how do i upload a word document for taskstream for a course

by Miss Magali Ortiz 4 min read

Click the Attachments to upload a file (such as a Word document or PowerPoint). You can upload a new file (by clicking browse), attach a previously uploaded file, or attach an artifact such as a lesson, unit, or folio that you previously created in Taskstream. Click the Videos link to upload a video file.

Full Answer

How do I upload a document to Taskstream?

Answered By: Lisa Raymond Last Updated: Apr 27, 2021 Views: 3991​Click on the Portfolio Artifact, Transition Point, or Major Assessment that you are ready to submit.Once you are ready to submit the artifact, click the Attachments button.Click on the Browse Button.Locate the file on your computer. ... Name Your File.More items...•Apr 27, 2021

How do I upload a video to Taskstream?

Click the Attachments to upload a file (such as a Word document or PowerPoint). You can upload a new file (by clicking browse), attach a previously uploaded file, or attach an artifact such as a lesson, unit, or folio that you previously created in Taskstream. Click the Videos link to upload a video file.

What is Taskstream by watermark?

Taskstream is a customizable electronic portfolio, assessment management and performance based instructional system. Taskstream offers TWO TOOLS to facilitate portfolio management and experiences for students, faculty and staff.

How do I purchase Taskstream?

To create or renew your Taskstream account using a credit card or a key code from your school or the bookstore:Go to Create/ Renew Account under the Sign In button.Select whether or not you are creating a new account (First Time Subscriber) or renewing an account.More items...

How much does Taskstream cost?

1. How much does a Taskstream subscription cost?1-year account$50.007-year account$139.00

Why do teachers use Taskstream?

Taskstream is used to assist students in the collection, preservation, organization, evaluation, and dissemination of activities, assignments, evidences and reflections that are associated with competencies and standards throughout their teacher education program.

How does Taskstream help schools?

Taskstream also benefits you by helping your school improve its programs and learning outcomes. Your school can use the data it collects from scoring your work to evaluate its effectiveness in helping you develop the skills and knowledge you need to be successful. Taskstream helps your school meet the critical challenge of maintaining its accreditation, which certifies that the school meets accepted standards of educational quality.

What is taskstream software?

A: Taskstream is a cloud-based software solution that promotes educational excellence. Taskstream enables students and other users to create e-portfolios that demonstrate their skills and accomplishments, and to submit their work online for assessment and accreditation purpose.

Where is the table of contents in Taskstream?

A: When you are reading any page (like this one!) in Taskstream online Help, notice the Table of Contents panel that displays on the left side of the window.

What is Taskstream in Internet Explorer?

A: Taskstream is accessed online, using your standard Internet browser. In most cases, the default Internet browser settings are compatible with Taskstream features. Some users of Internet Explorer (IE) may experience features as “missing” due to IE security settings and will need to add Taskstream as a trusted site.

Where is my account link in Taskstream?

A link to My Account is always located at the top of your Taskstream window.

Does Taskstream use JavaScript?

A: Taskstream uses JavaScript in Text entry areas. Your Internet browser comes with JavaScript capability, which is usually enabled by default. If you are having problems typing text into the text area of a DRF or lesson plan, or on a web folio or web page, your browser's JavaScript feature may have been disabled. You must manually enable this feature and restart your Internet browser. Please follow the onscreen directions for your browser to enable JavaScript.

What is a DRF?

A: A DRF is a Directed Response Folio. DRFs allow users, as Authors, to assemble work to satisfy program-related requirements and submit it to an Evaluator for evaluation.

What is whitelisted tag?

These whitelisted tags and attributes refer to longer areas of text that can render markup without display issues. This includes such Taskstream elements as the Main Text entered for a web page, or the text content added to the Text & Image area of a requirement on a template.

What is the resolution of a scanner?

When using a scanner, the scanning resolution determines the size of the scanned image. Use a resolution of 72 dots per inch (dpi) to get a life-size image when displayed on the screens of most computers. Since computer screens display only about 72 pixels per inch, using a resolution higher than this will make your file size unnecessarily large.

How to scan a document with a camera?

How to use your phone/camera to scan documents 1 Install a free scanning app. Google Drive is considered a scanning app that will work well for your needs. 2 Take pictures of the documents and save each as a PDF. 3 Save the PDFs in easily accessible locations on your device.

Is a PDF a TIF?

The default may not be PDF, instead of being a TIF or something else. This can result in poorer quality and larger file sizes. Ensure that the document is going to be sent to the correct place, or you might be in for a bit of confusion when you can’t find the document.

Do you have to scan a paper document?

First and foremost, you must have the document in an electronic format. So, if you’re starting from a paper document, you’ll have to scan it and send that scanned file to yourself . You can take a picture of that document and use that file as well.