual courses and full programs.

What is the biggest concern for students considering online learning over campus-based programs?

Even before the pandemic, BestColleges' online education trends study found that the "quality of instruction and academic support" was the biggest concern for students considering online learning over campus-based programs. According to BestColleges data, the “quality of instruction and academic support ” is the biggest concern for students ...

Why is it important to research online?

Prospective students have many online learning options to compare; therefore, it can be helpful to research what the schools you' re considering do to develop their online programs and support online students.

What are the goals of instructors?

Instructors have the freedom to craft learning goals that reflect their own goals and models for student learning, from discrete units of skill or competency to outcomes such as informed and deepened appreciation of the field or the ability to synthesize viewpoints into an argument.

What are the key points of a student's experience?

Key points are summarized below. Students are well-positioned to speak of their satisfaction with their experience in a course (e.g., difficulty of content, engagement, or boredom) but are much less capable of assessing an instructor’s teaching quality, effectiveness, and breadth of knowledge and scholarship. ...

What is Stanford's approach to teaching?

The Stanford approach: using feedback to improve teaching and learning. End-term course feedback began at Stanford as a student initiative in the late 1950s 18, when a student publication, The Scratch Sheet, first published editorial descriptions of courses.

Can SETs be used to rate teaching effectiveness?

Although it is common practice to include questions about teaching effectiveness in many SETs, studies suggest that such ratings alone should not be used to directly and reliably rate the teaching ability of instructors.

Does SET score correlate with student learning?

Several studies have found that SET ratings do not correlate highly with student learning, if the best measure of effective instruction is taken to mean achieving better assessment outcomes. Experimental studies assigning students at random to sections and courses generally find weak or negative associations between SET ratings and performance in graded assessments 3,4,5,6,7,8. One study found similar learning gains for students in sections with the highest and lowest course evaluation scores 9. Many have hypothesized that there may be a strong correlation between grading rigor and student ratings, or that students’ expectations of high grades encourage high ratings, and vice versa 10. While there is some evidence to support a moderate association between students’ expected grades and SET scores, as one might expect, Tripp et al (2018) found that students’ perception of fairness in grading (clear rubrics, etc.) can offset potential for student retaliation over grades 11. To preclude the possibility of retaliation, Stanford’s end-term course feedback is collected before final grades are assigned and instructors do not see results until after grades have been released. Perhaps of greater concern is that instructors will modify their teaching style to focus on higher student ratings rather than student’s mastery of the topic and academic rigor.

Why do courses fail?

Four reasons that a course may fail to reach the stated learning objectives include lack of logical design, insufficient content, ineffective instruction, and incomplete assessment. Here is how to resolve these challenges in your effort to deliver impactful learning experiences. 1.

Why are training requirements cloudy?

Reasons for establishing training requirements may be cloudy at best, especially when new product introductions or process failures are at stake. And, leadership teams may not have a clear understanding of the various training delivery options and corollary costs that should be considered.

What is the theory of adult learning?

Andragogy or adult learning theory clearly posits that adults learn better when instruction is driven by practicality, practice, and job-relevance, among other factors. Whether it is the corporate training facility or the academic classroom, instructional objectives are more likely to be achieved when instruction is proffered in a systematic, informed, and informative manner.

What is learning needs?

Identifying learning needs is a process of discovering, and defining, some uncomfortable truths: The organization may not have a clear picture of the audiences who need to obtain this new body of knowledge and integrate it into their work. Reasons for establishing training requirements may be cloudy at best, especially when new product introductions or process failures are at stake. And, leadership teams may not have a clear understanding of the various training delivery options and corollary costs that should be considered.

What is direct assessment?

Direct assessments evaluate learners through exam scores and skill tests. Indirect assessments ask others, such as the managers of trainees, to provide feedback. Self-assessments create opportunities for course participants to assess their performance in their words.

Can a first year undergraduate comment on their learning experience?

A first-year undergraduate wouldn ’t know whether the instructor is knowledgeable or not. That’s a question that is better suited to a peer evaluation. However, students can certainly comment on their learning experience within the context of a course.

Can students provide feedback on a course?

Dr. Gravestock: Yes and no. There are definitely certain things that students can provide feedback on, but there are also things that students are not necessarily in a position to provide feedback on. An example of the latter is a question that appears on most course evaluations, asking students to comment on the instructor’s knowledge ...

Is it helpful to teach faculty about research?

Educating faculty about the research as well is really helpful. There have been 40 years of study on course evaluations and the research shows that students can provide effective feedback on course evaluations and that it is a useful measure of teaching effectiveness when they are well-developed and validated.

Why are teachers important?

Teachers are indispensable for learning. Much of what they do influences learning outcomes. But learners can be effective and ineffective too. Effective learners do not passively accept their education like a bucket waiting for water to be poured inside—they take an active role in shaping their learning experiences.

Why do chefs invent and modify recipes?

Expert chefs don’t just know many recipes, they know why recipes work. They can invent and modify recipes because they know how flavors and textures interact. An expert physics student hasn’t just memorized a lot of physics formulas.

Is studying an expert part of learning?

This is true in every field: Experts have highly organized knowledge structures in their brain. Part of learning is acquiring these “expert-like” structures. So, studying experts will be an ongoing part of any learning experience. There are several ways of studying experts. Identify the tasks that experts perform.
