how do you access course evaluations at unf

by Kira Cummerata 3 min read

Step One: Log onto myWings account Step Two: Student's (TAB) Step Three: My Records > Degree Evaluation > Current Term (Submit on Default Term)

You can access your course evaluations directly from myWings. You will also see a pop-up reminder, similar to the password expiration pop-up in myWings, when you log in during the evaluation period.

Full Answer

Where can I find the detailed instructions for my course?

Note: The Detailed Instructions are available inside the system, by clicking “Instructions” ***Faculty will be interested in this level to access their course results. Chairs/Deans will use this level to view the individual faculty results for each Department with the ability to print off all departmental faculty in one print job.

When is the last day to opt out of UNF programs?

The window to opt out begins about four weeks before classes begin and extends until near the end of the add/drop period. Review the UNF Academic Calendar for specific add/drop dates for each semester. When is the last day to opt-out of the program? The last day to opt-out of the Follett Access program is on the day after drop/add ends.

How do I access my course isqs?

Accessing Individual Course ISQs (and DL ISQs) Via MyWings In the FACULTY tab click on “ISQ Summary Reporting” Select the TERM or other filters to see the summary. Note: The Detailed Instructions are available inside the system, by clicking “Instructions” ***Faculty will be interested in this level to access their course results.

Are ISQs anonymous?

ISQs are anonymous and instructors receive results only after grades have been posted. The online system allows faculty to monitor the evaluation process and the response rate.

What is course evaluations in college?

A course evaluation is a paper or electronic questionnaire, which requires a written or selected response answer to a series of questions in order to evaluate the instruction of a given course. The term may also refer to the completed survey form or a summary of responses to questionnaires.

How do I evaluate my course?

Asses Using a Rubric or Other Tool to Consider Basic Course Elements. ... Analyze Course from a Student Perspective. ... Assess Course Artifacts, Materials, & Feedback. ... Consider Level and Type of Student-to-Student and Student-to-Instructor Interactions. ... Results: Are Students Learning?

Are course evaluations anonymous?

Yes, student responses are anonymous. Instructors do not know which students responded or what responses individual students provided. However, instructors can track overall response rates for their courses.

What is the UNF evaluation instrument?

This ISQ evaluation instrument allows students to confidentially rate their UNF learning experience. Two days after the deadline for faculty grade submission, the ratings and feedback from course evaluations become available to UNF faculty and administrators. The information students supply in these evaluations is extremely important.

Does University of North Florida have an online course evaluation system?

Beginning Fall 2013, the University of North Florida will implement an online course evaluation system to replace the Scantron evaluation forms formerly in use. All courses will be evaluated using the online system each term, except those courses listed in the Collective Bargaining Unit Article 18.

Monitoring Completion

Instructors can monitor student completion during the evaluation period in myWings.

Access and Notifications - myWings, email

Students can access instruments directly in myWings. Students also see a pop-up reminder, similar to the password expiration pop-up in myWings, when they log in during the evaluation period.

What is a degree evaluation?

A Degree Evaluation is an electronic document that allows students to track their academic progress. This document is updated every semester as students complete degree requirements to reflect the most up to date academic progress. A Degree Evaluation consists of the following components:

What happens if you don't meet with an advisor in the first year?

All beginning freshmen must meet with an academic advisor in the First-Year Advising Office to review a degree evaluation once their academic career. Students who fail to meet with an academic advisor within their first semester will have an "Advising Hold" placed on their account that will prevent future registration.

Why do we do online evaluations?

Online evaluations save money, lower staff workload, decrease the margin for error, preserve class time that would otherwise be spent on in-class evaluations, and allow quick data turnaround. Still, going online is a huge change from having paper evaluations. As a faculty member, you naturally care about the feedback your students have to offer, and want to keep the accuracy and volume of that feedback and high and quality as possible. Many faculty have questions about online evaluations, and wonder if online evaluations can retain the positives they’ve come to depend on with paper evaluations. Below, some common faculty concerns are detailed, along with some of the literature that speaks to those concerns.

How much higher are response rates in refereed papers?

In academic refereed papers where no incentives or interventions were explicitly listed in the paper, and there were paper comparison rates available, paper response rates averaged 13% higher than online rates.

What is the relationship between student and faculty?

The relationship between student and faculty member is highly personal and individual, and plays the biggest role in a student deciding whether to evaluate.

Can students who attend less often be excluded?

No. It’s true that by giving the evaluations in class, students that attend less often may be excluded more often. This is often seen as a positive, since these students are assumed to have less of a basis for evaluating a class, and are also assumed to be students who would evaluate a faculty member more negatively.

Is online evaluation as accurate as paper evaluation?

Are online evaluations as accurate as paper evaluations? Yes . There is a prevalent belief that paper evaluations will come closer than online evaluations, to the rating that most accurately reflects the quality of a faculty member’s teaching.

Do faculty members get feedback?

Yes. When a faculty member gets their evaluations, they generally hope for comments, substantive feedback, and detail that will give them enough information to know whether a change in their teaching or course content is warranted, and if so, exactly what that change should be.

What is the Follett Access Course Materials program?

UNF has collaborated with Follett Bookstores and several national publishers to offer Follett's ACCESS program which delivers digital course materials to students at a substantial discount on or before the first day of class. Follett's ACCESS Program allows students to receive their discounted course materials.

How do I know if I'm eligible for Follett Access?

If you take a class that participates in Follett Access, you will be enrolled in the program automatically.

How do I sign up for Follett Access?

You don't need to do anything! You will automatically be enrolled in the program if your class participates in the program.

What is the benefit of participating in the program?

The goals of this pilot are to improve course materials affordability, and to improve your success in class. Participating in this program, will bring deeply discounted prices on your course materials, the guaranteed right materials, and the ability to access your course materials on or before the first day of class.

How do I opt-out of Follett Access?

If you are enrolled in the Follett Access program, watch for an email from Follett Access that includes an opt-out link. Expect this email within 1-3 business days of your welcome email unless the opt-out period has not opened yet, in which case you can expect the Bookstore's email after the opt-out window begins.

What will the charge look like on my bill?

Charges will begin to appear on your bill only after your ability to opt out starts. When making a payment in Cashnet, these will be included in the total charges. When looking at the detailed View Bill by Term - these will appear as Bookstore under the Charges section.

How do I access my course materials?

For courseware with codes: On the Order Release Date, you will receive an email from the bookstore (Follett), with the subject line "your digital materials have arrived." The email will contain a link to Canvas and your access code. You need to go to your course's Canvas page in order to redeem your code.

What is mean and standard deviation in blue course evaluation?

In the "Summary of Results" section of the Blue course evaluation report, mean and standard deviation data is provided for that particular course, as well as for all courses for the term in the subject or school, for comparison . For some schools, the comparison is provided for courses within a certain subject, in a single term, session, or mode (such as online vs on-campus). For other schools, the comparison is provided across all subjects in the entire school for that term.

Does Tufts require a response threshold?

Some Tufts' schools require a student response threshold. For those schools, if the minimum number of responses has not been met, the report will not be generated and the threshold status will indicate 'not met'. This protects student confidentiality.

You will receive an email inviting you to view the reports

You will receive an email inviting you to view the reports. You can also access Blue via links provided in Canvas for the course. Note that the link in the email will bring you to the reports for that term only.

Select a datasource

During login, users at health sciences schools may be required to select a datasource. Be sure to select the correct one (references in your email invitation).

The chart below compares how a report was previously displayed in Trunk vs. how it is currently displayed in Blue

The first image below gives a color-coded key of the types of data items included in a report. The second image below shows how these data items are displayed in Trunk (top half of the image) vs Blue (bottom half of the image).

Summary and Detail Data

In the "Summary of Results" section of the Blue course evaluation report, mean and standard deviation data is provided for that particular course, as well as for all courses for the term in the subject or school, for comparison.


Background on Transition to Online ISQS

As a result of both faculty and administration's interest, representatives from Institutional Research, ITS, Academic Affairs and CIRT initiated a discussion on the feasability of moving the traditional Scantron system of course evaluation to an online platform. This group explored best practices at other institutions using onli…
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Transition to An Online Evaluation Process

  • Beginning Fall 2013, the University of North Florida will implement an online course evaluation system to replace the Scantron evaluation forms formerly in use. All courses will be evaluated using the online system each term, except those courses listed in the Collective Bargaining Unit Article 18.
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When Course Evaluations Open

  • Students are notified via their UNF e-mail when the online system opens, and are sent reminders during the evaluation period. Anonymity is protected, and access to the results tightly controlled through security permissions. During the evaluation period, students who have not completed their evaluations are sent e-mail reminders. See Student Inform...
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After Course Evaluations Close

  • The deadline for grades to be entered is the Tuesday after finals are over. After ALL grades are processed and we are confident grades have been submitted, the ISQ results are loaded into MyWings immediately after.The ISQ results will include both the tabulated data and the written comments. Faculty are notified via e-mail when reports are ready for viewing.
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