how do you make an intercept course submarine

by Alessandra Cronin III 9 min read

What I do is put a mark over the enemy ships, wait a bit, then put a second mark, then draw a line to plot their course, or, if I'm lazy, just eyeball their position, then use the waypoint tool to draw an intercept course that the ship will follow automatically, which, for the purposes of this game, gets close enough.

Full Answer

How to determine the success of submarines in intercepting vessels?

After the intercepting submarine has been steaming an appreciable time on its course at 90° to the line of sight, an observation of other vessel will indicate the probable success of intercepting.

What is the basic principle involved in a submarine attack?

The basic principle involved is that a submarine or any vessel desiring to intercept another vessel of probable superior speed will stand the best chance of success if it brings the other vessel abeam and steams at maximum speed.

How do you find the speed correction on a submarine?

(e) Read under pointer on "speed scale" 6.3 which is the "speed correction". Since the submarine has drawn ahead, the enemy true speed is 16 - 6.3 = 9.7 knots. Note: Since the instrument is constructed as a slide rule, the decimal point must be placed having regard to the rapidity of the change in bearing.

What is a submarine attack course finder Mark I Mod 3?

The Submarine Attack Course Finder Mark I Mod. 3 comprises two devices for use in making a submerged approach. The device on the obverse side is a form of the well known "Is-Was", or submarine attack course finder devised by Captain Nasmith, Commander, R.N.

How to draw boat B's course?

How about drawing Boat B's course on the chart as a line and then a line at right angles to it through your point. i.e Closest approach to your starting point. That is the course. The speed is then set by finding the time Boat B will take to get to the point and applying it to Boat A distance to the point.#N#This will minimize Boat A travel distance. But assumes Boat A is ahead.#N#However, there are many possibilities. The hardest one would be finding the quickest time to intercept. Which I would guess would be an iterative solution. i.e. keep picking times and plotting where Boat B would be and drawing a position circle for Boat A at its maximum speed. If the circle crosses ahead of where boat B would be, then pick a smaller time. If behind pick a longer time.

How to draw a course and speed?

Draw his course and speed over several hours if necessary on any chart or graph paper - making sure that orientation is related to reference lines on paper or long / lat on chart.#N#Now you draw a line with course you intend to make ... where they cross is the intercept point and distnace divided by your expected speed = time to Intercept.#N#If you want to meet at a given time ..... then mark of on his course line the location at that time ... now draw from your location to that spot - gives you distnace and course to make ... knowing time needed to get there - gives speed you need to make ...#N#If you are not fussed about location of intercept - then decide time to meet ... this gives you distnace to run at expected speed for both boats ..... set that on a pair of compass dividers his distance to make ... draw an arc from his location for his distance ... now set to your distance and draw arc from your location ..... the two will meet if its possible and that is the location ... for time and speed ....#N#Simple Triangles ...


This is an interesting question. And it's nice to see, person who takes it seriously. The question is also hard to answer as well. One of the reasons for that hardness is: even you have described your setup fairly detailed, it is not enough to answer the question without other assumptions. Second reason is: any model of such interactions is waggle.

How can it be in more realistic way

First of all prepare for future war, make more flying engines aka drones Thermonuclear engines have great potential in solar system travel. Theoretical ISP is somewhere about 0.1c. As engines are useful, anyway you will build them in big quantities for other tasks too, so not much reasons to constrain yourself by not making drones too.

War compensations

Nobody cares, how much imaginable profits you have lost because of someones law violations. You guilty because you didn't spot that earlier, and didn't share that information earlier with network council.

There is much more scenarios, outside smashing each other in close combat

They depend on how well you predicted reactions of people, which are their current possibility's. This is tech vs tech and people vs people.
