how do you know if yo fail final exam fema is course

by Patricia Lakin 4 min read

How do you know if you passed the FEMA test? They will send a certification to your email. You have to enter your email when you create your SID. If you didn’t pass it will send a failure notice.

Full Answer

How do I report an error in a FEMA study?

If the problem persists, please contact the FEMA Independent Study program office at 301-447-1200 or email [email protected] with a detailed error description. How do I report improper conduct or cheating on IS tests?

What happens if I fail the final exam?

If you fail the final exam, you can take it again. There is no limit on how many times you can take the exam and you don’t have to pay again to take it multiple times.

How will the final exam submissions be posted?

All final exam submissions will be posted on two independent systems; the capability of these systems in terms of administering the final exam are described below: EMI eLearning – randomly displays a specified number of questions from the total number of questions provided for the question bank.

How do I take is courses for FEMA employees?

For FEMA employees (full/part time, reservists and CORE), we recommend you first attempt the IS course via FEKC. If the course is not listed in FEKC, register using your SID Do I need a user name/password to take IS courses? No, a user name and password is NOT required to complete an IS course.

How do you know if you passed the FEMA exam?

Answer: Upon successful completion of the exam, a certificate will be emailed within 1-2 business days. This email confirms your transcript has been updated and provides a link to access your electronic certificate.

Can you take FEMA exams multiple times?

Our program does not limit your exam attempts. Please be aware that online exams are scrambled and the questions may change when you take the final exam. Be sure to read test questions and answer choices carefully.

Can you retake Nims test?

Yes. Retakes are included with a subscription purchase for one year. The second retake may be taken immediately, however the third and each following retake will have a 60-day waiting period between them. Those retakes will also need to be unlocked by NIMS staff.

How do I get my FEMA training certificates?

You can contact the Independent Study Program's Customer Support Center at (301) 447-1200 or [email protected]. One of our Customer Support Representatives will look up your student record, verify your course completion and issue you a certificate via email.

How many questions are the FEMA tests?

10 test itemsKnowledge Examinations The test bank must have a minimum of 10 test items (questions). The test bank must contain at least four test items per enabling objective. True/False and Yes/No test items may not be used.

How many questions are on the FEMA?

The FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS) IS-700. B Test consists of 49 questions. It covers a general overview of NIMS and the program's approach to guiding communities through emergencies.

Do Nims certificates expire?

Certification will expire 2 years from the date of issuance.

Is 317 a certificate?

This Independent Study (IS) course is an introduction to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program for those interested in learning about the CERT program for their own knowledge or as a pre-requisite for completing the CERT Basic classroom training that may be available in your community.

How long does it take to do ICS 100?

You should allow 2 to 4 hours to take one of these courses. Allow more time if it's your first course, i.e.: IS-100. HCB. Independent Study program office as they are unable to provide assistance with these requests.

How do I get FEMA credits on my transcript?

You can request copies of certificates or a student transcript by calling the EMI Independent Study office at 301-447-1200. If you would like an Official Transcript please access the IS Transcript Request form at

Is 300 a FEMA course?

ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents: ICS-300 provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced knowledge and application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses.

Are online FEMA courses free?

Distance Learning The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers self-paced courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public. All are offered free-of-charge to those who qualify for enrollment.

What is the minimum passing grade for a knowledge exam?

Minimum passing grade for a knowledge examination is 75% . The test bank must have a minimum of 10 test items (questions). The test bank must contain at least four test items per enabling objective. True/False and Yes/No test items may not be used.

What is a skill assessment?

Skill assessments must, at minimum, assess all steps of the skill/task to be gained as a result of training. Skill assessments shall utilize an objective evaluation guide, or rubric, to evaluate student mastery of the skill. An example rubric can be provided by the COR. The Skill Assessment shall be contained in the IG.

How many hours of pre-course assessment?

The developer shall develop pre- and post-course assessments for all courses consisting of 12 or more contact hours (which equates to roughly two-full days of classroom instruction). Online courses do not require pre-course assessments.


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Public reporting burden for this data collection is estimated to average .5 hours per response for the forms completed electronically or .75 hours for forms manually completed.

Completion of this examination is an individual effort

Organizations are encouraged to establish procedures to ensure completion of the examination is an individual effort. Personnel within an organization who feel that test answers are being improperly provided should follow their organization's measures for reporting unethical conduct.