how do i import moodle course from

by Mrs. Meta Sawayn 5 min read

Go to the Moodle page for thenewcourse. 2. Find your Administration Block (usually at bottom left) and click Import. 3. On the next screen, you will search for the course you want to import from.

Upload courses
  1. Go to Administration > Site administration > Courses > Upload courses.
  2. Either drag and drop the CSV file or click the 'Choose a file' button and select the file in the file picker.
  3. Select appropriate import options carefully, then click the preview button.

Full Answer

How do I access my Moodle course?

On the Course Management panel, under Course Settings, select Import. The Find a course to import data from page will open. The Find a course to import data from page will list up to 10 courses available for you to copy.

How to import Moodle course materials into Schoology?

Jul 05, 2005 · 2) Log in as an administrator. 3) Look in the administrator menu and click on "site files". 4) I have created a folder structure in "site files" that holds BB archives for each instructor. Create a structure that makes sense for your situation. Click the " upload a file" button and browse to your .zip file. Select that file and click "upload ...

How to create a course on Moodle?

Contact AskITif you would like us to import material for you. Instructions Instructions: 1. Go to the Moodle page for thenewcourse. 2. Find your Administration Block (usually at bottom left) and click Import. 3. On the next screen, you will search for the course you want to import from.

How to open your Moodle course to students?

Import Content into Course Click the Import Course Contentlink. Select Content Type In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Moodle 1.9/2.x .zip fileoption. Choose File Click the Choose File button. Open File Find and click the Moodle .zip or .mbz file you want to import [1]. Click the Open button[2]. Select Question Bank

How do I import a course into Moodle?

InstructionsGo to the Moodle page for the new course and click the "Course Management" gear icon in the top menu bar.Click "Import".On the next screen, you will search for the course you want to import from. ... Select the course you want and click Continue.Choose what Moodle components you want to import.More items...

How do I copy a course from one Moodle to another?

Prepare Items to CopyOpen the course you will copy item(s) from. ... In the menu bar at the top of your course page, select Turn Editing On (green pencil icon ). ... Scroll to the bottom of the course page and click + Add topics to create a new Section. ... For each item you wish to copy, click Edit, then select Duplicate.More items...

How do I export a Moodle course?

Exporting Content From Moodle From within a course, from the course Administration menu, choose Backup. Select whether to export as a Common Cartridge or a native Moodle file. Follow the succession of screens, to complete the process.

How do I import a quiz from one Moodle course to another?

Go to the course where you want the questions to appear:In the settings menu select Question bank.Click on Import.Select Moodle XML format.Click on CHOOSE A FILE and select the XML file that you just exported.Click IMPORT.

How do I move an activity from one course to another in Moodle?

1) Go to the course you want your activities to be moved TO and in the course admin block click "import" You'll get a list of courses you have taught in - find the one that has the activity and then select it - folow the instructions to only import the activities you want in the course.

How do I transfer data from Moodle?

Recommended methodTurn on maintenance mode. ... Backup the Moodle database on the old server. ... Restore the database backup to the new server. ... Copy moodledata from the old server to the new server. ... Copy the Moodle code from the old server to the new server. ... Update config. ... Test the copied site.More items...•Jan 12, 2020

How do I export a database from Moodle?

Exporting database dataGo to the course homepage.Find the Database and click its link.Click the Export tab.Choose the format you wish to export to: CSV or ODS. ... Select the fields you want to export. ... Check Include user details to include who submitted each entry.More items...

How do I download data from Moodle?

Under the Course administration tab, in the top list of links, select Download instructor files. Moodle will compress the files into a single ZIP file and begin the download process, which will differ depending on your browser settings. The . zip file will download with no progress bar or completion alert.

Examples and tips

Importing a quiz from course A to course B, will also add the questions to the question bank so you can use them in new quizzes.

Import course capabilities

Backup for import - allows a user to backup a course ready for importing into another course

What Gets Copied in the Import Process

By default, the Import function copies everything in a Moodle course with a few exceptions (see below). When you import into your new course, most content, activities, and settings will be imported with the same layout and organization as the previous Moodle course.

Import an Entire Course

Because the import process is "additive," it is best to import into a new, empty course if you are importing an entire course. To duplicate the organization and most of the settings of Resources and Activities into the new course, follow the steps below:

Clean Up Imported Content and Recreate Certain Item Types

After completing the Import process, be sure to attend to these important tasks as needed to finish preparing your course for the new term:

How do I import a Blackboard course?

Hello,#N#I am working toward putting Moodle to use in our schools system. One of my colleagues recently purchased some training material for MS Office 2003. This material included a ZIP archive that can be imported into Blackboard.

Re: How do I import a Blackboard course?

4) I have created a folder structure in "site files" that holds BB archives for each instructor. Create a structure that makes sense for your situation. Click the " upload a file" button and browse to your .zip file. Select that file and click "upload this file" to upload your zip file to the open folder.

Select Content Type

In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Moodle 1.9/2.x .zip file option.

Select Question Bank

In the Default Question bank drop-down menu, select the Question bank you want to use for your question bank from Moodle.

Select Migration Content

To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1].

Adjust Events and Due Dates

If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox.

View Current Jobs

The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import [1].


How to Import Activities Or Resources

  1. In Course Administration>Settings, click on the Importlink:
  2. Select the course you wish to import from and click Continue.
  3. You will be presented with the "backup settings" page. Use the check boxes for import activities, blocks and or filters as types of items which will show on the next screen.
  4. Select the elements you want to include in the import in the Schema settings step.
  1. In Course Administration>Settings, click on the Importlink:
  2. Select the course you wish to import from and click Continue.
  3. You will be presented with the "backup settings" page. Use the check boxes for import activities, blocks and or filters as types of items which will show on the next screen.
  4. Select the elements you want to include in the import in the Schema settings step.
  5. Review and click Perform importor click the cancel or previous buttons. The confirmation page will place green check marks and red marks next to the backup settings and include item list for you to...
  6. You should see the Import complete; click Continue to return to the course.

Examples and Tips

  1. Importing a quiz from course A to course B, will also add the questions to the question bank so you can use them in new quizzes.
  2. Tip:Groups can also be imported as a batch from a file.
  3. Tip:It may be necessary to check all Activities (Forums, Assignments, etc.) to assure they are now using HTML format. Due to the change in the HTML editor from 1.9 to 2.2, editing of Act…
  1. Importing a quiz from course A to course B, will also add the questions to the question bank so you can use them in new quizzes.
  2. Tip:Groups can also be imported as a batch from a file.
  3. Tip:It may be necessary to check all Activities (Forums, Assignments, etc.) to assure they are now using HTML format. Due to the change in the HTML editor from 1.9 to 2.2, editing of Activities com...

Import Course Capabilities

See Also

  1. Course backup & Course restore- for a similar process
  2. Course import does not restore legacy files MDL-25631(fixed for 2.3.7)
  3. Tracker issue MDL-25993Import screen needs deselect all option - including browser workaround tip
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