how does the growth hormone (gh) affect metabolism course hero

by Dr. Felipe Lebsack 10 min read

How does growth hormone affect glucose metabolism?

GH results in growth promoting effects indirectly via IGF-1, which results in bone and tissue growth, AA uptake and protein synthesis ( all insulin like actions) GH has an affect on substrate metabolism; stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth, and insulin.

What are the effects of GH on protein metabolism?

Growth Hormone (GH):-Causes growth in almost all tissues of the body that are capable of growth-Causes cells to increase in size, increased mitosis-Increased specific differentiation of certain types of cells such as bone growth and early muscle cells-Deficiencies may be congenital, occur slowly over time or suddenly at any point-Increased protein synthesis, mobilization of …

What are the effects of growth hormone on growth?

In adults, it does not cause growth but it helps to maintain normal body structure and metabolism, including helping to keep blood glucose levels within set levels. Growth hormone acts on many parts of the body to promote growth in children . Once the growth plates in the bones ( epiphyses ) have fused growth hormone does not increase height .

Which of the following is a function of growth hormone?

Classification of Hormones 1) How do lipid soluble and water-soluble hormones differ in terms of how they affect a cell and which one is more rapid in terms of response? 2) What is a secondary messenger and for which type of hormone are they needed? For all the glands below, know which hormones they produce, what the effect is upon their target cells, what chemical classification …

How does GH affect metabolism?

In the basal state, the effects of GH on protein metabolism are modest and include increased protein synthesis and decreased breakdown at the whole body level and in muscle together with decreased amino acid degradation/oxidation and decreased hepatic urea formation.

Does GH regulate metabolism?

Growth hormone (GH), a master regulator of somatic growth, also regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism via complex interactions with insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

What is the effect of GH hormone?

In this phase of development, growth hormone promotes the growth of bone and cartilage. Throughout life, growth hormone regulates the fat, muscle, tissue and bone in our bodies, and other aspects of our metabolism such as insulin action and blood sugar levels.

How does growth hormone affect the metabolism of most body cells quizlet?

Growth Hormone (GH) stimulates fat breakdown and prevents fat buildup by stopping any sugar uptake in the fat cells. GH also stimulates protein synthesis as well as prevents protein breakdown. These processes increase metabolism. You just studied 13 terms!

What effects does growth hormone have on metabolism quizlet?

GH increases transport of amino acids into cells, increases transcription of DNA into RNA, increases translation of intracellular RNA, increases release of fatty acids from adipose tissue, as nutrient supply for protein synthesis. GH increases lipolysis and release of fatty acids from adipose tissue.

What affects metabolism and growth?

Your metabolic rate is influenced by many factors – including age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity and hormone function.

What does growth hormone do to insulin?

GH therapy antagonizes insulin's action on peripheral tissues, such as the skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue, thereby increases glucose production from the skeletal muscle and liver and decreases glucose uptake from adipose tissue.Sep 28, 2017

How does growth hormone cause insulin resistance?

Patients with acromegaly have an increased glucose turnover, as GH increases hepatic glucose production by increasing glycogenolysis (17). Chronic GH administration impairs insulin sensitivity in the liver, thereby reducing the ability of insulin to suppress gluconeogenesis and glucose output (12, 32, 61).Jul 30, 2019

What are direct effects of growth hormone?

Direct effectsare the result of growth hormone binding its receptor on target cells. Fat cells (adipocytes), for example, have growth hormone receptors, and growth hormone stimulates them to break down triglyceride and supresses their ability to take up and accumulate circulating lipids. Indirect effectsare mediated primarily by a insulin-like ...

When does growth hormone release?

In children and young adults, the most intense period of growth hormone release is shortly after the onset of deep sleep. Disease States. States of both growth hormone deficiency and excess provide very visible testaments to the role of this hormone in normal physiology.

How tall was Robert Wadlow?

One of the most famous giants was a man named Robert Wadlow. He weighed 8.5 pounds at birth, but by 5 years of age was 105 pounds and 5 feet 4 inches tall. Robert reached an adult weight of 490 pounds and 8 feet 11 inches in height. He died at age 22.

What is the role of growth hormones in the body?

The major role of growth hormone in stimulating body growth is to stimulate the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-I. IGF-I stimulates proliferation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells), resulting in bone growth.

Does growth hormone stimulate bone growth?

Growth hormone does seem to have a direct effect on bone growth in stimulating differentiation of chondrocytes. IGF-I also appears to be the key player in muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of myoblasts. It also stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscle and other tissues.

What is a deficiency state?

A deficiency state can result not only from a deficiency in production of the hormone, but in the target cell's response to the hormone. Clinically, deficiency in growth hormone or defects in its binding to receptor are seen as growth retardation or dwarfism.

Does growth hormone affect metabolism?

Metabolic Effects. Growth hormone has important effects on protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In some cases, a direct effect of growth hormone has been clearly demonstrated, in others, IGF-I is thought to be the critical mediator, and some cases it appears that both direct and indirect effects are at play.