how does slope rating on golf course change

by Lane Waters 6 min read

While the course and slope ratings of a golf course are unlikely to change dramatically, they are usually re-evaluated every 4-5 years. This is mostly due to the fact that courses change slowly over time.

Ratings and Updates
Changes in green roll, topography, or other obstacles can dramatically change the difficulty of a hole or course. While the course and slope ratings of a golf course are unlikely to change dramatically, they are usually re-evaluated every 4-5 years.
Jul 15, 2018

Full Answer

What golf course has the highest slope rating?

Jul 07, 2018 · Slope rating allows the handicap index to reflect these factors. Because he plays on a course with a higher slope rating, Player A's handicap index will be lower than Player B's (when it is calculated using the slope ratings), despite the fact that they both average scores of 85.

How do you calculate slope in golf?

Nov 22, 2021 · A golf course’s slope rating is a mathematical representation of the course’s difficulty. USGA par rating is taken into account as well as the projected score of a higher handicap player when calculating the course’s Slope rating. In order to calculate the men’s slope rating, multiply the difference between the two numbers by 5.381.

What does course rating and course slope really mean?

Feb 22, 2022 · England Golf say: “The most significant factors involved in determining Slope Rating are length, trees, rough and water hazards. “Because bogey golfers typically demonstrate a wider shot dispersion, these obstacles are expected to penalise them more than a scratch player, creating a higher expected score, resulting in a higher Slope Rating.”

What does slope rating mean in golf?

Jul 25, 2016 · It is always a number between 55 and 155, with 113 being the "standard" slope. You calculate slope rating by finding the bogey rating, which is …

How is the slope rating of a golf course determined?

Slope ratings are calculated as a multiple of the difference between the expected good score for a bogey golfer (handicap in the range 20 to 24), called the bogey rating, and the expected good score for a scratch golfer (zero handicap), called the USGA Course Rating.

What is the slope adjustment for golf?

The first thing is to use the 15-feet formula. This formula should be approached as follows: If there is an uphill or a downhill shot of 15 feet of elevation, add or subtract one club. If there is more than 15 feet, add or subtract one club for every 15 feet.Aug 8, 2018

How does the new slope rating work?

Slope Ratings represent the difference in difficulty for all other players, compared to the scratch player. Course Ratings are carried out by qualified teams, and assume normal course and weather conditions. Once the evaluation is completed, a Course Rating and Slope Rating is calculated for each set of tees.

How does the new slope system work in golf?

Q: How? A: By rating courses according to their relative difficulty for all levels of golfers. The Slope System adjusts a golfer's handicap to the course he's playing. This adjustment is based on a mathematical formula derived from plotting the scores of golfers of various handicaps on courses of varying difficulty.

How much does elevation change affect golf distance?

Subtract 10 percent to account for high altitude, says "Golf Digest." Your 160-yard shot to the middle of the green will travel roughly 16 yards farther because of the thin air. Choose the club you would normally hit from 144 yards away.

What is slope adjusted distance?

Employing ID Technology that reads the uphill and downhill slopes of a course, Golf mode displays the slope adjusted distance (Horizontal distance ± Height) which is a guide distance to how far you should hit the ball.

How does course slope affect handicap?

So what is Slope? Slope merely tells you how “proportionately” more difficult that particular set of tees plays for the higher handicapped golfers as opposed to lower handicapped golfers. The more difficult the tees play proportionately for the higher handicappers, the greater the Slope rating that will be issued.

Does higher slope rating mean harder course?

The higher the slope number, the harder the course is for the bogey golfer relative to the difficulty of the course for the scratch golfer. Slope numbers can range anywhere between 55 and 155 with the average slope in the United States being 120.

What slope rating should I play?

If you are playing a course with a slope in the 130's, you might want to aim for something under 95 as opposed to 90. On the other hand, a course with a slope in the low 100's may allow you to aim for an 85 – or even lower.May 11, 2016

What is the difference between slope and course rating?

While course ratings are a measure of the difficulty of a course, slope ratings are a measure of how much more difficult a course is for a high handicap golfer versus a lower one. For example, if you have two courses that each have a course rating of 72, they should be the same difficulty for a scratch golfer.Jul 15, 2018

What does a slope rating of 130 mean?

From Tom's tees, a slope of 130 gives him a 12 Course Handicap. Mary gets one stroke PLUS the difference between the course ratings, or 73.2 - 71.1 = 2.1. Rounded to the nearest whole number (. 5 or more is rounded up).

What is a difficult slope rating in golf?

So a par-72 course that is easy might have a course rating of 68.9, while one that is difficult might have a rating of 74.5. That means a scratch golfer would be expected to average 68.9 at the easier course and 74.5 on the more difficult one. The minimum slope rating is 55 and the maximum is 155.May 7, 2020

What is slope rating?

Slope Ratings are described by the USGA as indicating the “measurement of the relative playing difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers, compared to scratch golfers”. Every course in the UK is being assessed using a course rating system, which focuses on scratch and bogey golfers.

How much handicap is a bogey golfer?

A bogey golfer is classed as about a 20 handicapper for a man , and 24 for a woman. The Slope Rating is then created by taking the difference between those two ratings and multiplying it by a predetermined factor. Every set of tees on every course will have a Slope Rating and those numbers will vary between 55 and 155.

Is WHS handicap index a handicap?

Remember your WHS Handicap Index is not your playing handicap. Every time you go to the course, that mark will be adjusted for Slope for the course, or tees, that is being played.

What is the slope rating of a golf course?

Every set of tees on every course will have a Slope Rating and those numbers will vary between 55 and 155. The higher the Slope Rating, the greater the difference expected between the scores of those scratch and bogey golfers. A higher rating doesn’t necessarily mean that the course is more difficult than another.

What is a golf course rating?

A golf course rating tells you what a scratch golfer would be expected to shoot from the tees they're playing on a particular course under normal conditions. The rating is different for men and women.

How many yards can a scratch golfer hit?

A male scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 250 yards and can reach a 470-yard hole in two shots.". A scratch woman can "can hit tee shots an average of 210 yards and can reach a 400-yard hole in two shots at sea level.".

What is slope in golf?

The golf course slope is a measure of a course's difficulty, but it is not considered the better of the two measurements. Golf course slope is actually derived from the golf course rating. Slope is a measure of a golf course's difficulty in a relative comparison of a scratch golfer to a bogey golfer (someone who shoots around 90 for 18 holes).

What is a Course Rating?

This scorecard shows the course rating (first number) and slope rating (second number) for each set of tees at a course.

What is a Slope Rating?

While the course rating indicates the difficulty of a course for a scratch golfer, the slope rating, by contrast, indicates how difficult the course should be for a bogey golfer (or someone who averages +18 for 18 holes). Also unlike course rating, slope values can range from 55 to 155 with 113 being the average.

Why Have Two Numbers?

As you may have figured out already, golf is a difficult game and contains a very wide range of golfers, each with very different levels of skill. In the mid 80’s the USGA started to catch on to this big divide between scratch or professional golfers and mid to high handicap golfers.

Ratings and Updates

Changes in green roll, topography, or other obstacles can dramatically change the difficulty of a hole or course.


Although it might not be the most pressing matter for some golfers, understanding how course and slope ratings work is sure to only help you understand the game better in the long run.

When must a golf club notify the Authorized Association of changes to the course?

A golf club must notify the Authorized Association when permanent changes are made to a golf course. Permanent changes to the golf course require the Authorized Association to review the current Course Rating and Slope Rating and to determine whether a re-rating is necessary.

What are the obstacles in golf?

These are: topography; fairway; green target; recoverability and rough; bunkers; crossing obstacles; lateral obstacles; trees; green surface and psychology.

What is a bogey rating?

The Bogey Rating represents the expected score for a bogey player. The difference between the Course Rating and the Bogey Rating is used in the determination of the Slope Rating. A golf course of standard relative difficulty has a Slope Rating of 113.

What is an authorized association?

An Authorized Association is responsible for determining and issuing Course Ratings and Slope Ratings for all of the golf courses within its jurisdiction ( see definition of golf course. Golf Course. ). Course Ratings must be reviewed periodically and revised and reissued as necessary.

What is USGA course rating?

USGA Course Rating is an evaluation of the difficulty of a golf course for scratch golfers. (More specifically, the number is an estimate of the average scores of the best 50-percent of rounds played by scratch golfers at the course being rated.) Course rating is very easy to understand because it is expressed in strokes.

What is slope rating?

Slope rating (a term trademarked by the United States Golf Association) is a measurement of the difficulty of a golf course for bogey golfers relative to the course rating. Course rating tells scratch golfers how difficult the golf course will be; slope rating tells bogey golfers how difficult it will be. To put it another way: USGA Course Rating ...

What is the minimum slope rating for a golf course?

The minimum slope rating is 55 and the maximum is 155 (slope does not relate specifically to strokes played as course rating does).

Why does the slope of a golf course change?

Course rating and slope ratings usually change because of the effective playing length of the golf course. Even though the changes might not seem significant, it is important to note that yardage is the predominant factor in calculating a course rating.

What is the slope number of a golf course?

The Slope number for a golf course actually tells you how difficult the golf course is for a bogey player (17.5 - 22.4 Handicap Index for a male golfer) compared to a scratch player. The higher the slope number, the harder the course is for the bogey golfer relative to the difficulty of the course for the scratch golfer. Slope numbers can range anywhere between 55 and 155 with the average slope in the United States being 120.

How many yards does a scratch golfer hit?

Amateur Championship. On average, he hits his tee shot 225 yards in the air with 25 yards of roll. His second shot travels 200 yards in the air with 20 yards of roll.

Does the MGA assign handicap strokes?

The MGA does not assign handicap strokes to individual holes as a result of the course rating. The rating of your golf course will have no effect on which hole is more difficult nor does the individual handicap selection process affect your overall index.

What is a scratch rating?

When your course is rated, a scratch rating and bogey rating are both determined from each set of tees. (The scratch rating is the same as the course rating).

How are golf courses rated?

Golf courses are rated based on the measured length of the course from each set of tees. The measured length of a particular set of tees is taken from the permanent marker to the center of the green.

What is the MGA course rating department?

The MGA Course Rating Department also provides clubs with a course measuring service as part of their membership. This service is available regardless of whether your course is new, existing, or if changes have been made.


What Is Course Rating?

  • A golf course rating is a number that tells you what a scratch golfershould be shooting at that golf course. Scratch golfers are known for their ability to shoot par on a golf course. However, not all golf courses are made to be the same difficult. If you have a scorecard lying around, you can take a look to see what the course ratingis. Chances are it is somewhere between a 71 and a 74. Let’…
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What Is Slope Rating?

  • The slope rating is a number that indicates how challenging a golf course is for a bogey golfer. Of course, nothing in golf is quite that simple, so the slope rating is not as easy to figure out as the course rating. When we looked at the course rating, you saw that the number kind of coincided with what par is on the course. The bogey rating or slope rating is much different. The slope valu…
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The Importance of Course and Slope Rating

  • Now that you have a better understanding of what course and slope ratings are, it’s a good idea to try and understand the importance of these numbers. The slope rating and course rating can be used for several different reasons that help make the game of golf fair and funfor everyone involved.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Now that you have a bit more understanding of the slope rating and course rating, here are a few of the questions that are often asked about this process. Don’t feel bad if you don’t fully understand the USGA handicap system. There is quite a bit involved in this, and sometimes it takes a while to get used to the concepts.
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  • Hopefully, you now understand the concept of course and slope rating. This is not something that you will need to fully understand to play well the next time you hit the course. However, it is good to have an overall awareness of how these systems work. Golf course handicaps will update every two weeks or so. If you all of a sudden have an increase in your handicap, yet you have been pla…
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