how does walking a golf course affect your play

by Russ Lebsack V 4 min read

Walking the Course How It Affects Your Game

  • Watch for fatigue. This is an obvious point, as you may wind up getting tired near the end of a round when you walk the...
  • You might find a better rhythm. For some golfers, walking the course instead of riding is a great way to get into a...
  • Gain a better understanding of the course. Walking up the fairways has yet another...

The motion of walking helps loosen muscles and keeps you limber throughout the round, which can only help your play. They say walking makes the game more social, as walking golfers have time to converse while they walk the fairways.

Full Answer

Can walking the golf course improve your game?

You might find walking will reduce the stress of the previous shot and deliver perspective on how to play the hole. There is not any correlating data, but playing results may improve if walking the golf course. Playing golf comes at a cost. Equipment, gear, accessories and green fees.

Why do golfers walk after they hit the hole?

When walking, it provides a golfer the time and opportunity to think about the next shot. An extra few minutes can help relax the mind and focus. You might find walking will reduce the stress of the previous shot and deliver perspective on how to play the hole.

How long does it take to play golf while walking?

Also, according to Golf Science International, a researcher named Gi Magnusson calculated that four hours of playing golf while walking is comparable to a 45-minute fitness class.

What are the health benefits of playing golf?

Physical - The most obvious benefit is the good walking does for your health. You burn almost twice as many calories as you would riding in a cart. A typical round of 18 holes stretches up to four miles, or more in some cases and allows the golfer to get in over 10,000 steps.

How much exercise is walking a golf course?

Walking the golf course is considered a great form of exercise. The typical golfer will walk between 4 and 6 miles during the round, taking nearly 10,000 steps (depending on his or her stride length), and burn up to 900 calories.

Why do people walk golf courses?

It's a way to learn more about the courses you play, to gain an appreciation for the nuances of a golf course that just aren't visible from a golf cart. And then there's the scientific study that shows golfers who walk (or at least those golfers who took part in this particular study) score better than those who ride.

Is it OK to walk on a golf course?

I walk almost every round, and most of the time my playing partners who are in carts don't mind. Just be mindful of your pace of play, and it should work out fine. Golf was not meant to be played in a cart. If you walk the course more your body and mind will be rewarded.

How far do you walk when you walk a golf course?

The World Golf Foundation estimates that golfers who walk an 18-hole course clock about 5 miles and burn up to 2,000 calories.

What percentage of golfers walk the course?

Revenue has increased and walking golfers now represent 74 percent of rounds played.

Do pro golfers walk the course?

Yet on the PGA Tour, professional golfers walk the entire course with their caddy lugging the clubs without so much as a hand cart. This is because all the major tours, the PGA Tour included, believe that walking is an integral part of the game and requires all golfers to walk the course.

Can you just walk a golf course without playing?

In short, yes. However, you must keep off the greens and avoid doing anything which could damage the playing surface. You must also not interfere with the game.

How many calories does walking 18 holes burn?

1,200-3,000 caloriesFor an 18-hole round of golf, which can run from 4-5.5 hours, a walking golfer can burn anywhere from 1,200-3,000 calories. A golfer won't burn quite as many calories if they're walking the course but using a push cart, but the energy expended to push or pull a walking cart will come close to making up the difference.

How hard is it to walk 18 holes?

Our results were astounding. During a standard 18-hole round (measuring the distance walked from the first tee through to the 18th green) each golfer in our test walked around 8.5km. When we added the off-course measurements (Carpark, clubhouse, practice area) the total was closer to a whopping 9.5km!

How many steps does it take to walk a golf course?

Subjects walked each course while wearing a pedometer to record step data. Analysis revealed that each golfer took a mean ± SD 11,948 ± 1781 steps per 18-hole round of golf. Regardless of handicap level, sex, or course played, most subjects exceeded 10,000 steps during a typical round of golf.

How many calories does 18 holes of golf burn?

800-1,500 caloriesPlaying 18 holes of golf burns anywhere from 800-1,500 calories, a significant amount considering the average moderately active adult male should consume between 2,200-2,800 calories per day, a range that drops to 1,800-2,200 per day for females.

Does golfing build muscle?

Swinging a golf club, in and of itself, is not very difficult from a strength training point of view. However, as discussed above, golf courses typically have lots of hills and valleys. Walking up these hills is sure to work the quadriceps and hamstrings, which help to make up the muscles of the lower body.

What is the effect of walking directly to your own ball?

A secondary effect of walking directly to your own ball is a reduction in the amount of time you spend chatting with your playing partner in a cart before actually hitting the next shot. A walker can use the time spent trodding to his or her ball to think about their next shot and to think about club selection.

How much does walking golf reduce cholesterol?

As for those scientific studies: Among others, researchers in Sweden found that walking golf equated to 40-percent to 70-percent of the intensity of a maximum aerobic workout (assuming 18 holes played). In another, cardiologist Dr. Edward A. Palank's study showed that walking golfers reduced their levels of bad cholesterol while keeping their good ...

What does a golf cart do to a golf course?

Golf Cart Damage. Golf carts damage fairways. They damage rough, they damage areas around bunkers and around greens (of course, carts aren't supposed to get into areas around bunkers and greens , but depending on who's driving, they sometimes do).

Why are golf carts used?

One of the reasons golf carts were introduced in the first place was to allow more players onto a course at the same time. And carts do that by speeding the time it takes a group on the No. 1 tee to reach its first shots of the day down the fairway. That shortens the gap between tee times.

How to look after backs of golfers?

It's also a good idea for walkers to look after their backs either by using a push cart to carry their bag or by switching from a single-strap bag to a double-strap bag. Golfers can also consider a motorized caddy, which completely relieves the golfer of the need to carry or pull a bag.

How many holes do you walk in a round?

Walk alternate holes during a round, so that by the end of your round you've walked nine holes. Walk one set of nines, ride the other. If you are at a course that requires golf carts, walk down the fairway to your ball while your partner brings the cart up. If playing with a partner who rides, ride only on the cart path and walk to and from ...

How many miles does it take to walk nine holes?

Another study done at the Rose Center for Health and Sports Sciences in Denver, Colo., concluded that walking nine holes on a hilly course is equivalent to a walk of 2.5 miles, compared to 0.5 miles when using a cart. And that a golfer who walks 36 holes a week is burning nearly 3,000 calories ...

What are the benefits of walking on a golf course?

Benefits Of Walking The Golf Course 1 Helps to lower high cholesterol and diabetes 2 Improvement of joint pain 3 Reduction of muscular pain, arthritis, and overall stiffness 4 Extend your life 5 Save money on cart fees

How many steps does it take to walk a golf course?

Walking the golf course is considered a great form of exercise. The typical golfer will walk between 4 and 6 miles during the round, taking nearly 10,000 steps (depending on his or her stride length), and burn up to 900 calories. Not to mention the additional calories you can burn from swinging the golf club throughout your round.

How to not get invited back to golf?

Don’t distract your group when they are hitting. Checking your phone consistently during the round is one of the easiest ways not to get invited back to play.

How long does it take to finish a golf round?

Be Sure to Keep Up. For many, the game of golf already takes too long. Most courses are happy when you finish your round in under four hours and thirty minutes. If you are like the writing staff at AEC Info, this is at least 30 minutes too long.

How long does it take to walk 18 holes in golf?

A foursome with average golf skills should take about four hours walking 18 holes on a typical course. The experience and skill level will play a role in the length of the round. Playing golf while riding in a cart takes roughly the same amount of time unless you are restricted to the cart path only, and if that is the case a walking player can ...

How many steps do you need to walk to play golf?

A typical round will have you walking between 4 and 6 miles, or roughly 10,000 steps. Several factors will go into the distance traveled, such as the golf course’s length, how straight you hit the golf ball, and the length of your stride. Doctors and other health professionals usually advise taking at least 10,000 steps a day, ...

Why is it important to avoid golf carts?

Helps to lower high cholesterol and diabetes. Improvement of joint pain. Reduction of muscular pain, arthritis, and overall stiffness. Extend your life. Save money on cart fees. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of avoiding the golf cart and walking while you play is that you keep the body moving. You certainly have heard the phrase “use it ...

Walking Golf Courses is Fantastic Exercise

The second reason walking golf courses is a great idea is because you can burn a ton of calories, and increase your cardiovascular fitness. Working out is extremely important to me, and if I’m spending 5-6 hours on a golf course that day it is likely that I won’t be getting a session in.

Products That Can Help

If you are going to primarily be walking golf courses here are some links to articles on products that I recommend.
