which iata regulation book is needed for lithium battery course

by Layne Wisozk 7 min read

Edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). The provisions of the DGR with respect to lithium batteries may also be found in the IATA lithium Battery Shipping Guidelines (LBSG) 8th Edition.Aug 12, 2020

Full Answer

What is the IATA lithium battery shipping regulations?

The IATA Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations (LBSR) is constantly updated to help you stay compliant and avoid mistakes that may result in delays, added costs and in the worst case fines for prosecution!

Why take the shipping lithium batteries by air course?

For companies that only ship lithium batteries, or products packaged with or containing lithium batteries is it more appropriate to take the Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air course to get a comprehensive look at how to ship lithium batteries and how to properly meet the requirements set out in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

What documents do I need to transport lithium batteries?

Complete transport documentation (dangerous goods documentation and air waybill - AWB) and any other accompanied documents related to the transport of lithium batteries The latest edition of the Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations (LBSR) is included in the course materials.

What is the lithium battery supply chain regulation (lbsr)?

To help address this, we’ve put together the LBSR; a manual with all the information manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, freight forwarders and others in the supply chain need to ensure compliance when shipping lithium batteries.

What is the difference between UN3090 and UN3091?

UN3090 – Lithium metal battery (NON-RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES) UN3091 - Lithium metal battery (NON -RECHARGABLE BATTERIES) contained in equipment or Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment.

Do you need to be certified to ship lithium batteries?

Couriers responsible for shipping Section 1 lithium batteries must receive full IATA training and certification, including developing an understanding of the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration hazmat identification chart.

What is the difference between UN3480 and UN3481?

The easiest way I can explain this is that a laptop would be considered UN3481. The lithium-ion battery inside the laptop is providing power to the actual laptop (equipment). The battery inside that laptop is classified as UN3480.

What does IATA Packing Instruction Section II apply?

— Section II applies to lithium ion cells with a Watt-hour rating not exceeding 20 Wh and lithium ion batteries with a Watt-hour rating not exceeding 100 Wh packed in quantities not exceeding the allowance permitted in Section II, Table 965-II. 2.

Is UL 2054 mandatory?

Although UL2054 is not a mandated test for products shipped into the US, it is often mandated by US end device standards and it is a pretty severe test as it requires a single fault to be applied on the battery pack.

What is UN3480 label?

Caution Lithium Battery UN3480 Labels These are UN3480 lithium battery warning labels stickers with an area to write phone number to call for more information. The size of these labels is a regulated size of 3.25" x 4.25" and are made with a semi-gloss paper material.

Can I fly with UN3481?

Lithium ion cells and batteries transported with or contained in equipment (shipped under the UN identification number UN3481) are still authorized for transportation as cargo on passenger aircraft under the HMR at a state of charge greater than 30 percent of their rated capacity.

What class is UN 3481?

Class 9The lithium ion batteries UN3481 are classified: Class 9 – UN3481 – Lithium ion batteries contained in or packed with the equipment, but not attached to the source.

Do I need a UN3481 label?

If you're shipping lithium ion batteries as a standalone, use a battery label with UN3480. Standalone means the package only contains batteries and nothing else. If you're shipping lithium ion batteries contained in or packed with equipment, use a battery label with UN3481.

What packing group are lithium batteries?

Due to their dual hazard properties associated with their chemical and electrical content, Li-ion batteries (UN 3480) as well as Li-ion batteries contained in equipment or packed with equipment (UN 3481) are classified under CLASS 9 Dangerous Goods.

What class is lithium batteries?

Class 9Identification and classification All lithium batteries are Class 9 — miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles. All batteries must be tested and meet the criteria as stated in the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria Part III subsection 38.3.

What is Section II of pi966?

PI965 Section II: Cells and batteries must not be packed in the same outer packaging with other dangerous goods. Cells and batteries must not be placed in an overpack with, dangerous goods classified in Class 1 (except 1.4S), Division 2.1, Class 3, Division 4.1 and Division 5.1.

What is an IATA certificate of completion?

An IATA Certificate of Completion is awarded to participants obtaining a grade level of 80% or higher on all exercises and exams. A special distinction is awarded to all participants obtaining a grade of 90% or higher.

What level of proficiency is required for ICAO?

Recommended level is Entry-level and Intermediate. The recommended level of language proficiency is ICAO Operational Level 4 for courses in English or the equivalent level for other languages.

Is IATA Miami ACCET accredited?

The IATA Training Center in Miami is ACCET Accredited. A regional course discount (up to 10% discount) is available for classroom courses at IATA Training Centers in the Americas (excluding Canada). To be eligible, all the following conditions must be met: Payment must be made by credit card; You must be resident in Latin America or ...

Why should you use the latest IATA Manuals?

The 2022 IATA Manuals include over 350 updates. The manuals are published annually to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations, trends and best practices. In order to comply with the new regulations and to sustain the safe and efficient transport of air cargo, you should be using the latest editions. Learn more

Order the 2022 LBSR online

The LBSR is available in English in print and digital formats. Find out which format suits your needs best.

What's inside the LBSR?

Making a mistake with marking, labelling or packaging products with lithium batteries can at best cause delays. At worst, the battery could fail or short circuit causing a fire. The LBSR covers all aspects of the shipping process from packaging requirements, labelling, marking and what to do if something goes wrong en route.

Stay up-to-date

The IATA Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations (LBSR) is constantly updated to help you stay compliant and avoid mistakes that may result in delays, added costs and in the worst case fines for prosecution!

What are Lithium Batteries?

The term “lithium battery” refers to a family of batteries with different chemistries. For the purposes of the dangerous goods regulations they are separated into two types of batteries: lithium metal and lithium-ion.

What are Lithium Batteries used for?

As lithium batteries are the preferred power source for most consumer and portable electronic devices, lithium batteries are found everywhere. They are in items you may not have even considered. Lithium metal batteries are found in items such as watches, calculators, cameras, car key fobs, and defibrillators.

Can Lithium Batteries be shipped by air?

Despite lithium battery shipping restrictions, lithium batteries can be shipped by air but not without stipulations.

What to know when shipping Lithium Batteries by air?

When shipping lithium batteries by air, you must follow some basic rules. It is important to closely follow these regulations for the safety of all involved. You will find all of the required steps and guidelines in IATA's Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations manual.

How to ship Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries may be shipped by air when all the applicable regulatory requirements are met. This includes making certain that:

What shippers should know about shipping Lithium Batteries by air?

Shipping counterfeit or substandard lithium batteries is not acceptable.

State and operator variations

States and operators (airlines) may advise of more restrictive requirements to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. These requirements are published in the DGR and the Lithium battery Shipping Regulations as State and operator variations. These variations may limit the carriage of lithium batteries.

How do batteries work?

When cells are connected in series, the voltage of the battery increases but the capacity in ampere-hours (Ah) does not change. By contrast, when cells are connected in parallel the capacity in ampere-hours of the battery (Ah) increases but the voltage stays the same.

What is a package in shipping?

The package is the complete product of the packing operation that satisfies the requirements of the packing instruction and in a manner ready to be presented for transport (shipper/consignee information, hazard communication, etc.). The package may contain multiple batteries or pieces of equipment provided the limitations set out in the applicable packing instruction are not exceeded. The package must be marked and labelled as required by the packing instruction. A single package may be offered for transport, or one or more packages may then be placed into an overpack for ease of handling or transport purposes. When an overpack is used, the package marks and labels must be duplicated on the overpack unless the marks and labels required on individual packages are visible or are not required by the packing instruction (i.e. not more than 4 cells or 2 batteries when contained in equipment and no more than two packages in the consignment).

What is the battery code for Bluetooth earbuds?

Bluetooth® earbuds or hearing aids that are shipped in or with a charging case should be classified as “UN3481, Lithium batteries packed with equipment” and packaged in accordance with PI 966. If the charging case is shipped without the earbuds, the case must be classified as “UN3480, Lithium ion batteries” and packaged in accordance with PI 965.

How much lithium batteries are needed for a cargo plane?

The maximum weight is 5 kg of lithium batteries per package for passenger and cargo aircraft and 35 kg of lithium batteries per package for cargo aircraft only. The net quantity shown excludes the weight of the equipment:

What is a lithium battery?

Lithium Battery – The term “lithium battery” refers to a family of batteries with different chemistries, comprising many types of cathodes and electrolytes. For the purposes of the DGR they are separated into:

Who can request a test summary?

The test summary must be made available upon request. Any individual or entity in the supply chain may request the test summary, e.g. regulator, consumer, or transport provider.

Do you need a test summary for lithium batteries?

Yes. The test summary requirement applies to manufacturers and distributors of lithium cells and batteries. Therefore, a test summary must be made available for battery-powered vehicles and other vehicles containing lithium batteries.

Why should you use the latest IATA Manuals?

The 2022 IATA Manuals include over 350 updates. The manuals are published annually to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations, trends and best practices. In order to comply with the new regulations and to sustain the safe and efficient transport of air cargo, you should be using the latest editions. Learn more

Order the 2022 DGR online

The DGR is available in several languages in digital and printed formats. Please write to us for Chinese or Japanese versions of the DGR.


Customers using the most updated regulations experience fewer delays, fines, and lost contracts. Each year, significant changes are done to procedures and regulations, that's why we publish a new version of the DGR every year.

What are the regulations for packaging and transportation?

Strict regulations exist for packaging and transportation, which are stipulated by the Department of Transportation and the International Air Transport Association. There are different certification requirements for packers and couriers, but everyone involved in the supply chain must receive adequate instruction.

Why are lithium batteries so sensitive to fire?

Among other things, lithium batteries are highly sensitive to environmental factors and can cause fires if packaged incorrectly due to their highly flammable components. They can also short circuit if they come into contact with other batteries or conductive surfaces.

Do you need to be certified to ship lithium batteries?

Despite not needing certification to ship lithium batteries, employers should ensure that their employees receive in-depth training on how to pack all hazardous materials in hazmat boxes, such as those offered by Air Sea Containers.

Do you need a special certification to pack lithium ion batteries?

Those packing lithium ion batteries are not required to hold a special certification by the IATA but must receive adequate instruction.

Can lithium ion batteries be shipped by air?

Other DOT regulations stipulate that lithium ion batteries can be freighted on passenger aircraft in custom shipping boxes ...

Is lithium metal regulated?

In general, smaller lithium metal batteries are lightly regulated, but large and medium-sized rechargeable batteries, such as those used in electric vehicles or laptops containing eight grams or more of Equivalent Lithium Content (ELC), are tightly regulated by the DOT.

Is lithium battery a hazardous material?

However, lithium batteries are hazardous materials (hazmat) that can present a considerable safety risk if not prepared for transportation in compliance with domestic and international transport regulations. So, they require special considerations when shipped, such as using custom shipping boxes like hazmat boxes.