how do i know if defensive driving course in texas is approved by the state

by Dr. Jaunita Blick II 4 min read

Remember, the DSC/MOTC course you elect to take must be approved by the Texas Education Agency. Application for DSC/MOTC DSC Affidavit Order Driving Record Online. You may request and purchase your Driver Record information online at and print the certified version immediately.

Full Answer

Why should I take a Texas defensive driving course?

Who should be interested in a defensive driving course?

  • Senior Drivers. Those among us who have the most experience behind the wheel have just as much reason to take an online defensive driving course as someone who just got ...
  • Business Owners. ...
  • Cost Conscientious Drivers. ...
  • Safety Conscientious Drivers. ...

Does Texas offer a defensive driving course?

The residents of Houston will thank you for making the city a great place to live and drive when you do your part and take the defensive driving online course seriously. Texas drivers are eligible to take a defensive driving course once every 18 months to dismiss a recent traffic ticket. The price of such a course is minimal.

What is the shortest defensive driving course in Texas?

  • Approved by the State of Texas
  • Certificate in 30 minutes
  • Automatic electronic reporting to TDLR
  • Lowest price allowed by law in Texas

What is the best defensive driving course?

The 7 Best Online Defensive Driving Courses In Texas For 2021

  1. Aceable. Aceable is without a doubt the best online defensive driving course in Texas for 2021. ...
  2. iDriveSafely. iDriveSafely has been around for years and has consistently received positive reviews from its users.
  3. Approved Course. ...
  4. Go To Traffic School. ...
  5. Improv Traffic School. ...
  6. Get Defensive. ...
  7. A Sense Of Humor Defensive Driving Course. ...

Which defensive driving course is approved by Texas?

Defensive Driving Texas Online- TDLR and TEA Approved CoursesOnline Defensive DrivingPhone★★★★★TXDefensiveDrivingOnline.com817-812-3512★★★★DefensiveDriving.com713-488-4035★★★★★★★★★★ more rows•Mar 8, 2022

Is defensive driving com Texas approved?

State Approval Both of's defensive driving courses are approved driver safety course provider by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration for ticket dismissal and insurance premium discounts. Our courses are accepted by all courts in Texas.

Is IDriveSafely approved in Texas?

Online Drivers Ed in Texas Our Texas drivers ed courses are all approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) and the Department of Public Safety (DPS).

Is aceable Texas approved?

Aceable is a 100% Texas DPS and TDLR approved app and provides the shortest online driver education course allowed by law. Texas driving school on the go, on your time.

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•

Can I take defensive driving for a speeding ticket in Texas?

Most minor citations can be dismissed with a defensive driving course. A Texas defensive driving course may NOT be taken to dismiss any of the following violations: Speeding at or more than 25 MPH over the posted speed limit. No car insurance.

Can you do defensive driving online in Texas?

The State of Texas requires defensive driving online courses to take a minimum of 6 hours to complete. In compliance with the state, our Texas Defensive Driving course is 5 hours of material with 1 hour of total break time, and may be completed at your own pace.

Can you take defensive driving online in Texas?

Our TDLR-approved Texas Online Defensive Driving course satisfies all court requirements for ticket dismissal. You could even save up to 10% on your auto insurance if your provider offers a defensive driving discount. The defensive driving course takes just six hours to complete, and many students finish it in one day.

How long is the Texas defensive driving course online?

6 hoursOur Texas online defensive driving course meets the state-required length of 6 hours. You may work through the course all in one day, or spread it out over a longer period of time.

Why is aceable charging me $5 a month?

You bought the course more than once - whoops! You subscribed to our $5/mo Roadside Assistance Subscription when you purchased the course. One charge is for purchasing your course, and another is for an add-on account feature, or expedited shipping for your certificate of completion.

How long does it take for aceable to send certificate Texas?

After completing the test, we'll email you a certificate within three business days. With the certificate in hand you're ready to apply for your learner's license!

What is the easiest defensive driving course in Texas?

Quick List Of The 8 Best Texas Defensive Driving Online Courses For 2022iDriveSafely – Most popular.Approved Course – Easiest course.Aceable – Best on mobile-devices.Improv Traffic School – Most entertaining.

How long is a defensive driving course in Texas?

This defensive driving course is a total of 6 hours, which is the minimum time allowed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

How do I know if I am eligible to take defensive driving?

This course is eligible for ticket dismissal benefits pursuant to specific court requirements. The general requirements for ticket dismissal in the state of Texas are as follows:

Is there a difference between traffic school and defensive driving?

No. Depending on the state, many terms are used to describe driver safety courses. In the state of Texas, it is well known as defensive driving, but is also called traffic school, driving school and driving safety school.

How long do I have to complete the course?

This online format allows you to create the schedule you want with the only restriction being that you must successfully complete the course within 3 months from the time you registered.

When will I get my certificate?

Once you have successfully completed the course, we will present you with your certificate options so you can choose the delivery methods that best fit your situation. You can have your certificate sent via U.S. first class mail, expedited overnight or second day.

Can I get an insurance discount with this defensive driving course?

Yes. Some insurance companies will provide a discount (usually between 1-10%) for three years on the liability portion of your auto insurance premiums if you provide proof of course completion. The amount (if any) of the discount, however, is strictly at the discretion of the insurance company.

Do I need a copy of my driving record?

If you are taking this course to have your traffic ticket dismissed, your court should have notified you if you need a copy of your certified driving record. We provide you with the option of ordering a copy during registration or at the end of the course. If you are still unsure, contact the court directly.

How often do you have to take defensive driving course in Texas?

You should always ask for the court's permission before taking a defensive driving course to dismiss an infraction or violation, and note that in most cases, you're only allowed to take a defensive driving course once every 12 months for a traffic ticket.

Why do people take defensive driving courses?

People take defensive driving courses to dismiss a traffic violation or speeding ticket, or to avoid an increase in insurance costs. Make sure the Texas DPS defensive driving course you sign up for is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and/or the Texas Education Agency.

How much is defensive course?

The Get Defensive Course is also $25 and lets you sit the final exam up to three times at no additional cost. If you fail the test on your first or second sitting, you are allowed to review all of the course material and an optional course summation before retaking the final exam.

How long is defensive driving?

Check with your provider before you register for a course. The defensive driving course lasts six hours whether you take it in a classroom or online, but the benefit of taking it online is that you can do it at your own pace.

How much does a driver improvement program cost in Texas?

Under Texas law no one is allowed to charge under $25 for a Driver improvement program. This guys stick to the price.

How much does it cost to take a ticket dismissal course in Texas? offers an online course (approved for ticket dismissal in all Texas courts) for $25 , which includes the course, your certificate and first-class delivery by USPS.

How to take defensive driving course in Texas?

You can take a Texas defensive driving course if you meet the following conditions: 1 You have not taken a defensive driving course within the past 12 months. 2 Do not have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) 3 Are not currently taking a defensive driving course for a different violation.

What are the violations of defensive driving in Texas?

A Texas defensive driving course may NOT be taken to dismiss any of the following violations: Speeding at or more than 25 MPH over the posted speed limit. No car insurance. Leaving the scene of an accident (hit and run) Passing a school bus. Construction zone violations.

Is there a reason to sign up for defensive driving in Texas?

Sustained operating history – There is no reason to sign up for the new guy on the block. Many approved defensive driving courses in Texas have been around for well over a decade (sometimes two!) with millions of students who have gone through their courses.

Do defensive driving courses in Texas have money back guarantees?

It’s pretty standard for approved Texas defensive driving courses to offer 100% money-back guarantees, but they aren’t required to do it by law. Make sure they take the initiative and stand by their course with guarantees.

Is defensive driving available in Texas?

Friendly on your device – There are still many certified defensive driving courses operating in Texas that do not support mobile devices and tablets, while other courses will even have downloadable apps to make the experience better on whatever device you have. Make sure the course you sign up for is compatible with your preferred device.

How do I know if I am eligible to take online defensive driving?

This course is eligible for ticket dismissal benefits pursuant to Texas court requirements. The general requirements for ticket dismissal in the state of Texas are as follows:

What happens if I do not complete the defensive driving course within 90 days?

Depending on your county, if you do not submit a certificate of completion for the course within 90 days you may be issued a court summons, assessed additional fines, or both. Contact the court in the county where you received your ticket to determine next steps if you were unable to complete the course in 90 days. If you do not follow up with the court, a warrant for your arrest may be issued.

Do I need a copy of my Texas driving record?

If you are taking this course to have your traffic ticket dismissed you will need a copy of your certified driving record. We provide you with the option of ordering a certified copy standalone, discounted with defensive driving or at the end of the course, which will be delivered to the email address you provide.

Can I get an insurance discount with this defensive driving course?

Yes, many companies provide an auto insurance discount of up to 10% if you provide proof you completed a state-approved defensive driving course. Some companies require you to take the course voluntarily to qualify for the discount.

How much can I save with the defensive driving discount?

The amount of your discount will vary depending on your insurance company and location. Most providers in Texas will take 2% to 10% off your monthly insurance bill if you qualify for the discount.

How long does the defensive driving discount last?

The defensive driving discount typically lasts for three years, but some insurance providers may offer shorter or longer terms. Your insurer may allow you to retake the course after your discount expires to keep your reduced rate.

When will I get my certificate?

You can have your certificate sent via U.S. first class mail, expedited overnight or second day.

How to notify the court of a defensive driving course in Texas?

Instructions will be provided by your defensive driving school, but once you complete a course, you will be mailed a certificate of completion. You must then either mail that certificate of completion into the court in which is handling your case, or you can go in-person to the court clerk’s office and hand it in that way.

Why do people take defensive driving courses in Texas?

Basically, these programs instruct you on how to drive more alertly and more safely. The benefits are numerous and include:

What is an approved defensive driving course?

Approved Course. Approved Course is a Houston-based online defensive driving course in Texas. This is by far one of the easiest online defensive driving courses you can sign up for in Texas for 2021. I’m not sure exactly what it is about Approved Course that makes it so easy, but this course is simple to pass.

How long is a defensive driving class in Texas?

I hate having to say this, but yes, a defensive driving class in Texas really will take you 6 hours. This is even the case if you take your defensive driving course online.

What is a go to traffic school?

Go To Traffic School is a defensive driving course in Texas that has been around since literally the 1990’s. They first started by offering home-based defensive driving programs that were sent through the mail using VHS tapes and booklets. As time progressed, they began to change their business model, and in the early 2000’s they began offering their home-based defensive driving course online in Texas.

Is Get Defensive online?

Get Defensive is yet again, an online defensive driving class in Texas that has been approved for over two decades. This course guarantees to be the cheapest, and after going through it personally, I can say with certainty that it is extremely easy. For some reason, the quizzes in this course seem even easier than the other ones (which is saying a lot. Unlike some of the other courses on this list, this defensive driving school is focused solely on the state of Texas.

Do defensive driving schools charge hidden fees?

YES!! Defensive driving schools in Texas are notorious for tacking on hidden fees and costs, especially at the end of the course. Below are some of the most commonly seen hidden fees with online defensive driving schools.

How often can you take defensive driving in Texas?

In Texas, drivers can complete a defensive driving course—. Once every 12 months for ticket dismissal. Once every 36 months for insurance discount.

How much does a defensive driving course cost in Texas?

Every TDLR approved defensive driving course in Texas must, by law, cost a minimum of $25 dollars. Everything above that price is just bells and whistles.

How do drivers react to getting tickets?

Drivers react differently to getting tickets. Some get angry or indignant. Some are gracious, accepting the citation as an invitation to learn better for next time. Others view the infraction karmic-ly, figuring that even if they didn’t deserve the ticket this time, they probably got away with it (or worse) a dozen times in the past.

How many methods of course assessment are there in Texas?

Texas law allows for two methods of course assessment to certify course completion.

What do you need to get a citation in Texas?

Each court is individual in its requirements, but generally, you will need to meet the following criteria: You must hold a valid Texas driver’s license. You must not have more than one current violation. Your citation must not have been received while driving a commercial vehicle.

How many online schools are there in Texas?

If you’ve done any looking at all, you know there are WAY more than five online schools in Texas. If you are curious, we have a review of these five and a current list of all Texas providers.

Can you take defensive driving classes online?

You can find defensive driving courses taught both live in classrooms and online. Online is often the more convenient option because it can be worked on wherever and whenever the student has the time. Most courts in Texas will dismiss tickets with defensive driving if you meet their qualifications.

How long is a defensive driving course in Texas?

How long is the course? All state approved defensive driving courses in Texas must be six hours long. The benefit of our online course is that you are not required to take all six hours in one sitting. Upon registration, you will receive a login code that allows you to log in and out as needed.

How long does it take to complete a course?

The course will save your progress and pick back up where you last left off until you complete. You must complete the course within 180 days from your date of registration.

How many questions are in a quiz?

Instead, the course has a quiz at the end of each unit. Each quiz is seven questions on the current unit. Each quiz is seven questions and you must score a 70% or greater to pass (must answer at least 5 correct). If you do not pass a quiz on the first attempt, you will be given two more opportunities with different questions.

Can you log out of a course at any time?

No. Using the login code you received during registration, you can log in and out of the course at any time from any device with Internet access. The course will automatically save your progress and knows the furthest unit and page you have reached, so that you can pick up at that point the next time you log in. Your login code provides access into the course for 180 days, however the more important deadline is the one set by the court if you are taking the course for a ticket.

Can you get a Texas insurance certificate for a ticket?

The insurance certificate will not be accepted by a Texas court for a ticket.

Do you have to notify ticketschool of completion?

Remember, it is your responsibility to complete the course and present the completion certificate to the court before your court appointed deadline. Ticketschool does not notify the court or your insurance company of your completion.

Can you take a course on a mobile device?

Can it be taken on a mobile device? Yes. Our course is “mobile friendly,” so in addition to any PC or laptop computer, it can also be taken on the majority of tablets, smart phones, and/or other devices. Your device must have a fully functional internet.

How long is a defensive driving course in Texas?

The State of Texas requires the defensive driving course to be 6 hours in length; however, this includes several breaks so the amount of time spent taking the course is closer to 5 hours. Does a defensive driving or driver safety course remove a ticket from your record in Texas? Yes and No.

What to do if you get a ticket in Texas?

If you have received a Texas traffic ticket, you'll want to take a ticket dismissal course to keep points off your driving record, which could also keep your insurance rates from going up.

What is is America's leading provider of driver education and traffic dismissal courses and we have provided online courses to customers from all 50 states over the past 15 years. With over 12 million happy customers, we've built a strong reputation of trust through our outstanding customer service team and our customer satisfaction guarantee. We know that you have a choice when choosing a driving safety/defensive driving or driver education company and we thank you for choosing!

Do you have to go to a classroom for defensive driving?

Yes, there is no need to attend a classroom because our defensive driving courses are 100% online and accepted by all jurisdictions in the State of Texas.
