in the course of a lifetime what does it matter quote citation

by Boyd Fay 8 min read

What does in the course of a lifetime What does it matter mean?

In a course of a lifetime, what does it matter? Some things in life that you make a big deal out of won't necessarily be important later in life. You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair.

Who said a person isn't a bird you can't cage a person?

Sharon CreechQuote by Sharon Creech: “A person isn't a bird. You can't cage a person.”

What is Sal's last name in Walk Two Moons?

SalamancaIn Sharon Creech's novel Walk Two Moons, the main character, Salamanca (Sal) Tree Hiddle, narrates the story and introduces to us a variety of unique characters.

Why is Chapter 12 called the marriage bed?

It turns out, Gramps' father and brothers sneaked the bed in during the wedding party as a surprise present. This bed has been in Gramps' family for a long time, and it is now their "marriage bed."