what is a due date for a driver's improvement course

by Prof. Marlee Haley 10 min read

Full Answer

Is the basic driver improvement 4-hour course approved by the state?

Our Basic Driver Improvement 4-hour course is approved by the State of Florida. Driver and Traffic Knowledge. Driving Risk Control. Vehicle Control and Procedures. Driver and Traffic Exposure.

How do I elect to attend a driver improvement course?

Drivers may elect to attend a driver improvement course at a clerk’s office in the county where the citation was received, or if the officer provided an envelope when issuing the citaition drivers may use it to indicate the intent to attend a driver improvement course.

How many times can I take a driver improvement course?

You may choose to take a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period (calculated from the date of your traffic violation and not by calendar year) and no more than 5 times in your lifetime (Florida Statutes, 318. 14 (9)).

What is included in a mature driver improvement course?

Mature driver improvement courses are designed for drivers 55 and older and provide instruction on: 1 Defensive driving. 2 California motor vehicle laws. 3 Updates on rules of the road. 4 The effects that medication, fatigue, alcohol, visual, or auditory limitations have on a person’s driving ability.

How often can you take a driver improvement course in Virginia?

once every two yearsIf you want to increase your safe driving points balance, you can take our course on a voluntary basis. Per driver improvement eligibility requirements, you may only do so once every two years to receive up to five safe driving points.

How many times can you take a driver improvement course in Florida?

How many times can I choose to attend a driver improvement course? Drivers can choose to attend a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in a lifetime.

How long is the Maryland driver improvement program?

4-8 hourThe Driver Improvement Program (DIP) is a 4-8 hour instructional program that is intended to provide driver rehabilitation.

How much is a driver improvement course Florida?

Lowest Total Price, No Hidden Fees. Compare BelowFlorida Online Traffic SchoolI Drive SafelyPrice:$18.95$5.94State Fees:X$19.95Other Fees:X$10.95Total:$18.95$38.94

How long is a Florida driver improvement course?

4 hoursThe Basic Driver Improvement traffic school course takes a minimum of 4 hours to successfully complete. Expect to spend at least this amount of time completing the course. Judge-ordered driver improvement is a total of 8 hours. Advanced Driver Improvement is 12 hours.

How long do Points stay on license in FL?

36 monthsPoints stay on your license for a period of 36 months or 3 years. The time begins on the day the driver pays the fine and the citation clears the county. For drivers that opted to go to court and were adjudicated "guilty", the points start on the day all court ordered requirements are satisfied.

How do I get points off my license in MD?

In Maryland, you can have your points removed from your license through the process of expungement. Expungement is a process of the removal of points and/or violations from your driving record that were placed there due to being convicted of various types of traffic infractions.

Can you do driving school online in Maryland?

The following classes are offered by Elite Driving School as online courses. As long as you are over the age of 18, you are able to take these classes from the comfort of your own home.

What is the Virginia Driver Improvement Program?

The Virginia Driver Improvement Clinic is an online program that will award you 5 safe driving points upon completion or allow you to receive an insurance discount depending on your insurance provider.

Do I have to pay a fine if I do a speed awareness course?

Your details are kept on a database held by the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme and if you're caught speeding again within three years of taking a speed awareness course, you're quite likely to receive a fine and penalty points straightaway.

How much is the 4 hour driving class Florida?

The total tuition for the Classroom 4 hour defensive driver course is $30.00. The tuition includes the course, classroom materials, all State of Florida fees, certificate processing and your certificate.

How do I submit my Florida traffic school certificate online?

Certificates can be submitted online via HOVER or by mail to Clerk of the Circuit Court - Traffic, PO Box 3360, Tampa FL 33601-3360.

How often do you have to attend basic driver improvement school?

If a driver receives a non-criminal moving violation and does not have a commercial driver license, they may elect to attend a FLHSMV-approved basic driver improvement school once every 12 months or a total of five times within their lifetime. Drivers must voluntarily elect to attend basic driver improvement school ...

What happens if a driver is ordered to attend a driver improvement school?

If a driver has been ordered by a court to attend a driver improvement school, they must notify the court once they have completed the school and also provide the necessary documentation to the court.

What is the Florida no contest driving course?

Requires drivers who have been convicted of, or plead nolo contendere (no contest) to a third traffic offense that caused a crash within 36 months to complete a Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) approved driver improvement course . This course must include behind-the-wheel training and an assessment of driving ability.

What is required for a driving course?

This course must include behind-the-wheel training and an assessment of driving ability.

How many hours behind the wheel training is required in Florida?

Provides the 4-hour behind the wheel training as part of the 3 crashes in 3 years per section 322.0261(1)(c), Florida Statutes

How long does it take to complete a FLHSMV course?

Please allow 24 to 72 hours for school completions to be posted.

What is a class E driver?

Teaches new and or inexperienced drivers on rules of the road and behind-the-wheel skills for drivers of non-commercial vehicles such as cars, small trucks, SUV’s and vans in the company of a certified instructor. Prepares drivers to take the Class E skills exam.

What is a driver improvement course?

When to take a driver improvement course: All Drivers (Register Here) — A driver improvement course is applicable when you are a Florida driver or if you are charged with a moving or non-moving traffic violation in Florida that would result in points being assessed against your license ...

How many times can you take a driver's course in Florida?

You may choose to take a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period (calculated from the date of your traffic violation and not by calendar year) and no more than 5 times in your lifetime (Florida Statutes, 318.14 (9)). Exceptions include Broward County and Miami-Dade County where you may be able to take the 8-Hour course in the same year if you have already taken a 4-Hour course during that year; or where approved by a judge on a case by case basis.

Can your insurance company raise your premium if there is no traffic accident?

Your Safe Driver status is maintained (as long as there was no traffic accident involved) Your insurance company cannot raise your premium or refuse to renew a policy for motor vehicle insurance (solely because of a non-criminal traffic infraction) when there was no traffic accident involved.

How long is a mature driver course?

Course Time and Requirements 1 You can attend a mature driver improvement course in a classroom or non-classroom setting. 2 Actual classroom time must be at least 400 minutes of instruction for the initial course and 240 minutes of instruction for the renewal course (not including registration time, breaks, lunch periods, and issuance of completion certificates). 3 A completion certificate for the initial course is valid for three years from the date of completion. 4 The certificate may be renewed by successfully completing a subsequent renewal mature driver improvement course within one year of the expiration of the certificate, or if more than one year has elapsed since the expiration. 5 The initial course and renewal course must be separate classes, held at separate times.

How long is a driver's license renewal certificate valid?

The certificate may be renewed by successfully completing a subsequent renewal mature driver improvement course within one year of the expiration of the certificate, or if more than one year has elapsed since the expiration.

How much does a DMV course cost?

The maximum fee for the classroom or non-classroom course is $30 plus a $1 charge for a DMV certificate to be presented to your insurer as proof you have completed the course.

How long is a certificate of completion for a college?

A completion certificate for the initial course is valid for three years from the date of completion .

Can insurance companies give you a reduced rate for poor driving records?

The insurance carrier can refuse to give a reduced rate to those who have poor driving records. You may wish to ask your insurance company about your eligibility and the amount of discount prior to taking an approved mature driver improvement course.

Can mature drivers get reduced insurance?

Mature drivers who successfully complete an approved mature driver improvement course can qualify for reduced insurance premiums. California law allows insurance companies to determine the percentage of premium reduction. The insurance carrier can refuse to give a reduced rate to those who have poor driving records.

How many safe driving points can you get in Virginia?

How many safe driving points can I get? According to the Virginia DMV, you can be awarded up to 5 safe driving points once every 24 months for completing a Virginia driver improvement clinic. You cannot get more than 5 points.

Is the Virginia DMV approved for driver improvement?

Is your driver improvement course Virginia-DMV approved? Yes, this course is approved to award 5 safe driving points, qualify you for a discount (if applicable) and meet your court driver improvement clinic requirement.

How many hours is the Basic Driver Improvement course?

The Basic Driver Improvement 4 hour course may also be taken as a volunteer for a possible insurance rate discount. Verify discount requirements with your insurance company. This basic driver improvement course may be court-ordered by a judge in the State of Florida. After Completion.

How long is the Florida Traffic Ticket Course?

This four (4) hour Florida Traffic Ticket course is DHSMV approved within the state of Florida to teach defensive driving techniques, behaviors, and attitudes to individuals who have received a traffic ticket/citation; or to individuals who voluntarily take the Basic Driver Improvement course to improve their defensive driving knowledge and skills. Our Basic Driver Improvement 4-hour course is approved by the State of Florida.

What is BDI 4 hour?

BDI 4-hour is designed for drivers who have received a Florida traffic ticket.

How many hours is a scuba diving course?

The course is a state-required minimum of 4 hours.

What is BDIC in Michigan?

A Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC), allows eligible Michigan drivers to avoid ticket points from being added to their driving records.

Is the American Safety Council an approved provider of the Basic Driver Improvement Course?

Yes, the American Safety Council is an approved provider of the Basic Driver Improvement Course. This course was approved by the Michigan Department of State for the Basic Driver Improvement Program to avoid ticket points.

What is defensive driving?

Many states and city or circuit courts offer an option to take defensive driving, known also as a driver improvement program and accident prevention course for dismissing a traffic ticket involving a moving violation. Speeding tickets are the most often common offenses which result in traffic fines or driving safety deferrals.

What is a deferred adjudication?

A deferred adjudication or deferred judgement is a probation because a judge or court official authorizes the deferral of the fine.

Can you get a discount on your insurance if you take defensive driving courses?

A benefit in taking the low cost online defensive driving courses are that not only will you dismissed the ticket or get points deducted from your drivers license record, you can usually get an auto insurance discount as well!


Benefits of Taking A Mature Driver Improvement Course

Course Time and Requirements

  1. You can attend a mature driver improvement course in a classroom or non-classroom setting.
  2. Actual classroom time must be at least 400 minutes of instruction for the initial course and 240 minutes of instruction for the renewal course (not including registration time, breaks, lunch period...
  3. A completion certificate for the initial course is valid for three years from the date of complet…
  1. You can attend a mature driver improvement course in a classroom or non-classroom setting.
  2. Actual classroom time must be at least 400 minutes of instruction for the initial course and 240 minutes of instruction for the renewal course (not including registration time, breaks, lunch period...
  3. A completion certificate for the initial course is valid for three years from the date of completion.
  4. The certificate may be renewed by successfully completing a subsequent renewal mature driver improvement course within one year of the expiration of the certificate, or if more than one year has el...


  • The maximum fee for the classroom or non-classroom course is $30 plus a $1 charge for a DMV certificate to be presented to your insurer as proof you have completed the course.
See more on dmv.ca.gov

How to Apply to Become A Mature Driver Improvement Course Provider

  • Before you apply, you need to get lesson plan approval by submitting a letter authorizing you to utilize a previously approved lesson plan or an original lesson plan. Allow a minimum of 120 days for approval. Download the Mature Driver Improvement Course Guidelines (OL 1008)for help developing your lesson plan. To apply to to become a course provider, submit the following: 1. A…
See more on dmv.ca.gov