how does branding help consumers course hero

by Julianne Feil 5 min read

How do Brands Provide Functional Benefits to Consumers?

Brands seek to introduce new technology to consumers that will add value to the product experience. The new technology must set a new quality benchmark to convince consumers to adopt (buy) the latest technology. The brand will protect its value by ensuring that the product quality and customers service provide consumers with a good product experience.

How is Economic Benefit Derived for Both Consumer and Brand?

The Economic benefits that consumers derive from the brand result from the competition created between brands to be the first, the best technology, and offer the best value. The brand protects the consumers against poor quality and service because these would weaken the brand. Consumers are given a product warranty that assures them that if anything goes wrong with the product they purchased, the brand will make good on its promise of good quality.

How does branding help?

Branding should, in essence, establish your message in the minds of your target audience. As the gain knowledge of your brand, trust can grow, along with the adoption of your brand. Your brand perception can be cultivated though the use of Digital PR strategies. If you are ready to explore new strategies to enhance your brand perception, reach out today.

Why is branding important?

Branding is important, not only for big brands with limitless budgets and a global presence, but also for small businesses and start-ups who are seeking customer loyalty and business success. Branding always gives your target audience (aka prospective customers) the opportunity to see who you are, what your purpose is, and ultimately determine if they trust your message which translates to your products or services. Branding allows you to define your business, what you do, what you believe in, and how you hope to be perceived. For your organization, large or small, your brand is more than an eye-catching logo but the face of your company, it’s your character, personality, and values, it’s every facet of your business.

How does brand perception affect price perception?

The perception of the quality and benefits of your brand by consumers directly affects your brand image. If positive and trusted, your image is stronger, and, in turn, further strengthens the perception of your brand. Of course, the opposite is also true. If brand perception is poor, your brand image suffers, resulting in increased perceptions of few benefits and poor quality. Brand image also affects price perception. Should your brand have strong brand image, consumers judge your product less by the numbers than they would a brand with a weak brand image.

Why is it important to brand?

The Importance of Branding: How it Influences Consumer Perception and Purchase Behavior. Branding is important, not only for big brands with limitless budgets and a global presence, but also for small businesses and start-ups who are seeking customer loyalty and business success. Branding always gives your target audience (aka prospective ...

How does a brand influence a consumer?

Your brand, when it makes a connection, has the power to influence consumer’s behavior. Your advertising becomes symbolic for what your brand represents as well as what your target audience hopes to experience when engaging with your brand. Every exposure of your brand – packaging, social media, advertising – to your potential customers generates perceptions about your brand. When your brand meets or exceeds expectations, it can become part of your customer’s life, and is in turn shared with their family, friends, colleagues, and social media followers. Peer influence follows, as research has shown, when family, friends, or acquaintances trust a brand, that trust is extended, which can lead to increased brand recognition and greater sales.

Why is it important to brand your business?

The goal of branding is to allow your target audience to see you as a credible influencer and thought leader, one who generates good will, loyalty, and genuinely connects with them, motivating them to choose your product or service.

What is brand identity?

This brand identity is how you spread the word about your business.

How does branding help consumers?

Branding has led to higher innovation and the availability of more variety and choices for consumers. Branding incentivizes innovation since producers look for new features that can be protected against imitation by competing brands.

What are the benefits of branding?

Benefits of branding for the buyer: 1 It is a sign of quality and makes the selection easier for the buyer. Those who buy the same brand each time can expect to have the same quality every time they buy. 2 It makes shopping easier for the buyer. Suppose you want to buy toothpaste and do not remember any brands. You go to a supermarket and come across only generic products. This will make it difficult for you to decide which one to buy. In another situation, you have a long list of products to buy and you go to a supermarket where branded products are sold. You remember the brand you want to buy for each product. It takes you a few minutes only to find your preferred brands in a large supermarket. So, shopping has been made convenient and easier by branding. 3 Calling the attention of buyers to a new product that might benefit them is easier because of branding. The brand also acts as the base upon which the entire story regarding the special qualities of the product can be built. It becomes easier for the buyers seeking those special qualities to find their desired product. In this way, branding offers several advantages for buyers.

What are the products that are not branded?

Branding has become very common in today’s society. There is hardly a product in the market that does not carry a brand name. Every product that you buy from salt to Cola and automotive parts carries a brand name. The automotive parts you buy for your old car may have different brand names than the automaker. Now even fruit products including juices and jams are branded. The products that carry no brand are called Generic products. These generic products come in simple packages and are less expensive than those made by the main brands. The lower prices of generic products are made possible by lower quality ingredients, lower costs of packaging as well as lower expenses on advertising. However, the generic products are not as popular as the branded products. This brings to mind some important questions?

What happens if you go to a supermarket and come across only generic products?

You go to a supermarket and come across only generic products. This will make it difficult for you to decide which one to buy. In another situation, you have a long list of products to buy and you go to a supermarket where branded products are sold. You remember the brand you want to buy for each product.

Why is it important to call attention to a new product?

Calling the attention of buyers to a new product that might benefit them is easier because of branding. The brand also acts as the base upon which the entire story regarding the special qualities of the product can be built. It becomes easier for the buyers seeking those special qualities to find their desired product. In this way, branding offers several advantages for buyers.

Why is it important to buy the same brand every time?

It is a sign of quality and makes the selection easier for the buyer. Those who buy the same brand each time can expect to have the same quality every time they buy.

Why can consumers find much more information about products, their special features, uses and where to find them?

Consumers can find much more information about products, their special features, uses and where to find them because of branding. If not for branding getting this information would have remained difficult for the consumers and society.

What is the purpose of branding?

The main aim of Branding is to establish a noteworthy and distinguished presence in the market and the industry as a whole creating awareness about the company and its offerings and attracting and retaining loyal customers.

Why is branding important?

One of the Benefits of Branding is that it helps the brand carve a distinguished identity in the market and in the minds of the consumers through advertising and promotional campaigns which highlights the unique selling propositions and differentiating factors thereby giving the brand a competitive edge .

Why is the consumer exposed to so many options and alternatives?

The consumer today is exposed to so many options and alternatives due to the high usage of social media plus the promotional and marketing activities such as digital marketing and various ATL and BTL activities, each and every brand in the market is trying to harp its presence in the minds of the consumers and make them aware of its offerings.

What are the benefits of branding?

Amongst the Benefits of Branding is the power to attract investors as and when the funds are required by the company as the brand has curated a niche identity in the market offering the products and services meeting the demands of the consumers and has a huge bank of loyal customers that instils the factor of trust and faith in the minds of the investors.

What is the process of curating a distinctive and a unique name and image of the company or a product?

Branding can be defined as the process of curating a distinctive and a unique name and image of the company or a product in the market and in the minds of the consumers through various advertising and promotional campaigns having a consistent message and a theme.

When the consumer indulges in the purchase of the product or service with the brand and experiences good customer service, will?

When the consumer indulges in the purchase of the product or service with the brand and experiences good customer service he will surely come for a repeat buy. And when the same consumer sees the branding and promotional campaigns of the brand at hoarding signage’s, television commercials, print advertisements or on the social media or digital channels; he recalls his association with the brand and feels more happy and confident about his purchase decision making him more loyal towards the brand.

Why do brands need talent?

Every brand needs the talented and professional workforce that helps it to attain the business goals and objectives. And it is human psychology that we all wish to get associated and work with the best brand and once the company has attained its Branding objectives, it attracts the best talent from the industry.


Businesses try to use terms, labels, and designs that are distinct from other products produced by their competitors. Branding is an intangible asset for companies. Most of them now realise that a business venture requires branding to succeed.

Branding and consumer choice

Branding influences the decision of consumers in the selection of products made by different organisations or businesses. In a study done on the purchase decisions of about 20,000 consumers in five different industries, the results showed that consumers used four stages in their decision-making before choosing a product (Court, et al., 2009, p.8).

Consumer response to branding

Another research done on the effects of branding on consumer decision-making evaluated the relationship between customers and a specific brand (Fournier, 1998, p.360).

Aspects of Branding

According to Leighton and Bird, eye tracking has been used to measure the attention given to products during shopping (2012, p.23).

Brand characteristics and consumer choice

Logos on brands and the colouring of the packaging material are some of the important aspects of a brand that enable its quick recognition. With these findings, it is therefore important that companies consider retaining their brands’ logos for easier recognition.


Branding is the designation of terms, labels, and designs that are unique to a product. Each company and organisation tries to establish a brand that is unique from those of its competitors to influence consumers’ selection. As demonstrated above, branding affects the choice of consumers during selection.
