how does maintainability affect logistics support course hero

by Mr. Jerrold Willms V 4 min read

What is the relationship between maintainability and reliability?

The design emphasis on maintainability is to reduce the maintenance burden and Supply Chain by reducing the time, personnel, tools, test equipment, training, facilities, and cost to maintain the system. Maintainability and Reliability work together in developing design solutions for a system.

Why is reliability availability and maintainability a key driver?

Why is reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) a key driver in the development of a Life Cycle Sustainment Strategy? Because the optimization of reliability, availability, and maintainability directly affect the total life cycle costs of a system. Which of the following help determine the number of spares required to support a system?

What is the relationship between SCM and logistics and reliability?

All specialties, logistics, reliability, and supply chain management (SCM) use the same or similar data data, but in different ways. Working together, the logistics and reliability professionals can optimize supply chain, availability, and maintenance requirements. SCM has a significant influence on company success.

Is there a reliability and maintainability application in LSC?

This paper will present Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) applications in the LSC area. A general case for supply chain optimization with reliability data will be presented, with a mathematical exercise proving the validity of this model. Content may be subject to copyright.

What is SCM in logistics?

How does the Internet help in supply chain management?

Do supply based systems need synchronization?

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What is SCM in logistics?

All specialties, logistics, reliability, and supply chain management (SCM) use the same or similar data data, but in different ways. Working together, the logistics and reliability professionals can optimize supply chain, availability, and maintenance requirements. SCM has a significant influence on company success.

How does the Internet help in supply chain management?

The Internet provides the perfect communications channel for the information, decisions, transactions, and processes that form supply chain management. It is a journey of change that is already under way. To keep up with the evolution of supply chain management, and remain competitive in their markets, future supply chain leaders will need to simultaneously exhibit tight coordination in all areas: integration, collaboration, and synchronization with a better understanding of communications systems function. Integration is the coordination of supply chain activities such as purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, spares management needed for maintenance and operational availability of military systems, and customer service within a single enterprise of technological readiness. Many leading companies have made great strides with internal integration of their communication systems. This is just a beginning. The future will see an accelerated development and rollout of these tools and techniques, which soon will become common place in all aspects of managing the supply chain. Supply chain management will continue to have a significant influence on company success and shareholder value. Supply chain disciplines and Internet communication innovations will combine to synchronize all supply chain activities tightly to best satisfy customer needs. Leaders who enhance their supply chain prowess with e-commerce capabilities and bring supply chain skills to bear in the e-economy will be unstoppable. World-class product quality, accurate inventory tracking, lean operations, customer-focused service, and a rationalized supply base will all be expected as the entry price to synchronization. Companies striving- - to master these techniques have looked to supporting changes in technology platforms. Enterprise Resource Planning Communication technology systems and best-of-breed software packages such as warehouse management systems and transportation management systems are helping to define, standardize, and automate operational processes at world-class levels.

Do supply based systems need synchronization?

supply based are also required to be in synchronization [6 ].

What is maintainability in logistics?

Maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to isolate defects or their cause, correct defects or their cause, meet new requirements, make future maintenance easier, or cope with a changing environment. The design emphasis on maintainability is to reduce the maintenance burden ...

What is the primary objective of maintaining maintainability and reliability requirements for a system?

In DoD acquisitions, the primary objective of developing maintainability and reliability requirements for a system is to reduce the time it takes for a properly trained maintainer to detect and isolate failures and affect a repair. Maintainability requirements are included in the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and Capabilities Development Document (CDD) and flowed down to the system specification. Intrinsic factors contributing to maintainability are: [1]

Why should maintainability be a designed-in capability and not an add-on option?

Maintainability should be a designed-in capability and not an add on option because good maintenance procedures cannot overcome poor system and equipment maintainability design. [1]

What is maintenance engineering?

Maintainability engineering includes the activities, methods, and practices used to design minimal system maintenance requirements (designing out unnecessary and inefficient processes) and associated costs for preventive and corrective maintenance as well as servicing or calibration activities. [1]

What is physical accessibility?

Physical accessibility: The designed-in structural assurance that components requiring more frequent monitoring, checkout, and maintenance can be easily accessed. This is especially important in Low Observable platforms. Maintenance points should be directly visible and accessible to maintainers, including access for corrosion inspection and mitigation.

What is modularity in packaging?

Modularity: Packaging of components such that they can be repaired via remove and replace action vs. on-board repair. Care should be taken not to “over modularize” and trade-offs to evaluate replacement, transportation, and repair costs should be accomplished to determine the most cost-effective approach.

What is interoperability in computer science?

Interoperability: The compatibility of components with standard interface protocols to facilitate the rapid repair and enhancement/upgrade through black box technology using common interfaces. Physical interfaces should be designed so that mating between components can only happen correctly.

What is NASA's safety and mission assurance?

NASA’s Safety and Mission Assurance Reliability and Maintainability team is progressing with its Digital Transformation strategy to create solutions that enable seamless data flow and collaboration across centers. Integrating digital technologies will streamline engineering processes and data acquisition, share data among missions and centers seamlessly, leverage tools and technology across the agency, and ensure mission success through knowledge and influence.

What is reliability in NASA?

Reliability programs in NASA projects extend across the many phases of product development, promoting the objectives of mitigating risk and furthering mission success. Methodologies such as Physics of Failure (PoF) may provide value throughout the NASA life cycle by improving upon (or supplanting) existing design and assurance activities. The PoF CoP, hosted under the Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) CoP, contains important documents and presentations relevant to PoF.

What is fault management?

Fault Management is an engineering discipline addressing the need for operational systems to prevent, detect, contain, isolate, diagnose and respond to anomalous and failed conditions that would otherwise interfere with intended operations or threaten crew safety. The Fault Management Community of Practice (CoP) provides best practices, Points of Contact, news and lessons learned relevant to Fault Management.

What is the purpose of OSMA?

By focusing on objectives, OSMA hopes that the new standards will be more flexible, agile and cost-effective, and will allow more ingenuity to achieve objectives. It will serve as a guide to help programs and projects plan how they will meet their objectives, instead of dictating what they must do to via prescriptive requirements. Read the article, "OSMA Introduces New Objectives-Based Strategies," to learn more about objective hierarchies.

What is SCM in logistics?

All specialties, logistics, reliability, and supply chain management (SCM) use the same or similar data data, but in different ways. Working together, the logistics and reliability professionals can optimize supply chain, availability, and maintenance requirements. SCM has a significant influence on company success.

How does the Internet help in supply chain management?

The Internet provides the perfect communications channel for the information, decisions, transactions, and processes that form supply chain management. It is a journey of change that is already under way. To keep up with the evolution of supply chain management, and remain competitive in their markets, future supply chain leaders will need to simultaneously exhibit tight coordination in all areas: integration, collaboration, and synchronization with a better understanding of communications systems function. Integration is the coordination of supply chain activities such as purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, spares management needed for maintenance and operational availability of military systems, and customer service within a single enterprise of technological readiness. Many leading companies have made great strides with internal integration of their communication systems. This is just a beginning. The future will see an accelerated development and rollout of these tools and techniques, which soon will become common place in all aspects of managing the supply chain. Supply chain management will continue to have a significant influence on company success and shareholder value. Supply chain disciplines and Internet communication innovations will combine to synchronize all supply chain activities tightly to best satisfy customer needs. Leaders who enhance their supply chain prowess with e-commerce capabilities and bring supply chain skills to bear in the e-economy will be unstoppable. World-class product quality, accurate inventory tracking, lean operations, customer-focused service, and a rationalized supply base will all be expected as the entry price to synchronization. Companies striving- - to master these techniques have looked to supporting changes in technology platforms. Enterprise Resource Planning Communication technology systems and best-of-breed software packages such as warehouse management systems and transportation management systems are helping to define, standardize, and automate operational processes at world-class levels.

Do supply based systems need synchronization?

supply based are also required to be in synchronization [6 ].