how do you summarize a persons life course

by Prof. Brandi Becker Sr. 7 min read

What are the characteristics of life course perspective?

A life course approach emphasises a temporal and social perspective, looking back across an individual’s or a cohort’s life experiences or across generations for clues to current patterns of health and disease, whilst recognising that both past …

What are the staple concepts of life course writing?

changes over the life course? Why do different people react to the same type of stressful life event in different ways? Chapter 1 A Life Course Perspective 3 KEY IDEAS As you read this chapter, take note of these central ideas: 1. The life course perspective attempts to understand the continuities as well as the twists

How to understand a person's life?

Jan 01, 2015 · Critique Of The Life Course Perspective. The life course perspective is a theoretical model that has been developing over the last 40 years across several disciplines. It is intended to look at how chronological age, common life transitions, and social change shape people’s lives from birth to death. Sociologists, anthropologists, social ...

What age does the life course start?

Nov 23, 2020 · Step 4: Write the summary. Now that you know the key points that the article aims to communicate, you need to put them in your own words. To avoid plagiarism and show you’ve understood the article, it’s essential to properly paraphrase the author’s ideas. Do not copy and paste parts of the article, not even just a sentence or two.

What is a person's life course?

As a concept, a life course is defined as "a sequence of socially defined events and roles that the individual enacts over time" (Giele and Elder 1998, p. 22). These events and roles do not necessarily proceed in a given sequence, but rather constitute the sum total of the person's actual experience.

What are the five stages of the life course?

However, socialization continues throughout the several stages of the life course, most commonly categorized as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

What are the 5 key concepts of life course theory?

Life course theory has five distinct principles: (a) time and place; (b) life-span development; (c) timing; (d) agency; and (e) linked lives.

What is the main focus of life course theory?

The life course perspective or life course theory (LCT) is a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the mental, physical and social health of individuals, which incorporates both life span and life stage concepts that determine the health trajectory.

What factors influence our life course?

In this perspective, each life stage exerts influence on the next stage; social, economic, and physical environments also have influence throughout the life course. All these factors impact individual and community health.

What are the stages of the life course and what are some of the defining features of each stage?

Key TakeawaysThe four stages of the life course are childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. ... What happens during childhood may have lifelong consequences. ... Social location in society—social class, race and ethnicity, and gender—affects how well people fare during the stages of the life course.

Why is the life course perspective significant to gerontology?

The life course perspective recognizes the influence of historical changes on human behavior. 3. The life course perspective recognizes the importance of timing of lives not just in terms of chronological age, but also in terms of biological age, psychological age, social age, and spiri- tual age.

What is a trajectory in a life course perspective?

A transition is a discrete life change or event within a trajectory (e.g., from a single to married state), whereas a trajectory is a sequence of linked states within a conceptually defined range of behavior or experience (e.g., education and occupational career).

What is a life course approach to health?

A person's physical and mental health and wellbeing are influenced throughout life by the wider determinants of health. These are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors, alongside behavioural risk factors which often cluster in the population, reflecting real lives.May 23, 2019

Why is a life course approach important?

Adopting the life course approach means identifying key opportunities for minimising risk factors and enhancing protective factors through evidence-based interventions at key life stages, from preconception to early years and adolescence, working age, and into older age.May 23, 2019

What is life course perspective in social work?

A useful way to understand this relationship between time and human behavior is the life course perspective, which looks at how chronological age, relationships, common life transitions, and social change shape people's lives from birth to death.

What is the life course perspective?

The life course perspective attempts to understand the continuities as well as the twists and turns in the paths of individual lives. 2. The life course perspective recognizes the influence of historical changes on human behavior. 3.

What are social class differences in educational trajectories?

These social class differences in educational trajectories are associated with differences in family and work trajectories.Af fluent youth go to school and postpone their entry into adult roles of work and family. Less affluent youth, however, often enter earlier into marriage, par- enting, and employment.

How many daughters did Mahdi have?

By the end of the war, Mahdi and his wife had two daughters, and after the war Mahdi went back to teaching.He began to think,however,of moving to the United States,where two of his brothers had already immigrated. He began saving money and was hoping to emigrate in November 1990.

How many males are born for every 100 females?

In most parts of the world, 104–108 males are born for every 100 female births. However, in countries where there is a strong preference for male children, such as China, Taiwan, and South Korea, female abortion and female infanticide have led to sex ratios of 110 at birth (Clarke & Craven, 2005).

What is social age?

Social agerefers to the age-graded roles and behaviors expected by society —in other words, the socially constructed meaning of various ages. The concept ofage normis used to indicate the behaviors that are expected of people of a specific age in a given society at a par- ticular point in time.

Why did Emma care for Maria and Carlos?

Emma cared for Maria and Carlos in the evenings so that Rosa and Aida could work. Maria was, indeed, an engaging baby, and she was thriving with the adoration of Rosa, Carlos, Aida, Juan, and Emma. Emma missed school, but she held on to her dreams to be a teacher someday.

Is David Sanchez Hispanic?

Case Study 1.1. David Sanchez has a Hispanic name, but he explains to his social worker, as he is readied for discharge from the hospital, that he is a member of the Navajo tribe. He has spent most of his life in New Mexico but came to Los Angeles to visit his son Marco, age 29, and his grandchildren.

What are the stages of life?

The four stages of the life course are childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Socialization continues throughout all these stages. What happens during childhood may have lifelong consequences. Traumatic experiences and other negative events during childhood may impair psychological well-being in adolescence and beyond ...

What is the most important stage of life?

Childhood. Despite increasing recognition of the entire life course, childhood (including infancy) certainly remains the most important stage of most people’s lives for socialization and for the cognitive, emotional, and physiological development that is so crucial during the early years of anyone’s life.

What are the stages of socialization?

However, socialization continues throughout the several stages of the life course, most commonly categorized as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age . Within each of these categories, scholars further recognize subcategories, such as early adolescence and late adolescence, early adulthood and middle adulthood, and so forth.

Why do early maturers get into trouble?

Because their influence “rubs off,” early maturers get into trouble more often and are again more likely to also become victims of violence. Romantic relationships, including the desire to be in such a relationship, also matter greatly during adolescence. Wishful thinking, unrequited love, and broken hearts are common.

Why do teens hang out with older teens?

First, early puberty leads to stress, and stress leads to antisocial behavior (which can also result in violence against the teen committing the behavior). Second, teens experiencing early puberty ( early maturers) are more likely to hang out with older teens, who tend to be more delinquent because they are older.

How does trauma affect adolescence?

Traumatic experiences and other negative events during childhood may impair psychological well-being in adolescence and beyond and lead to various behavioral problems. Social location in society—social class, race and ethnicity, and gender—affects how well people fare during the stages of the life course.

How old is adulthood?

Adulthood is usually defined as the 18–64 age span. Obviously, 18-year-olds are very different from 64-year-olds, which is why scholars often distinguish young adults from middle-age adults. In a way, many young adults, including most readers of this book, delay entrance into “full” adulthood by going to college after high school and, for some, then continuing to be a student in graduate or professional school. By the time the latter obtain their advanced degree, many are well into their 30s, and they finally enter the labor force full time perhaps a dozen years after people who graduate high school but do not go on to college. These latter individuals may well marry, have children, or both by the time they are 18 or 19, while those who go to college and especially those who get an advanced degree may wait until their late 20s or early to mid-30s to take these significant steps.

What is life course perspective?

The life course perspective is a theoretical model that has been developing over the last 40 years across several disciplines. It is intended to look at how chronological age, common life transitions, and social change shape people’s lives from birth to death. Sociologists, anthropologists, social historians, demographers, ...

What are the major themes of life course?

LITERATURE REVIEW OF MAJOR THEMES. In 1994, Glen Elder identified four dominant themes in the life course approach: 1) interplay of human lives and historical time, 2) timing of lives, 3) linked or interdependent lives, and 4) human agency in making choices. The literature for these themes is reviewed below, along with two other related themes ...

What was Elder's research on children and the Great Depression?

He found that the life course of the group that were young children at the time of the economic downturn were more seriously affected by family hardship than the group that were in middle childhood and late adolescence at the time.

What is resettlement experience?

The resettlement experience requires establishment of new social networks, may involve changes in socioeconomic status, and presents serious demands for assimilating to a new physical and social environment. Gender, race, social class, and age all add layers of complexity to the migration experience.

How is mutual support formed?

The pattern of mutual support between older adults and their adult children is formed by life events and transitions across the life course. For example,the traditional pattern of intergenerational support (parents supporting children) is often disrupted if one generation migrates and another generation stays behind.

Why are men and women's life pathways similar?

Men’s and women’s life pathways have started to become more similar, but this is primarily because women’s schooling and employment patterns are moving closer to men’s, and not because men have become more involved in the family domain (Sattersten and Lovegreen,1998).

What is the intersection of multiple pathways?

The intersection of multiple pathways (the family lifeline,the educational lifeline,and the work lifeline) introduce new possibilities for diversity in life course patterns . The final strength of the life course perspective is the acknowledgement of people’s strength and capacity for change.

When to summarize an article?

There are many situations in which you might have to summarize an article or other source: As a stand-alone assignment to show you’ve understood the material. To keep notes that will help you remember what you’ve read. To give an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review.

What does "summarizing" mean in writing?

Published on November 23, 2020 by Shona McCombes. Summarizing means giving a concise overview of a text’s main points in your own words. A summary is always much shorter than the original text. Writing a summary does not involve critiquing or analyzing the source—you should simply provide a clear, objective, accurate account ...

How to avoid plagiarism when summarizing an article?

To avoid plagiarism when summarizing an article or other source, follow these two rules: Write the summary entirely in your own words by paraphrasing the author’s ideas. Cite the source with an in-text citation and a full reference so your reader can easily find the original text.

Why is it important to summarize a whole article?

But it’s often appropriate to summarize a whole article or chapter if it is especially relevant to your own research, or to provide an overview of a source before you analyze or critique it. In any case, the goal of summarizing is to give your reader a clear understanding of the original source. Follow the 4 steps outline below to write ...

How to make a text more manageable?

To make the text more manageable and understand its sub-points, break it down into smaller parts. If the text is a scientific paper that follows a standard empirical structure, it is probably already organized into clearly marked sections, usually including an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.

How to read an article?

It’s often effective to read in three stages: Scan the article quickly to get a sense of its topic and overall shape. Read the article carefully, highlighting important points and taking notes as you read.

Do you paraphrase every paragraph in a summary?

Keep in mind that a summary does not involve paraphrasing every single paragraph of the article. Your goal is to extract the essential points, leaving out anything that can be considered background information or supplementary detail.

How can analizing crime be aproachable?

One way one can aproach this through analizing crime by the reasoning behind it, such as the way a subject may have grown up in a abusive home which led the subject to later in life adopt the same behavior. Antisocial behavior begins early in life and often continues through adolescence and adulthood.

What is the study of the making of laws, the breaking of laws, and the social reaction to the breaking of laws

Criminology; “The study of the making of laws, the breaking of laws, and the social reaction to the breaking of laws.” (Fuller: Pg 4.) In other words it is the study of how people acknowledge how crime is comited and the resoning behing it, as well as peoples reaction to it. One of the theories that one can study through Criminology is the Life Course

What are persistent offernders?

The life-course persistent offernders are decribed as individuals who exhibit changing manifestations of antisocial behavior: biting and hitting at age four, shoplifting and truancy at age ten, selling drugs and stealing car at age six-teen, robbery and rape at age twenty-two, and fraud and child abuse at age of thirty.

What is the mayor theory?

One mayor theory learned through the Life Course Theory is that aggressive or antisocial behavior among children is not “just a phase” to be outgrown.

Why are parents harsh?

Parents who are harsh in their discipline provide poor role models. Also parents who do not supervise their childrens activities are more likely to develop offspring who engange in antisocial behavior. The problems of poor parenting and bad conduct can lead to more serious concerns in middle childhood.

Why do antisocial kids fail to do homework?

Studies have shown that children who are antisocial perform poorly in school. They might disrupt the classroom and fail to do their homework. They spend less academic time on task and lack academic skills such as regular attendance and participation in the class.

What is the theory of criminology?

One of the theories that one can study through Criminology is the Life Course. Theory, which is “a perspective that focuses on the development of antisocial behavior, risk factors at different ages, and the effect of life events on individual development.” (Fuller: Pg 140.) This refers to a “multidisciplinary paradigm” for the study ...

How to be successful in life?

Take one step at a time. Each step should be properly planned before being launched. Steady, balance, mark and shoot. And before you know it, the sky will become the beginning of your success.

What should I write in a descriptive essay?

To write a good descriptive essay about life, you should be able to describe some key elements of your life: 1 Mindset, 2 Environment, 3 Relationships, 4 Everyday activities, 5 Hobbies, 6 Experiences and many other things that make up your life.

What is the purpose of answering key questions in an essay?

Answering these key questions in your essay, you become closer to the fulfillment of the main goal of essay writing – to describe your personal life vividly. Besides, you can answer some other questions that are also relevant to life. For example,

What does the Bible say about punishment?

Thes people see life as punishment throughout their entire lives. They, therefore, resigned themselves to fate, believing all is finished. To them, nothing that they do can ever be good. They take delight in committing crimes and maiming others to avenge their ill-fortune.

Can you discuss your life on paper?

It is true there is no possible way to discuss it on paper, but still, it is possible to touch on the reader. Despite the fact that you should tell about your life in your personal voice, you should address the reader directly. Look at how it is done in an essay sample.

Can an autobiography be an essay?

It can also be called an autobiographical essay but no in the pure form where you provide the reader with autobiographical details – when/where you were born, at what school you were studying, etc. It’s a little bit different.

How long should a course description be?

Your job in writing a course description is much easier, since Where and When are in the logistics section, and the Who is irrelevant or a useless gesture (don’t write, “Everyone should take this course.”) Here are a few guidelines for the description: The description should run from 30 words to 120 words in length.

Why is a course description important?

The course description is vital to getting people to enroll in your course. A good course description can mean many enrollments while a poor course description can doom your course before it starts. Ideally, you should work with your class sponsor in writing the course description.

What should a description focus on?

Your description should focus upon the content of the course or the learner, not upon the course itself or you as the teacher. To attract learners, the description should emphasize the benefits to the learner coming from either the results of attending the course or from the value of the subject matter itself.

What is batik art?

Batik is an age old art of fabric coloring using wax and dye. This workshop is open to beginning and advanced students. It covers preparation of cloth and dyes, some design principles and sources, effects of different wax techniques and mixtures, color theories related to the craft, and the various finishing methods.

What happens if you don't read your course description?

Many if not most course descriptions are repetitive, dull or grammatically sloppy. If people do not read your course description, they will not take your course. Look at a typical course catalog.

What is logistics in a class?

Logistics. Logistics include the teacher’s name, class location, day, length, cost, material fees, course number and other adjunct information. The course sponsor normally provides this information, although you should be aware of all information pertinent to your class. The course description.

How many words should a teacher's biography be?

Don’t use useless or meaningless sentences, such as “Time allowing we will discuss other areas.”. The teacher biography. The teacher biography should be 15 to 50 words in a separate paragraph underneath the course description. Some organizations run all of their teacher biographies at the end of the catalog.

What does Harvard Business School's Christensen teach?

Summary. Harvard Business School’s Christensen teaches aspiring MBAs how to apply management and innovation theories to build stronger companies. But he also believes that these models can help people lead better lives.

How many students do HBS draw each year?

It’s quite startling that a significant fraction of the 900 students that HBS draws each year from the world’s best have given little thought to the purpose of their lives.

What should we ignore in evaluating alternative investments?

We’re taught in finance and economics that in evaluating alternative investments, we should ignore sunk and fixed costs, and instead base decisions on the marginal costs and marginal revenues that each alternative entails. We learn in our course that this doctrine biases companies to leverage what they have put in place to succeed in the past, instead of guiding them to create the capabilities they’ll need in the future. If we knew the future would be exactly the same as the past, that approach would be fine. But if the future’s different—and it almost always is—then it’s the wrong thing to do.

What is the tool of cooperation?

There’s an important model in our class called the Tools of Cooperation, which basically says that being a visionary manager isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s one thing to see into the foggy future with acuity and chart the course corrections that the company must make. But it’s quite another to persuade employees who might not see the changes ahead to line up and work cooperatively to take the company in that new direction. Knowing what tools to wield to elicit the needed cooperation is a critical managerial skill.

How often do kids misbehave?

Kids misbehave every day. It’s really not until 20 years down the road that you can put your hands on your hips and say, “I raised a good son or a good daughter.”. You can neglect your relationship with your spouse, and on a day-to-day basis, it doesn’t seem as if things are deteriorating.

What is the purpose of HBR?

HBR’s definitive articles on managing your professional life will help you make the most of your day, your professional relationships, and your career. Show Reading List. The choice and successful pursuit of a profession is but one tool for achieving your purpose. But without a purpose, life can become hollow.

Can you be humble about yourself?

Generally, you can be humble only if you feel really good about yourself—and you want to help those around you feel really good about themselves, too.
