how do online course design features influence student performance?

by Madelyn Wisozk 8 min read

Design features (technology quality, online tools and resources as well as learner interactions) and learner characteristics (self regulation), significantly predicted the learners’ intrinsic motivation in blended learning suggesting that good technology, tools and high interaction levels with independence in learning led to learners being highly motivated.

Full Answer

What are the four most important features of online course design?

Our first research question aims to identify the relative importance of four online course design and instructional features that the literature suggests may influence students' course learning outcomes: (1) organization and presentation, (2) learning objectives and assessments, (3) interpersonal interaction, and (4) use of technology.

Do course design features affect student outcomes?

While many online learning quality rubrics do exist, thus far there has been little empirical evidence establishing a clear link between specific course design features and concrete, student-level course outcomes.

Do online courses improve student performance?

Several new papers shed light on these issues, building on previous work in higher education and assessing the efficacy of online education in new contexts. The results are generally consistent with past research: Online coursework generally yields worse student performance than in-person coursework.

What are the negative effects of online classes?

The negative learning impacts, reduced course completion, and lack of connection with other students and faculty in a virtual environment could ultimately reduce college completion rates. On the other hand, there is also evidence that the availability of online classes may allow students to move through their degree requirement more quickly.

How does online learning affect students performance?

The result showed that online learning has positive impact on students' academic performance in term of learning motivation, learning achievement and learning engagement. Participants also showed that conducting online learning is relevant during pandemic.

What are the essential features of an effective online course?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.

In what ways can online courses benefit a student?

Online courses offer flexibility. You can study any time you want. You can study with whomever you want. You can study wearing anything you want (or nothing if you prefer!) Online courses give you the flexibility to spend time with work, family, friends, significant others or any other activity you like.

How does online learning improve academic performance?

As online education provides a greater degree of flexibility, it can be less stressful to manage alongside other commitments. Furthermore, there is less pressure to engage the students, as you have the help of devices, apps, and multimedia tools to make learning a more interactive and enjoyable prospect.

How can the quality of online classes be improved?

Use physical whiteboards for students to show their thinking. Allow students to share their screen to showcase their work and explain how they solved a problem. Use virtual whiteboards for increased engagement. Make use of stamps, emoticons, drawing tools etc.

How do you create an effective online course?

5 Tips for Designing Effective Online Courses in 2022Know Your Audience. ... Create Well-Organized Courses / Micro-Learning. ... Make Your Lessons Interactive. ... Incorporate Synchronous and Asynchronous e-Learning Styles. ... Make Content Accessible.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online classes for students?

Comparison Table for Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Learning/ClassesAdvantagesDisadvantagesLess IntensityExcess exposure to screen timeThe comfort of your HomeRequires self-discipline and time management skills Diminished social interactionEasier AttendanceLack of trust between teacher and students7 more rows•Jan 17, 2022

What are the 5 advantages and disadvantages of online classes?

While there are many advantages to digital learning we also can't ignore the disadvantages of online education in India....Disadvantages(Cons) of online learningEasy to lose focus: ... Expensive: ... Isolation: ... Health concerns: ... Need a good Internet connection: ... Students will lack socializing skills:More items...•

How does e-learning affect academic performance?

It has been found that students in higher educational institutions that engaged in E-Learning, generally performed better than those in face-to-face courses. (Holley, 2002) found that students who participate in online/ E-Learning achieve better grades than students who studied traditional approach.

What are the effect of modular distance learning to the academic performance of students?

The study also revealed that students agreed on using modular distance learning approach (MDLA) in Math have little challenges. It had also a positive effect to students' performance in which students performed very satisfactory in Mathematics which means they had good quality performance.

What are the factors that affect the success of online courses?

... Creativity, design and aesthetic presentation of the online material, and live interaction with the students are amongst the lecturer-related factors that positively and significantly affect the success of the online courses. 40, 41 Indeed, attitude towards e-lecturers and the quality of the lectures are fundamental factors in judging the success of TB learning. 29 Preparation of a lecture delivered through cyberspace is a real challenge to the teachers, and IT knowledge and proper infrastructure are paramount requirements 39 in terms of compensating for the lack of physical presence and dynamic interaction of the conventional learning environment. ...

How do instructors help students?

The instructors actively participate in providing knowledge to heighten learning environment in institutions. They monitor the effective growth of the students and take part in creating lesson plans. They facilitate the development of learning programs in the classroom and allows effective communication. Online instructors in case of e-learning utilize several innovative electronic media to enable the effective collaboration of classrooms in teaching domains. E-learning courses thus facilitate the learning opportunities for students across the global arena. The flexible nature of online courses helps students in gaining the benefits of web-based learning. Web-based sites provide an extensive source of learning programs that heightens the knowledge area of the students. Proper instructions from the e-learning courses help the students all over the world in gaining access to information worldwide. Several audio and video measures aid the students to interact with the instructors and even clear out the doubts. E-learning even promotes independent learning processes where the students can acquire knowledge 24*7 through the online platform. This research study has focused on the role of e-learning in the educational sectors that helps in retaining the quality stands of the learning students. According to Frydenberg, 9 standards help in the retention of e-learning mechanism in the educational system. Out of the nine, the study has focussed on the 3 categories that include instructional design and course development, instruction and instructors, delivery. Thus a research study has been conducted that will provide immense knowledge concerning the effective role of instructors and e-learning in the knowledge processes. A literature review has been drafted based on the study of the relevant discussions of the scholars. Further, the methodology has been discussed that has assisted in obtaining information on the detailed structure. In addition, a brief overview of the data analysis has been provided in this study.

What percentage of Mexicans take online courses?

Currently in Mexico, 51% of Mexicans who are studying use online platforms and courses. A study was conducted in the Fall of 2019, 162 students’ perceptions in various online Content and Language Integrated Learning courses offered completely in English in a university in Monterrey, Mexico. The purpose of the study was to determine students’ perceptions of the most important and least important components, as well as students’ greatest challenges in taking online courses in a foreign language. The students’ perceptions were categorized into six areas: course organization, interaction with teachers and classmates, ease of navigation, technology, course materials and content, and assessment. Students selected the following as the most important course components: course organization, easily understood content, quality of course materials. The online course components that students selected as the least important were interaction with classmates, videos recorded by the instructor, and course objectives. The study also revealed a weak relationship in the student to student interactions. This study provided the instructor with feedback on the online courses so that the instructor can make future course modifications to increase student success in the online courses.

What is dual enrollment in high school?

Dual-enrollment programs are a fixture in American secondary education and allow high school students the opportunity to receive college credits while attending high school. However, whether the location of a dual-enrollment course encourages college persistence is not fully understood. Student Integration Theory and Psychological Theory are applied to various modes of dual-enrollment course delivery. The College Persistence Questionnaire ( CPQ) measured college persistence of 101 dual-enrolled high school students taking college courses at either a high school or at a community college. An ANOVA revealed a significant difference ( p < .01) in college persistence based on course location with students taking courses on the college campus having higher persistence. The researchers concluded that location of a dual enrollment course is a significant factor when evaluating college persistence. Implications for practice are offered.

What is a TBA in online learning?

Unlike the traditional “lone ranger” method for online course design—a method that hinges on individual faculty efforts, expertise, and knowledge—a team-based approach (TBA) harnesses the collective intelligence of several experts to design effective online learning experiences. Using learning design (LD) as a conceptual framework, this article describes the experience of a public institution in using a team-based approach to produce a large number of online courses for degree programs. After establishing the relevance of a team-based approach, the author discusses the premises that underpin the model, in terms of process, faculty relationship, and quality assurance. Building on these premises, a cyclical backward design process is described which is intended to (1) clarify course-learning outcomes and align course content, (2) determine acceptable evidence of students' learning, and (3) plan the learning experience. The article is concluded with a few insights and lessons learned from the institutional experience.

What are the pressures for education reform?

Pressures for reform include declining STEM student enrollments, high attrition rates from STEM curricula, and the rise of powerful alternative teaching strategies shown by cognitive science and educational research to promote learning and curricular retention better than traditional teaching methods do. In addition, research has shown that online and face‐to‐face courses on average produce comparable learning outcomes, and hybrid courses that combine the best features of both are more effective than either face‐to‐face or online courses by themselves. Motivated by these and other pressures, many faculty members have adopted the new teaching methods, and distance education had become widespread well before the 2020 coronavirus pandemic forced most educators at all levels to teach online. As might be expected, however, many faculty members and administrators have resisted change, arguing that the traditional approach has always worked well and needs no major revision. Before the pandemic, most STEM courses were still being taught using the traditional methods, and many course instructors are eager to return to them. These different responses to calls for education reform have led to heated debates among university instructors and administrators regarding how STEM curricula and courses should be designed, delivered, and assessed, and the role technology should play in all three functions. This essay outlines two competing paradigms on each of these issues—the traditional paradigm, which has long dominated STEM education, and the emerging paradigm, which has become increasingly common in the last 30 years but is still not predominant at most universities and colleges. The essay concludes with speculation about the eventual outcome of the competition.

What is online nursing education?

Introduction As online nursing education programs continue to increase to meet the demands of the growing market, nursing faculty are challenged to develop and deliver courses based on best practice principles. The Online Nursing Education Best Practices Guide (ONE Guide) builds on and extends the nationally recognized Quality Matters® program and serves as a roadmap guiding course development and delivery. The fundamental principle for success in online teaching is instructor presence; the teacher as a facilitator of learning is illustrated throughout the guide. An Online Instructor Checklist facilitates systematic implementation of best practice principles. Methods This article is based on a focused literature review and concept analysis resulting in a comprehensive guide for delivery of effective, quality nursing education through best practices in the online learning environment. A broad search of databases focused on articles during 2014 to 2019 was completed. The literature review included articles that examined over 1200 student perceptions of instructor presence in the online setting. Conclusion Nurses carry a direct responsibility for the health and well-being of patients. Nursing quality education proves fundamental to the profession’s long-term outcomes. The ONE Guide and Online Instructor Checklist apply comprehensive, evidence-based teaching strategies to give a roadmap for success in the online teaching environment.


Given the rapid growth in online coursework within higher education, it is important to establish and validate quality standards for these courses.


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Given the rapid growth in online coursework within higher education, it is important to establish and validate quality standards for these courses.

Strategies for Engaging Faculty in Instructional Design

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