how do you plan to manage the rigorous demands of graduate course work and field education?

by Ms. Susie Schaden Jr. 8 min read

How can I prepare for a rigorous education?

A rigorous education demands your time and energy, but it shouldn’t deplete your health, your professional life, or your family life. Have conversations with the stakeholders in your life early and often; discuss how you can help each other and what external support you may need.

How do I Manage my time during graduate studies?

Re-evaluate your daily activities and responsibilities. In our undergrad studies, we may have been able to work full time, manage an 18-unit course load and balance a social life. In my graduate studies, I have quickly realized that I am not super woman, and time management is critical to success in this program.

Is your graduate education only a small aspect of Your Life?

And, sometimes, your graduate education is only a small aspect of your life. In addition to “student”, you may also shoulder other important roles like “spouse”, “parent”, “caretaker” and “employee”.

How can we encourage students to engage in rigorous material?

We must nourish little successes to build confidence. If students have little or no confidence, they certainly are not going to engage in rigorous material. Differentiation is essential to ensure each student has personalized goals to strive toward. 3.

How do you manage work and graduate school?

7 Tips to Help You Balance School and WorkTap Your Support Network. ... Manage Your Time Well. ... Talk to Your Boss. ... Streamline Your Tasks. ... Optimize Your Tuition. ... Consider Online Classes. ... Love What You're Studying. ... 20 Scholarships for Graduate Students in 2021.

How do you manage graduate studies?

5 Time Management Habits for Graduate StudentsUse a planner to keep everything straight.Be honest about how you use your time.Work smarter instead of harder.Don't overcommit yourself.Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How do I manage graduate school and work full time?

Here are 10 tips for navigating grad school as a working professional.Do your research. ... Focus on fit. ... Plan ahead to make it possible. ... Prepare a motivating application package. ... Make going back to school a win-win situation. ... Communicate openly and maintain a support system. ... Plan your time wisely. ... Teach yourself new tricks.More items...•

How do you plan to make the most of this graduate program?

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Graduate School ExperienceHave a Plan. A graduate degree itself is a nice asset to have. ... Take Advantage of Campus Resources. ... Make Connections Between Your Assignments and Work. ... Manage Your Time Effectively.

How will you make graduate studies a priority?

Here are some tips for ensuring a successful and personally fulfilling graduate student experience!Allow yourself time to adjust—and try to relax. ... Set priorities and stick to them. ... Don't try to do everything at once. ... Know what to do when things get frustrating. ... If you need help, ask for it. ... Get comfortable “adulting”More items...•

How can I be a better graduate student?

How to be a Good Graduate StudentAllow adequate time for your mentor to respond to your requests. ... Use criticism to improve yourself. ... Be compassionate. ... Discover how you work best. ... Record your work as you go along. ... Find traits that you admire in the people around you. ... Don't let your work become your whole life.

How do you balance life and graduate school?

Stretched Too Thin? Five Graduate Student Work-life Balance TipsBe honest with your friends and family. ... Plan ahead. ... Make a flexible schedule, and don't overbook yourself. ... Re-evaluate your daily activities and responsibilities. ... Put your electronic devices away during study time.

How do you balance work school and life?

10 Tips For Establishing a Lasting Work-Life-School BalanceGet Organized. ... Communicate with Family, Friends, and Employers. ... Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. ... Practice Mindfulness. ... Devote Time to Hobbies. ... Set Limits. ... Lower Your Expectations. ... Take Breaks.More items...•

How to advance your career?

Enrolling in a graduate program is a wonderful way to advance your career. Make sure your partner and your family understand this objective, support your decision, and are willing to lend an extra hand at home. 2. Lean on your professional contacts. Talk with your employer to adjust work expectations.

How to overcome scheduling conflicts?

To help overcome scheduling conflicts with classes because of work, check the availability of online programs and individual online classes. The online format removes geographic location and commute time from the equation. 5. Cut yourself some slack. Even though you may be under stress, maintain your well-being, too.

How to reward yourself for a job well done?

Every once in a while, reward yourself for a job well done. Indulge in a dinner at a nice restaurant or a day trip out of town. A rigorous education demands your time and energy, but it shouldn’t deplete your health, your professional life, or your family life.

How to adjust work schedule?

2. Lean on your professional contacts. Talk with your employer to adjust work expectations. Mention that your studies will ultimately help you add value at the office so that your manager and colleagues are motivated to accommodate your new schedule.

What happens when you go back to school?

When you choose to make a life change such as going back to school, it will affect your partner and your family, not just you. Especially if you’re caring for one or more elders or children, speak with your partner before you even apply for your program.

Can I get a masters degree while working?

The dilemma of pursuing a master’s degree while working may weigh heavily on your mind. Here are some of the solutions that students and alumni at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies have employed in order to manage a healthy personal and professional life at the same time.

What is the importance of prioritizing assignments?

Prioritizing assignments will allow you to focus on what is most important first, and then knock out smaller assignments afterward.

How to organize your work?

Organize your work in a meaningful way based on when projects, papers, and other work events are due. Recurring things like homework and studying are easier to schedule ahead of time, but sometimes papers and projects tend to sneak up on you. Make sure to check your syllabus to see how different assignments are weighted. Important assignments like papers and exams can make the difference of a full letter grade (or two!) for a class. Prioritizing assignments will allow you to focus on what is most important first, and then knock out smaller assignments afterward. Knowing you’ve completed a major project and don’t have to worry about it hanging over your head can also help you to feel more balanced and relaxed.

Why is it important to have some time set aside from work?

Whether this means spending time with friends, visiting family, or even just taking a moment to relax by yourself, it is important for your well-being to have some time set aside away from work and school. Once you have finished important tasks, be sure to find some way to treat yourself and clear your head.


1. What is academic rigor and why is it so important? 2. Why is it good for students to struggle? 3. What do academic rigor and productive struggle look like in the classroom? 4. Why is rigor so hard to achieve in lessons? 5. What is a rigorous task? 6. How do resources support productive struggle? 7.

1. What is academic rigor and why is it so important?

In The Power of Student Teams (2019), Michael Toth and David Sousa define academic rigor as:

2. Why is it good for students to struggle?

I mentioned that students need autonomy from the teacher as they learn. There are many reasons why it’s good for students to struggle, but the short answer I’ll focus on here is that students need to routinely have productive struggle in order to foster a growth mindset.

3. What do academic rigor and productive struggle look like in the classroom?

Productive struggle is embedded in most of our adult brainstorming sessions. I’m sure you can recall the last time you engaged in problem-solving, tested your thinking, or debated your ideas.

4. Why is academic rigor so hard to achieve in lessons?

Academic rigor is so hard to achieve because tasks are often not set up for productive struggle.

5. What is a rigorous task?

A task is what the student does to produce evidence of progress toward the learning target.

Process for Planning an Academically Rigorous Task

Figure 1. The process for planning out a direct line from standards to student evidence for an academically rigorous task.

What are the most important things to do in graduate school?

Visiting the spa. Reading. To some, self-care is one of the most vital elements to being successful in graduate school. If you are not functioning optimally, then it will be difficult, if not impossible, to juggle the demands of school, work, and family life.

How to take care of yourself as a graduate student?

You put a lot of effort into satisfying professors, employers, coworkers, spouses, kids, family and friends. Satisfy your own needs in order to stay centered. Regularly assess your physical, mental and emotional health. Map out time for a few stress-relievers either daily or a few times a week to fend off excess stress. Self-care can be any activity you find relaxing and nurturing. Common examples of self-care strategies include:

Why is time management important?

Time management is important to all graduate students. Days and nights are spent researching, writing, and studying. Those juggling multiple responsibilities have an even greater need to be masters in time management.

Is graduate school your whole life?

Sometimes, graduate school is your whole life. You disappear into those hallowed halls and emerge about two years later with greater career prospects and a deeper appreciation for writing and research. And, sometimes, your graduate education is only a small aspect of your life. In addition to “student”, you may also shoulder other important roles ...

How to balance work and study?

Here are 7 tips on how to balance study, work, and personal life when taking online courses. 1. Do Not Procrastinate. Delaying things may lead to piling of more and more work in the end. Another disadvantage of procrastination is that it only keeps adding more stress at the top of daily work load. 2.

Why is it important to clear your studies in one go?

Hence, it’s also very important to clear it in one go to save time. So it is up to an individual what they decide based on their personal circumstances. Some may be keen on finishing their studies as soon as possible, while others may not much be in a hurry.

How many semesters are there in college?

A college usually has two semesters or three trimesters. Each semester has multiple courses, usually three to four; however, in some cases colleges give students the flexibility to choose what courses they wish to enroll in particular semesters, called as electives, and what number of courses they wish to enroll.

What are the three parts of a student's life?

There are three main parts of a student’s life which consumes most of their time; study, work, and personal life. Study and work both can take up an ample amount of time and very less time may remain for personal stuff. This is one of the major issues a student face.

How to complete a task?

The best way to complete a task is to finish it and then move to another one. Taking breaks is of course ok, as you don’t want to drain out all your energies; however, try not to do everything at the same time. 4. Avoid Distractions.

How long does it take to get a degree if you fail a course?

Also, if you fail a course it may just end up taking a lot of extra time. If it’s your last semester, you will get your certificate or degree after another 6 months just because of that one course that you were not able to clear. Hence, it’s also very important to clear it in one go to save time.

Why is a balanced diet important for students?

Caryn, who is a Nutritionist, says "A balanced diet is important for students. Studying mainly during exams may take up a lot of energy and, hence , the right amount of nutrition is vital part of a student's life".

How to cultivate rigor in the classroom?

Let’s look at how to cultivate a culture of rigor in the classroom. 1. Start by Building Strong Relationships. The relationships we have with students play a significant role in their investment in our classes . Students won’t work for teachers they don’t like. This doesn’t mean we need to try and be friends or “act cool” with students.

What is rigor in education?

It describes the result of work that challenges students’ thinking in new and interesting ways. Promoting rigor in the classroom requires expectations and experiences that are academically, intellectually, and personally challenging.

How to make relevance more fun?

Relevance can also be closely related to fun. Mixing up the ways students grapple with assignments and content challenges them to engage differently. Incorporate games with partners and in small groups. If students finish something early, provide exciting extra skill-building tasks. Be creative.

Why is rigor important in school?

Rigor is essential in school and life. Cultivating our students’ desires to challenge and push their intellect and abilities is what leads to powerful learning experiences. There are no prescribed formulas to increasing rigor.

Why are students more willing to challenge themselves?

Students are more willing to challenge themselves when they engage in meaningful work. Students need to investigate issues they relate to, or practice art forms they find relevant and exciting. Some of my most successful units in high school are graffiti-inspired and those that give students the chance to voice their opinions on social issues. Students want their education to be something they can relate to, something that stimulates their passions, and something meaningful. To increase rigor, we have to assess our levels of relevance. Incorporating many layers of choice allows students to gravitate toward their own most inspired path.

Do students work for teachers they don't like?

Students won’t work for teachers they don’t like. This doesn’t mean we need to try and be friends or “act cool” with students. However, it does mean our students’ perception of us matters. They need to know we believe in them. Trust, respect, and relationships are paramount from elementary through high school.

Why is academic rigor important?

Understanding rigor is essential for understanding how to approach and measure student learning. It questions the standards we demand from our students ...

Why is maintaining a high standard important for students?

Not only is maintaining a high standard essential for student learning success, but excellent teachers must also make sure that they are supporting each and every student to move progressively toward the desired level of achievement. Teachers must consistently ensure that whatever the content or skill they are covering, they provide the requisite materials and instructional patterns. Here are the signs of a classroom environment supportive for student progress:

How do teachers support students?

Not only is maintaining a high standard essential for student learning success, but excellent teachers must also make sure that they are supporting each and every student to move progressively toward the desired level of achievement. Teachers must consistently ensure that whatever the content or skill they are covering, they provide the requisite materials and instructional patterns. Here are the signs of a classroom environment supportive for student progress: 1 Lessons are systematically scaffolded from one to the next. 2 Materials are consistently organized to clearly provide instructions and demonstration of task. 3 Intervention tasks or instructions are regularly utilized to ensure no students are left behind. 4 Teacher is available for helping students individually at other points throughout the day. 5 Parents are communicated with regularly regarding the academic goals of the course. 6 Learning tools are color-coded, graphically organized, reinforced, and interactive. 7 Content is made relevant and relatable to student background information and interest.

What is the teacher's belief in the potential for each student's success?

Teacher believes in the potential for each student’s success and communicates this belief. Lessons and tasks are designed to lead students to expected outcomes. Examples of desired outcomes and undesired outcomes are overtly shared with students. Students have opportunity to revise their academic attempts.

What is academic rigor?

Academic rigor is commonly thought of in three different phases of the educational process. The first is setting the standard for students; the second is equipping students through instructional ...

What is student performance?

Student performance compared to previous student attempts. Students provide high-level answers to high-level questions. Students do not give up or feel overwhelmed when faced with challenges. Students reflect on their learning progress and efforts.

What is a higher level question?

Higher-level, thought-provoking questions are asked by teacher. High-level, thought-provoking answers are shared by students. Teacher does not accept lower-level thinking or answers in discussion or academic tasks.

How to use rigor in classroom discussion?

For Rigor in Classroom Discussions, Incorporate the Appropriate Wait Time. Rigor does not equal rushed. Give those chickens time to cross! During discussion times, allow your students the time to think about their answer.

What is rigor in teaching?

Teaching with rigor involves creating an atmosphere and an environment that promotes deep thinking and engaged learning. It involves teaching our students the skill of asking and answering questions that will help them make meaning as they read.

Why is academic rigor important?

What is Academic Rigor and Why is it So Important? Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class , the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student’s schedule. Rigor is more than just “how difficult ...

What is rigorous class?

Rigor is more than just “how difficult a class is” however, and even more than “how hard a student has to work to earn a good grade.”. In essence, a rigorous class prepares the student by teaching them (and having them exercise) skills useful in school, the business world, and in life.

What is dual enrollment class?

Dual-enrollment classes are college-level courses that often translate into college credit hours upon completion. Not only do they show rigor, but they also help with your overall credit hour requirement in the long run–win-win! Another source of rigor is IB classes.

Do colleges like to see you take more challenging classes?

Essentially, they’d rather see you take a few more challenging classes than a variety of more standard ones. If you can, focus on the area you’re interested in studying in college.

Is GPA important for acceptance?

While GPA is definitely important, rigor matters too.
