how does tim o’halloran change over the course of the passage?

by Ms. Luz Dicki 8 min read

Why does Mr O'Halloran want Frank to go to America?

Pa Keating and Mr. O'Halloran think Frank should not take the test and instead get to America as quickly as possible because the postal job will keep him in Ireland for the rest of his life. They want Frank to make up his own mind. Frank decides at the last minute to apply elsewhere and skip the test. 5. What job does Frank work next?

What does Mr O'Halloran tell the students about the Irish?

He informs them that the Irish also committed atrocities in their fight for independence, and he tells them how important it is to get a good education so they can think for themselves. Mr. O'Halloran's lessons are unique because no other teacher has ever told them such things. 7. In what way does Frank think of his father as the Holy Trinity?

How does the passage reinforce the boy’s Endless Enthusiasm and faith?

By showing how close he is to his goal, the passage reinforces the boy’s endless enthusiasm and faith in his destiny. d. The passage reflects the boy’s despair at being so far away from home—and for being gone so long.

How does Mr O'Halloran get better at walking?

His impaired ability to walk and the fact that he is being held back in school because of his long absence; Through practice, he gets better at walking. Then he prays to Saint Francis and writes an essay that impresses his teachers enough to promote him to the correct grade. 6. What important lessons does Mr. O'Halloran impress upon his students?


b. The passage expresses how far the boy has come—and how far he still has to go to realize his dream.

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