how do i save my course to the commons in canvas

by Prof. Freida Hickle PhD 4 min read

In Canvas, navigate to the course you wish to import the module into. From the Home page of the course, click on the Import from Commons button on the top right side of the screen. The Canvas Commons page will load, and now we can search for content to add.

In Canvas click Settings in the course navigation. On the right sidebar click Share to Commons. You can also share individual modules, assignments, quizzes, discussions, pages, and files. Click the gear icon next to the item title and select Share to Commons.

Full Answer

How do I login to canvas Commons?

Jul 31, 2020 · Share to Commons. In the sidebar, click the Share to Commons link. Note: A course shared through Commons retains the published/unpublished status of when it was originally shared. If you share a published course, when others import that course, it will be published.

How do I use Commons?

Click the Export Course Contentlink. Select Export Type. In the Export Type heading, click the Courseradio button [1]. Click the Create Exportbutton [2]. Note: If you have previously exported the course, Canvas will display prior exports under the Content Exports heading. View …

How do I download my course to use in canvas?

Jul 31, 2020 · To enable Commons in your Canvas instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager. To access Commons, you need to have an email address associated with your Canvas account. Users who can create or edit course content in Canvas also have access to Commons. This includes Admins, Teachers, Designers, and TAs.

How do I export a canvas for elementary course?

Mar 27, 2019 · If you have an instructor role in one or more Canvas course, you will be able to access Canvas Commons. Log into Canvas. Click the Canvas Commons button in global navigation panel. The first time you access Commons, you will be asked whether it is allowed to access your Canvas account. Click Authorize to proceed. Canvas Commons Functionality and …

How do I export a Canvas course?

You can export a Canvas course to give to someone in another Canvas account, to upload to another institution's account at a later date, or to create a copy as a backup on your local computer. You can import an export file into Canvas at any time.

Select Export Type

In the Export Type heading, click the Course radio button [1]. Click the Create Export button [2].

View Export Process

View the progress bar. Exporting a course in Canvas may take a few minutes, depending on its size. You will receive an email when the export is complete.

How to access the Commons on Canvas?

To access Commons, you need to have an email address associated with your Canvas account. Users who can create or edit course content in Canvas also have access to Commons. This includes Admins, Teachers, Designers, and TAs.

What is featured content in Canvas?

Featured content includes high quality content that is featured in the Commons search page. Featured content can be imported or downloaded like any other content in Commons. Note: Depending on the account settings set by your Canvas admin, you may be unable to view and/or share public content.

How to sort search results by most downloaded?

To sort search results by Most Relevant, Latest, Most Favorited, or Most Downloaded, click the Sort by drop-down menu [2]. To apply search filters to your search, click the Filter button [3]. Based on your selected filters, the number of results are displayed in the page [4].

What is a resource in Commons?

A resource in Commons can be a course, module, quiz, assignment, discussion, page, document, video, image, or audio file. Each resource type has a unique icon. Look for these related colors and icons when searching for resources. To find resources in Commons, use the search field [1]. You can search for keywords such as author, institution, ...

Is Commons available in FFT?

Commons is available in all Free for Teacher (FFT) accounts. Free for Teacher users are limited to finding, importing, and sharing public resources. The Resource Previews feature is currently an optional feature and must be enabled by an administrator in Commons.

What is Canvas Commons?

Canvas Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course. Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) ...

How to open a resource in a new tab?

Note: Resources can be opened in a new tab by pressing Command (Mac) or Control (PC) while clicking the resource name in the Search page, or, by right clicking the name of the resource.

How to access Canvas Commons?

If you have an instructor role in one or more Canvas course, you will be able to access Canvas Commons. Log into Canvas. Click the Canvas Commons button in global navigation panel. The first time you access Commons, you will be asked whether it is allowed to access your Canvas account. Click Authorize to proceed.

What is Canvas Commons?

Commons is a learning object repository that lets instructors find and import educational content into their Canvas course as well as share learning resources with other instructors. Canvas Commons accepts learning objects from Canvas - from full courses to specific modules, quizzes, assignments, discussions, pages, and documents.

Who can access the Commons?

Commons is accessible by anyone who has an instructor role in one or more Canvas courses, including Teaching Assistants and students who have requested Canvas sandbox courses. These students will be able to access any content that is shared publicly or institutionally on Commons.

What are some examples of licenses?

Example license types include include copyrighted, public domain, and various creative commons licenses. If you modify a resource in Canvas that you previously shared to Commons, you can reshare the updated resource to Commons and the existing resource in Commons will be updated.

What is a commons in Canvas?

Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources . A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course.

Can you share a modified resource in Canvas?

If you modify a resource (learning activity) in Canvas that was previously shared to Commons, you can share the modified resource to Commons again. The existing resource will be updated in Commons.



Only users with an instructor role can access Canvas Commons. To access Canvas Commons, click on the Commons link in the Global Navigation in Canvas. Enter Rutgersin the search field to locate Rutgers content. For tips on locating other resources in Canvas Commons see How do I use Commons?
See more on

Open Resource

  • To open a resource you would like to import click the name of the resource in the tile. Note:Resources can be opened in a new tab by pressing Command (Mac) or Control (PC) while clicking the resource name in the Search page, or, by right clicking the name of the resource.
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Import Resource

  • Search for the course(s) to which you would like to import the resource , or select the course(s) from the list . Then, click the Import into Course button . To download the file to your computer, click the Downloadlink . Notes: 1. Canvas users enrolled in a course as an Instructor, TA, Designer, or a custom role based on one of the previously listed roles will see the Import into Course list, p…
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Viewing Imported Resource

  • To review your imported resource, open the course you imported the resource into and navigate to the appropriate feature area (e.g., Modules, Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, Pages, or Files) in Course Navigation. If you imported the TLT Course Template, your course will be a copy of the Commons resource. If the import is still in process, you will see a notification at the top of you c…
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Additional Resources